Large Scale Optimization
Recent papers in Large Scale Optimization
The fleet assignment problem (FAP) deals with assigning aircraft types, each having a different capacity, to the scheduled flights, based on equipment capabilities and availabilities, operational costs, and potential revenues. An... more
Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods have proved highly effective for solving constrained optimization problems with smooth nonlinear functions in the objective and constraints. Here we consider problems with general inequality... more
A large number of problems in production planning and scheduling, location, transportation, finance, and engineering design require that decisions be made in the presence of uncertainty. Uncertainty, for instance, governs the prices of... more
We describe a primal-dual application of the proximal point algorithm to nonconvex minimization problems. Motivated by the work of Spingarn and more recently by the work of Hamdi et al. about the primal resource-directive decomposition... more
Given a flight schedule and set of aircraft, the fleet assignment problem is to determine which type of aircraft should fly each flight segment. This paper describes a basic daily, domestic fleet assignment problem and then presents... more
This paper propose a new method for designing a stand-alone hybrid wind-photovoltaic-diesel-battery system that minimizes the inequality coefficient and annualized cost of system and maximizes the correlation coefficient using... more
Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods have proved highly effective for solv- ing constrained optimization problems with smooth nonlinear functions in the objective and constraints.Here we consider problems with general inequality... more
In this article, software for the numerical approximation of double integrals over a variety of regions is described. The software was written in Cϩϩ. Classes for a large number of shapes are provided. A global adaptive integration... more
P lagued by high labor costs, low profitability margins, airspace and airport congestion, high capital and operating costs, security and safety concerns, and complex and large-scale management and operations decisions, the airline... more
An efficient systematic iterative solution strategy for solving real-world scheduling problems in multiproduct multistage batch plants is presented. Since the proposed method has its core a mathematical model, two alternative MIP... more
The multiple allocation hub-and-spoke network design under hub congestion problem is addressed in this paper. A non-linear mixed integer programming formulation is proposed, modeling the congestion as a convex cost function. A generalized... more
New approaches to achieving, assessing, and optimizing safe and efficient management of our ever-growing civil aircraft traffic aim to improve traffic flow and reduce costs.
The time-frequency and time-scale communities have recently developed a large number of overcomplete waveform dictionaries-stationary wavelets, wavelet packets, cosine packets, chirplets, and warplets, to name a few. Decomposition into... more
The main disadvantage of GAs is the high CPU time execution and the quality of the solution deteriorate with practical large-scale optimal power flow (OPF) problems. This paper presents an efficient parallel GA (EPGA) combined with fuzzy... more
Keywords: Preconditioner for the conjugate gradiente method, Limited Memory quasi-Newton technique and interior point algorithm. Abstract. We study the appication of the conjugated gradient method preconditioned by a limited memory... more
This paper explores the convergence of nonlinear conjugate gradient methods without restarts, and with practical line searches. The analysis covers two classes of methods that are globally convergent on smooth, nonconvex functions. Some... more
This paper presents an efficient parallel GA (EPGA) for the solution of large scale OPF. The decomposition procedure decomposes the original problem into several interacting sub problems that can be solved with smaller sub populations and... more
We present a new matrix-free method for the computation of the negative curvature direction in large scale unconstrained problems. We describe a curvilinear method which uses a combination of a quasi-Newton direc- tion and a negative... more
This paper proposes the scale factor local search differential evolution (SFLSDE). The SFLSDE is a differential evolution (DE) based memetic algorithm which employs, within a self-adaptive scheme, two local search algorithms. These local... more
An algorithm is described for solving large-scale nonlinear programs whose objective and constraint functions are smooth and continuously differentiable. The algorithm is of the projected Lagrangian type, involving a sequence of sparse,... more
During the last three decades there has been a growing interest in problem solving systems based on algorithms which rely on analogies to natural processes. The best known algorithms in this class include evolutionary programming ,... more
This paper considers the solution of certain large scale optimization problems governed by parabolic partial differential equations. A quadratic functional containing a data misfit term is minimized to approximately recover the parameter... more
We present an algorithm for large-scale unconstrained optimization based on Newton's method. In large-scale optimization, solving the Newton equations at each iteration can be expensive and may not be justified when far from a solution.... more
Managing construction projects to success requires speedy and efficient utilization of the multiple resources involved in day-today operations. It is necessary, therefore, to incorporate some optimization features into construction... more
In this paper, an unconstrained minimization algorithm is defined in which a nonmonotone line search technique is employed in association with a truncated Newton algorithm. Numerical results obtained for a set of standard test problems... more
This paper proposes an iterative method for solving non-convex optimization problems which we call sequential convex programming (SCP) and an application of our method to time trajectory planning problem for a car motion. Firstly, we... more
Abstract. The present report establishes the computational issues that will be considered for the implementation of hybrid optimization approaches ori-ented to automated parameter estimation problems. The proposed hybrid optimization... more
Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are stochastic search methods that mimic the natural biological evolution and/or the social behavior of species. Such algorithms have been developed to arrive at near-optimum solutions to large-scale... more
Bridges are vital links in infrastructure road networks and require frequent maintenance and repair to keep them functional throughout their service lives. However, with most existing bridges being old and the funds available for repair... more
In telecommunication and transportation systems, the uncapacitated multiple allocation hub location problem (UMAHLP) arises when we must flow commodities or information between several origin–destination pairs. Instead of establishing a... more
In part I of this article, we proposed a Lagrange-Newton-Krylov-Schur (LNKS) method for the solution of optimization problems that are constrained by partial differential equations. LNKS uses Krylov iterations to solve the linearized... more
Abstract¾The Lagrangean/surrogate relaxation has been explored as a faster computational alternative to traditional Lagrangean heuristics. In this work the Lagrangean/surrogate relaxation and traditional column generation approaches are... more
Decomposition of multidisciplinary engineering system design problems into smaller subproblems is desirable because it enhances robustness and understanding of the numerical results. Moreover, subproblems can be solved in parallel using... more
Real-time, closed-loop optimization and control of enterprise-scale dynamic systems remains a challenging problem. Draper's approach combines the theories of decomposition of large-scale optimization problems and distributed control. The... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to compare the effectiveness of two meta-heuristics in solving the problem of scheduling maintenance operations and jobs processing on a single machine. Design/methodology/approach -The two... more
Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods have proved highly effective for solving constrained optimization problems with smooth nonlinear functions in the objective and constraints. Here we consider problems with general inequality... more
This paper proposes a novel algorithm for large-scale optimization problems. The proposed algorithm, namely shuffle or update parallel differential evolution (SOUPDE) is a structured population algorithm characterized by sub-populations... more
A robust and efficient methodology is presented for treating large-scale reliability-based structural optimization problems. The optimization is performed with evolution strategies, while the reliability analysis is carried out with the... more
Robotic platforms are essential for production of large numbers of expression-ready plasmid sets to develop optimized clones and improved microbial strains for crucial bioenergy applications and simultaneous high-value peptide expression.... more