Language learning anxiety

44 papers
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Language learning anxiety refers to the feelings of apprehension, nervousness, or fear that individuals experience when learning or using a new language. This phenomenon can hinder language acquisition and communication, impacting learners' confidence and performance in language-related tasks.
This study explores the effectiveness of a web application designed for goal setting and self-evaluation, implemented in compulsory English as a Foreign Language (EFL) courses at Kyushu Sangyo University. Utilizing a quasi-experimental... more
‘Tathāgata’ is an epithet or significant honorific designation widely used in early Buddhist Pāli scriptures to refer to Gotama Buddha or Śākyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, a historical figure revered as the teacher of humankind in... more
Background: Interactive learning environments have emerged as transformative tools in education, enhancing engagement, academic performance, and addressing challenges like learning anxiety. This study examines the influence of multiple... more
This study examines the characteristics of dalans, traditional covered walkways in Kandahar Old City in Afghanistan. The analysis of changes in the distribution of dalans uses an old map (1880), an aerial photograph (1966), and satellite... more
内容の要旨, 審査の要旨広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(歯学)Doctor of Philosophy in Dental Sciencedoctora
A ἉΜΑΡΤΙΑ: CULPA, IGNORÂNCIA OU PARANOIA. LIRA, D. P.. A ἁμαρτία: culpa, ignorância ou paranoia? In: ALBERTIM, Alcione Lucena de; PAREDES, Willy (Org.). Escritos Clássicos Greco-Latinos, ed.1. João Pessoa: Editora do CCTA/UFPB, 2020,... more
This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Asset-based teaching approach in increasing the reading comprehension of graduating senior high students from TVL and HUMSS strands during the School’s District Reading Remediation... more
This document describes development of I-shaped beam(I-beam) using Diagonal Lattice Panel (DLP) that is made of Japanese cedar, for web. The diagonal lattice panel has excellent shear performance that is suitable for I-beam. Flange is LVL... more
This paper proposes a novel imaging method using near infrared light of single wavelength to visualize the concentration distribution of salt generated by neutralization reaction of aqueous solutions of acid and alkali in a microfluidic... more
The double impulse input is used as a good substitute of the near-fault ground motion and the closed-form expression is derived of the bilinear elastic-plastic critical response of a structure under this double input. The closed-form... more
English is a relatively difficult subject for Indonesian-speaking learners. The anxiety of learning English is reported to be associated with the level of English learning achievement. To understand the Universitas Serambi Mekkah... more
広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(工学)Doctor of Engineeringdoctora
10 7 1) 66 (1)(2)(3) (4) 58 (5)(6)(7) 58 3 (5) *Kaly adeva Bodhisattvacary vat ra-sa sk ra D No. 3874 P No. 5275, r kum ra & dGe ba'i blo gros (6) 2 Vairocanarak ita Bodhisattvacary vat ra-pañjik D No. 3875B, P No. 5277. (7) Vibh ticandra... more
The seismic response of rack warehouses is known to be reduced by horizontal sliding of the warehouse contents, which act as mass dampers. However, in past earthquakes business continuity has been interrupted due to damage from spilling,... more
The teaching of English as a second/foreign language to Arab students has received considerable attention during the past decade. The use of English as a medium of instruction in the Arabian Gulf has become prominent but has only recently... more
Language anxiety is becoming a significant issue in language teaching and learning. It has been a common problem in the EFL context and has had a significant impact on language teaching. Furthermore, students who were learning English... more
Anxiety has been the most researched emotion-related topic in second and foreign language learning. A great number of these research have concentrated on the causes of anxiety when speaking English, which is influenced by a number of... more
Theater is predicated on the use of multiple codes in order to communicate. Any per- formance involves strategies (directorial choices) that may reinforce, or, by contrast, disturb their stability. Code trouble becomes particularly... more
Vocabulary acquisition is vital in learning a language. To express ideas and communicate clearly, sufficient amount of vocabulary is required for language learners. Learning vocabulary maybe challenging to second language learners, so... more
To approach reliable, objective and applicable assessment of transformability of apartment buildings, the uthors proposed Degree of Freedom of Transformation (DFT) Index and Transformability Profile (TP) evaluation method which combines... more