Language and Memory

2,005 papers
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Language and Memory is an interdisciplinary field that examines the relationship between linguistic processes and memory systems, exploring how language influences memory encoding, storage, and retrieval, as well as how memory affects language comprehension and production.
Second-language (L2) acquisition is generally thought to be constrained by maturational factors that circumscribe a critical period for nativelike attainment. Consistent with the maturational view are age effects among learners who begin... more
This paper begins by considering problems that have plagued investigations of automatic or unconscious influences of perception and memory. A process dissociation procedure that provides an escape from those problems is introduced. The... more
The access of idiomatic expressions was investigated in three cross-modal priming experiments. When the idiomatic string was predictable, subjects were faster at performing a lexical decision to idiomatically related targets than to... more
We report five experiments that investigate syntactic priming (Bock, 1986b) using a written completion task. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that priming occurs if the prime and target contain different verbs, but that stronger priming occurs... more
A common account of working memory capacity, and its development, incorporates the notion of limited mental resources being shared between processing and storage components. Working memory tasks are assumed to measure this capacity.... more
Since the 196Os, there has been controversy as to whether long-term learning might depend on some form of temporary short-term storage. Evidence that patients with grossly impaired memory span might show normal learning was, however,... more
In five experiments we examined the way in which readers reanalyze garden-path sentences, using grammaticality judgments as the dependent measure. The stimuli were twoclause sentences containing an ambiguous noun phrase which could... more
Three lexical decision experiments were carried out to investigate the nature of morphological decomposition in the lexical system. The first of these experiments compares the priming effect of inflectionally and derivationally related... more
Four experiments investigated whether bilinguals activate spelling-to-sound correspondences in a nontarget language during word naming by examining whether the existence of word-body neighbors in the nontarget language impairs naming of... more
In a series of picture-word interference experiments, Catalan-Spanish bilinguals named pictures in Catalan with distractor words printed either in Catalan (same-language pairs) or in Spanish (differentlanguage pairs). Naming was... more
Comparisons of bilinguals and monolinguals have typically found poorer performance by bilinguals in a variety of memory tasks. However, these studies have used bilinguals who were not native speakers of the monolingual's language, and who... more
by Albert Costa and 
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Based on previous reports of bilinguals' reduced non-linguistic switch cost, we explored how bilingualism affects various task-switching mechanisms. We tested different groups of Spanish monolinguals and highly-proficient Catalan-Spanish... more
The Battig and Montague (1969) category norms have been an invaluable tool for researchers in many fields, with a recent literature search revealing their use in over 1600 projects published in more than 200 different journals. Since... more
Hillsdale. NJ. Erlbaum). Causal network representations of the stories were derived for prediction of data on immediate and delayed recall, summarization, and judged importance of events. Properties of the networks were compared in... more
AddresseesÕ eye movements were tracked as they followed instructions given by a confederate speaker hidden from view. Experiment 1 used objects in common ground (known to both participants) or privileged ground (known to the addressee).... more
What role does mutual knowledge play in the comprehension process? We compare two answers to this question for the comprehension of definite reference. The Restricted Search hypothesis assumes that addressees rely on the principle of... more
Studies of elicited sentence production show that the occasional subject-verb agreement errors that speakers make are more likely to occur when a singular head noun is followed by a plural, as in The producer of the adventure movies have... more
Wordlikeness, the extent to which a sound sequence is typical of words in a language, affects language acquisition, language processing, and verbal short-term memory. Wordlikeness has generally been equated with phonotactic knowledge of... more
Baayen, R. H., T. Dijkstra, and R. Schreuder Are regular morphologically complex words stored in the mental lexicon? Answers to this question have ranged from full listing to parsing for every regular complex word. We investigated the... more
The effect of presentation duration on false recall induced by presentation of semantically associated and phonologically associated word lists was examined. When 16-word lists comprised of semantically related words (e.g., bed, yawn)... more
In four experiments the representation of words in a Dutch-English bilingual lexicon was examined. Within-and between-language repetition-priming and associative (semantic)priming effects were compared. In Experiments 1 and 2 only cognate... more
The present study investigated the cognitive nature of second language (L2) lexical processing in sentence context. We examined bilinguals' L2 word recognition performance for language-ambiguous words [cognates (e.g., piano) and... more
Experiments were designed to produce illusions of immediate memory and of perception, in order to demonstrate that subjective experience of familiarity and perceptual quality may rely on an unconscious attribution process. Subjects saw a... more
This study examines how the cross-linguistic similarity of translation equivalents affects bilingual word recognition. Performing one of three tasks, Dutch-English bilinguals processed cognates with varying degrees of form overlap between... more
The influence of memory on the subjective experience of later problem solving was investigated in two experiments. Study of the solution words to anagrams in the first phase of the experiments lead to faster solution of those anagrams in... more
PeopleÕs knowledge about the world comes from many sources, including fictional ones such as movies and novels.
