Language Pedagogy
Recent papers in Language Pedagogy
"Praxis Grammatica : Showing the true and authentic use of declensions and conjugations, nicely organized for solid and rapid acquisition of a knowledge of the essential grammatical components of meaning. There are also attached a... more
The paper presents a general test of intonational comprehension of English that can be used by learners of any native language. The test consists of several sentences of English spoken with particular intonation patterns of tonality,... more
The use of communication strategies in classrooms extensively covers areas of pragmatic discipline. This study sought the standard implicatures employed by lecturers in teaching their classes. Qualitative research design was adopted as... more
In this essay I examine the racial achievement gap in American education in terms of an impaired psychosocial developmental process. I argue that the well-documented academic underperformance of certain minority groups may stem from the... more
In TESOL Journal 3.4 (2012): 747-749. doi: 10.1002/tesj.43
This article discusses how language use affects reasoning and learning in educational settings. Interactions among (1) pupils in upper secondary school, (2) teachers in upper secondary school, and (3) student teachers studying to become... more
Better than Best Practice offers a new way of thinking about classroom practice, professional development, and improving teaching and learning. This companion book and website together offer a selection of rich and realistic video-based... more
There are special challenges in the English classroom in India: English is not the home language for a majority of children, and it may not be spoken much in their surroundings. The teachers themselves might not know the language well. In... more
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
The proliferation of online simulation games across the globe in many different languages offers Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) researchers an opportunity to examine how language learning occurs in such virtual environments.... more
Since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003, Iraq has been in need of a new education system that reestablishes the country to its former prominent seat as a center of learning. Due to the wars with neighboring countries as well as the... more
This article dwells on the opposing alignments that can be found in the literature on the Linguistic Interdependence (LIH) and Linguistic Threshold (LTH) hypotheses, in the field of second language acquisition and foreign language... more
This activity uses Japanese stories provided by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website, Kids Web Japan <>, to support students in telling Japanese stories in English. The website provides 19... more
This article describes a five-week module on “Switzerland as a multi-ethnic society” intended to counteract the popular image of Switzerland as a homogenous country concerned mostly with tourism, chocolate, and watches. Instead, the... more
This book offers a comprehensive examination of the theory, research, and practice of the use of digital games in second and foreign language teaching and learning (L2TL). It explores how to harness the enthusiasm, engagement, and... more
In Europe, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is becoming a popular and widespread practice of immersion education. In the Netherlands, for example, over 90 secondary schools offer a CLIL strand. Most CLIL teachers, however,... more
Teaching in a bilingual context can definitely be considered something more complex than “standard” teaching, but unfortunately it is lacking the same amount of research which has been put into its “regular” counterpart. This contradicts... more
The present study investigated the use of refusal by Persian and Kurdish speakers (PSs and KSs) as well as the frequency and shift of semantic formulas with regard to types of eliciting acts and status of the interlocutor. A group of 278... more
Each author acknowledges that fabrication of data is an egregious departure from the expected norms of scientific conduct, as is the selective reporting of data with the intent to mislead or deceive, as well as the theft of data or... more
This 1996 essay (published 1998) on how to improve Latin pedagogy is reproduced here with minor changes. Early modernity's humanist approaches to the teaching of Latin have much to offer us, and they can help us to counter the... more
A bilingual ereader presentation of a Latin translation of Shakespeare's play, available at .
These are the slides I used at my recent presentation at the JALT national conference in Shizuoka. A video of the presentation and all references are available on my blog:
ISBN 978-605-4757-27-5 eğiten kitap eğiten kitap
Il titolo del presente contributo è un omaggio ad una citazione di Cecilia Andorno (2005: 101), che ben si presta ad avviare una riflessione su un dibattito quanto mai aperto, quale quello del rapporto che lega la Linguistica, in... more
With a little preparation and planning, this handbook (which might otherwise gather dust on the shelf) can be put to use as an excellent grammar course.
In Europe, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is becoming a popular and widespread practice of immersion education. In the Netherlands, for example, over 90 secondary schools offer a CLIL strand. Most CLIL teachers, however,... more
Spoken Latin has been treated as a panacea of Latin pedagogy. This paper is a discussion of the common pitfalls of the communicative method both for the students and for the community of Latin speakers. (This paper is in Latin.)