Language and Linguistics

789 papers
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Language and Linguistics is the scientific study of language, encompassing its structure, meaning, and context. It examines the nature of language, its development, and its social and cognitive functions, employing various methodologies to analyze phonetics, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.
This study explores parallels and differences in the comprehension ofwh-questions and relative clauses between early foreign-language (FL) learners and monolingual children. We test for (a) effects of syntactic first-language (L1)... more
This paper explores some of the difficulties involved in defining satire. Neither the formal characteristics of satire nor its informing purposes, including its variable associations with humour and the provocation of amusement allow for... more
The bland assumption that there exist universal concepts awaits substantiation. and so I find it hard to believe that there are universal concepts corresponding to all the semantic markers Katz has postulated in his works. Even if such... more
The aim of this paper is to analyze list constructions as linguistic tools to build categories in discourse, identifying the inferential processes leading from list constructions to categorization and examining the semantic and... more
The aim of this paper is to analyze list constructions as linguistic tools to build categories in discourse, identifying the inferential processes leading from list constructions to categorization and examining the semantic and... more
A common finding is that items associated with higher reward value are subsequently remembered better than items associated with lower value. A confounding factor is that when a higher value stimuli is presented, this typically signals to... more
We thank Jeff Pisklak and Brenna Schuldhaus for helping with participant testing.
The aim of this paper is to analyze list constructions as linguistic tools to build categories in discourse, identifying the inferential processes leading from list constructions to categorization and examining the semantic and... more
Reporting guidelines, such as the CONSORT (Consolidated Reporting of Randomised Trials) Statement, improve the reporting of research in the medical literature . Many such guidelines exist and the CONSORT Extension to Nonpharmacological... more
This article looks at the changes made to examinations in England over recent decades and asks about the politics behind the changes. It considers how increasingly centralised the assessment regime has become, moving from a system where... more
We outline work performed within the framework of a current EC project. The goal is to construct a language-independent information system for a specific domain (environment/ecology/biodiversity) anchored in a language-independent... more
This article reports the development of a tool for measuring how comfortable a person feels when communicating with someone who has undergone treatment for stuttering. The person rates the speaker on a 9-point Listener Comfort Scale (9 =... more
This article reports the development of a tool for measuring how comfortable a person feels when communicating with someone who has undergone treatment for stuttering. The person rates the speaker on a 9-point Listener Comfort Scale (9 =... more
§ 1. As last edited by Kassel and Austin (2001, 146; henceforth K.-A. I) 1 the text of the pseudo-Epicharmean fragment 249 runs as follows (4troch.^): εὐσεβὴς βίος µέγιστον ἐφόδιον θνητοῖς † ἐστι 'a pious life †is † the greatest... more
l'auteur de langue anglaise) et Gwyn Thomas (son homonyme de langue galloise), R.S. Thomas, Aled Vaughan, Raymond Williams, Waldo Williams... la liste est longue -et incomplète -des auteurs gallois contemporains d'importance, de langue... more
The objective was to review the literature on diffusion tensor imaging as well as resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography (EEG) to unveil neuroanatomical and neurophysiological substrates of... more
This article provides an overview of the dissemination work carried out in META-NET from 2010 until early 2014; we describe its impact on the regional, national and international level, mainly with regard to politics and the situation of... more
In recent years the possibility of using humanoid robots to perform interviews with children has been explored in a number of studies. This paper details a study in which a potential real-world user trialled a Robot-Mediated Interviewing... more
Research into understanding the process through which EFL writers revise texts have centered on matters of degree: of cognitive capacity and complexity or volume of tasks. This essay explores some of the junctures between dual process... more
Background: Self-management approaches are routinely used in chronic conditions to enable patients to take responsibility for their own care. A self-management approach may be appropriate for individuals with aphasia, but this has not... more
Background: Self-management approaches are routinely used in chronic conditions to enable patients to take responsibility for their own care. A self-management approach may be appropriate for individuals with aphasia, but this has not... more
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A doubly quantified sentence, such as All hikers climbed a hill, allows two interpretations: Did all hikers climb different hills, or did they climb the same hill? Previous work has shown that comprehenders construct disambiguated logical... more
Although language test-takers have been the focus of much theoretical and empirical work in recent years, this work has been mainly concerned with their attitudes to test preparation and test-taking strategies, giving insufficient... more
(2017) Evidence of vanillin binding to CAMKIV explains the anticancer mechanism in human hepatic carcinoma and neuroblastoma cells. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (In Press).
This study examines monolingual and multilingual individuals’ discrimination of stop consonants in a language to which they had never been exposed: Korean. If bilingualism leads to increased flexibility in phonological categorization, we... more
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Cochrane... more
This study describes the experience of childhood speech impairment (speech sound disorder) from the perspective of two young men and their mothers. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the four participants, with questions... more
News of the attacks on New York and Washington on September 11th 2001 spread fast, mainly through dramatic images of the events broadcast via a global television media, particularly 24-hour news channels such as BBC News 24 and CNN.... more
With the advancement of technology, learning apps have redefined learning by making it more personalized, accessible and flexible since it allows students to learn at their own pace, receive instant feedback and access various courses and... more
From limited evidence, children track the regularities of their language impressively fast and they infer generalized rules that apply to novel instances. This study investigated what triggers the inductive leap from memorizing specific... more
Task switching refers to the demanding cognitive control process that allows us to flexibly switch between different task contexts. It is a seminal observation that task switching comes with a performance cost (i.e., switch cost), but... more
In this paper, we overview the recently introduced general framework of Description Logic Based Dynamic Systems, which leverages Levesque's functional approach to model systems that evolve the extensional part of a description logic... more
Este artigo objetiva discutir como as teorias queer podem ser articuladas à discussão sobre raça no âmbito da educação, focalizando, especialmente, a formação pré e em serviço de professores(as) de línguas e de educação artística. Para... more
The validity of the Language ENvironment Analysis (LENA) System was evaluated for Dutch. 216 5-min samples (six samples per age per child) were selected from daylong recordings at 5, 10 and 14 months of age of native Dutch-speaking... more
A number of characteristics of the visual system and of the visual stimulus are invoked to explain involuntary control of attention, including goals, novelty, and perceptual salience. The present experiment tested perceptual salience on a... more
Recent approaches to goal recognition have progressively relaxed the requirements about the amount of domain knowledge and available observations, yielding accurate and efficient algorithms. These approaches, however, assume that there is... more
One of the most prominent features of schizophrenia is relatively lower general cognitive ability (GCA). An emerging approach to understanding the roots of variation in GCA relies on network properties of the brain. In this multi-center... more
Minor syllables have been identified throughout Kuki-Chin languages, analyzed with a varying amount of segmental and tonal contrast and underlying specification. There has been minimal work done on the Khumi languages of Myanmar,... more
Recent advances in speech technology are potentially of great benefit to the professionals who help people with speech problems: therapists, pathologists, educators and clinicians. There are 3 obstacles to progress which we seek to... more
Hawliau Cyffredinol / General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users... more