Five experiments are reported in which the picture naming performance of bilingual speakers in a languageswitching task was explored. In Experiment 1, Spanish learners of Catalan and Korean learners of Spanish were asked to perform a... more
Thinking about the meaning of studied words (deep processing) enhances memory on typical recognition tests, relative to focusing on perceptual features (shallow processing). One explanation for this levels-of-processing effect is that... more
Slippery slope arguments (SSAs) have a bad philosophical reputation. They seem, however, to be widely used and frequently accepted in many legal, political, and ethical contexts. argued that distinguishing strong and weak SSAs may have a... more
In a series of picture-word interference experiments, Catalan-Spanish bilinguals named pictures in Catalan with distractor words printed either in Catalan (same-language pairs) or in Spanish (differentlanguage pairs). Naming was... more
In describing the phonotactics (patterning of phonemes) of English syllables, linguists have focused on absolute restrictions concerning which phonemes may occupy which slots of the syllable. To determine whether probabilistic patterns... more
We first show that in a word-translation task, context words induce semantic interference whereas context pictures induce semantic facilitation. Experiments 2 and 3 show that this finding is not due to differences between context words... more
Two eye-tracking experiments investigated processing of unbounded dependency constructions. Experiment 1 employed sentences like That's the garage/pistol with which the heartless killer shot the man yesterday afternoon. Readers... more
Individuals often claim that they vividly remember information with negative emotional content. At least two types of information could lead to this sense of enhanced vividness: Information about the emotional item itself (e.g., the exact... more
A standard view of language processing holds that lexical forms are arbitrary, and that nonarbitrary relationships between meaning and form such as onomatopoeias are unusual cases with little relevance to language processing in general.... more
Two eye-tracking experiments investigated processing of VP-NP attachment ambiguities. Experiment 1 tested sentences in which there was an initial bias toward VP attachment. Readers experienced more difficulty when semantic information... more
Three eye movement studies examined the role of punctuation in reading. In Experiment 1, although a comma at the end of a clause facilitated overall reading times for the sentence, first pass times were longer at the end of commamarked... more
In two experiments, participants were given, in an initial session, three trials of training on French-English vocabulary pairs and then were tested on these pairs. In a second session 1 week later, they were retested and then retrained... more
The effects of briefly presented, masked, and orthographically and/or phonologically related nonword primes on the recognition of subsequently presented target words were investigated in different experimental tasks. Robust effects of... more
This paper begins by considering problems that have plagued investigations of automatic or unconscious influences of perception and memory. A process dissociation procedure that provides an escape from those problems is introduced. The... more
Two tasks were used to study the syllabification of intervocalic consonants like the /V's of melon and collide. In an oral task, subjects reversed the syllables in words; in a written task, they selected between alternative... more
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The time-course with which readers use event-specific world knowledge (thematic fit) to resolve structural ambiguity was explored through experiments and implementation of constraintbased and two-stage models. In a norming study, subjects... more
Most current models of language production assume that information about gender is selected only in phrasal contexts, and that the phonological form of a noun can be accessed without selecting its syntactic properties. In this paper, we... more
Similarity between component speech sounds influences language processing in numerous ways. Explanation and detailed prediction of linguistic performance consequently requires an understanding of these basic similarities. The research... more
A series of experiments explored whether chunking in short-term memory for verbal materials depends on attentionally limited executive processes. Secondary tasks were used to disrupt components of working memory and chunking was indexed... more