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This dissertation is based on a long-term ethnographic and sociophonetic study of 15 transgender people on the female-to-male (or transmasculine) identity spectrum. The focus of the study is the way these individuals’ voices change during... more
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      Transgender StudiesLanguage and GenderSomatechnicsSociophonetics
This article demonstrates the importance of considering transgender speakers apart from gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, even where there is significant overlap in the linguistic practices of these groups. Through an analysis of transgender... more
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      Transgender StudiesLanguage and GenderLanguage and SexualityDisclosure
Sociophonetic inquiry into sexuality and the voice has often focused on the perception of men's sexuality on the basis of disembodied voices. However, inconsistencies across these studies limit our ability to unit their findings into a... more
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      Transgender StudiesTransgender StudiesLanguage and GenderSociophonetics
Recent theorizations of trans embodiment have brought attention to the ways neoliberalism limits the productivity of non-normatively gendered bodies. This paper deals with the discursive framing of embodiment and sexual desirability among... more
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      Gender and SexualityEmbodimentCritical Discourse AnalysisNeoliberalism

To cite: Tosh, J. (2016). Psychology and gender dysphoria: Feminist and transgender perspectives. London: Routledge.
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      Discourse AnalysisGender StudiesTransgender StudiesLanguage and Gender
In this essay, I draw on my experience as a trans, Francophone, feminist researcher to share my reflections on the difficulties encountered within Francophone contexts in the development of knowledge that moves beyond “the familiar and... more
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      Social MovementsFeminist TheoryFrench StudiesTransgender Studies
Recent theorizations of trans embodiment have brought attention to the ways neoliberalism limits the productivity of non-normatively gendered bodies. This paper deals with the discursive framing of embodiment and sexual desirability among... more
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      Transgender StudiesSexualityNeoliberalismLanguage and Sexuality
Recent years have seen a substantial change in how children who challenge gender norms (referred to in this article as ‘‘Gender Independent’’) are regarded by professionals, by their families and by the public at large. Pathologized and... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesSex and GenderSociology of Children and Childhood
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      Transgender StudiesLanguage and GenderEmbodimentQueer Linguistics
Despite the importance of gender differences in the voice, sociolinguists have not paid sufficient attention to the sociolinguistic processes through which phonetic resources are mobilized in the construction of a gendered voice. This... more
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      SociophoneticsFundamental FrequencyLanguage, Gender, and SexualityPitch
Language for transgender people and transgender talk. Or how transgender individuals are shaped and shape themselves in language. Special Issue of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language (IJSL) De Gruyter Mouton Editor:... more
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      Transgender StudiesTheories of Gender and TransgenderTransgenderGay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Youth
Drawing on discursive psychology, this book traces the historical development of psychiatric constructions of ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ gender expression. It contextualizes the recent reconstruction of gender in the 5th edition of the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGender StudiesSex and GenderFeminist Theory
Im Sommersemester 2018 fand an der Universität Innsbruck die dritte AG Study Group, eine von Studierenden des Master Gender, Kultur und Sozialer Wandel organisierte Lehrveranstaltung statt. Diese trug den Titel „Trans Studies: Einführung... more
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      Transgender StudiesTheories of Gender and TransgenderLanguage and TransgenderTransgender Children
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      Language and GenderGestureEmbodimentThird Gender
This dissertation is based on a long-term ethnographic and sociophonetic study of 15 transgender people on the female-to-male (or transmasculine) identity spectrum. The focus of the study is the way these individuals’ voices change during... more
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      SociolinguisticsTransgender StudiesLanguage and GenderSomatechnics