Let us suppose that you are a research linguist, tormented by some doubts and questions about the state of your profession, and not constrained by having to repeat a catechism of "known truths" to Linguistics 101 students, and not worried... more
Scholars suggest that what constitutes an effective argumentation is culturally driven and L1 specific rhetorical or argument patterns may influence written argumentation in a second language. The present study, thus, explores the... more
It has been argued that depending on gender language is used in different ways in society, and the fact that language is surveyed differently leads to the thesis that men and women have ‘differentiated communicative competence’ (Coates,... more
This 800-page volume is a clear and readable presentation of the current state of research on the history of the Tibeto-Burman (TB) language family, a typologically diverse group of over 250 languages spoken in Southern China, the... more
"Diversité Linguistique. Un défi pour l’Europe is the French translation of Linguistic Diversity. A Challenge for Europe. It consists of a transcription of the conference hosted 4th March 2010 by the European Parliament and organized by... more
A globalização e os avanços científicos e tecnológicos diminuíram as distâncias espacial e temporal entre os homens, conectou culturas, possibilitou trocas, promoveu profundas transformações no comportamento humano e aumentou o abismo... more
1 This discussion challenges English language teachers and others to look at the impact English spread has on local perspectives. suggests that we should start exploring knowledge in local instead of global contexts to better understand... more
The rejection of the onomatopoeic theory of the origin of language by Müller , together with Saussure's (1916) partial extension of the principle of arbitrariness to phonetically motivated words, seems to be among the reasons for a drop... more
It has been repeatedly observed that focus substantially changes the sentence prosody in many languages not only by increasing F 0 , duration, and intensity on the focused components but also by compressing the pitch range and intensity... more
En este trabajo reanalizaremos una estructura sintáctica que ha sido objeto de estudio en la Gramática Generativa desde la década del ’70 (por ejemplo, Chomsky & Lasnik, 1977): las estructuras de “ascenso”. En estas estructuras hay un... more
Perceção de variantes dialetais do Português europeu continental: um estudo exploratório ____________________________________________________________________________________ Resumo Com o presente estudo, pretendemos, através da aplicação... more
Advertising hoardings are common in cities. Hoardings are put up at almost all squares and near all bus stops/stations/railway stations/airports, malls, multiplexes, etc. Thus, these hoardings are omnipresent. These hoardings attract... more
In order to construct any representation of the syntax or of the vocabulary of a language, we must first know where information about syntax and semantics is to be found. The point of view of Lexicon-Grammar in this regard is that the... more
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Free online resources are user-friendly technologies which have become available through the Internet in recent years and gaining... more
Özet: Bu makalede V. V. Radloff'un 1886 yılında Sanktpeterburg'da yayımlamış olduğu "Kuzeydeki Türk Kavimlerinin Dili/ I. Halk Edebiyatından Örnekler/ 6. Tarançi Diyalekti" adlı kitabında kullnadığı yazınin özellikleri; bu yazı ile... more
Developmental research indicates that infants use low-level statistical regularities, or phonotactics, to segment words from continuous speech. In this paper, we present a segmentation framework that enables the direct comparison of... more
Russian influence in Muslim Central Asia was far reaching. The transformative effects of Russian presence first emerged in the administrative setup and governance, and soon it spread to the domain of education and sociocultural symbols.... more
ABSTRACT This article aims at discussing how queer theories can be related to the discussion about race in education, especially focusing pre service and in service language and art teacher education. To do so, we present a short history... more
From the idea that variation and lack of homogeneity constitute the most basic features of language, historical linguistics recovers a nuclear role within the renewed framework of theoretical studies. Linguistics no longer constitutes an... more
Riesgo y Compromiso. Las representaciones del saber en trabajos de investigación publicados en revistas venezolanas arbitradas: destrezas discursivas. Resumen Se examinan referencias, según argumentaciones apoyadas en la recolección y... more
It has been repeatedly observed that focus substantially changes the sentence prosody in many languages not only by increasing F 0 , duration, and intensity on the focused components but also by compressing the pitch range and intensity... more
This paper presents some preliminary notes on the previously undescribed Indo-Aryan language of Kundal Shahi, a village in Pakistani-administered Kashmir. We present data from which it appears that the Kundal Shahi language must have... more