Present study examines different teaching styles, measures adolescents' psychosocial development and investigates the relationship of teaching styles and adolescents'' developmental tasks. A total of 130 students and 45 teachers from... more
In this study, we respond to calls for more research on the motivation to learn a third language (L3), especially regarding how this motivation is influenced by linguistic distance in various second language (L2) contexts. We employed a... more
Given the increasing number of L2 Chinese learners in Europe, it is critical to understand their learning motivation and strategies to support successful Chinese acquisition. This study aims to explore learners' motivation for learning... more
This article uses an autoethnographic lens (Ellis et al., 2011) to present the concept of teacher possible selves and invites past, present, and future English as a Foreign Language teachers to apply the concept to themselves.... more
Present study examines different teaching styles, measures adolescents' psychosocial development and investigates the relationship of teaching styles and adolescents'' developmental tasks. A total of 130 students and 45 teachers from... more
Learning Languages with Purpose and Fun
By Kate Ye
Non Recursive Methods
If you're getting bored with teaching like me, these methods might help you spice up your teaching style and classroom engagement.
By Kate Ye
Non Recursive Methods
If you're getting bored with teaching like me, these methods might help you spice up your teaching style and classroom engagement.
Artificial intelligence-mediated informal digital learning of English (AI-IDLE) might strengthen second language (L2) learners' motivational self-concept (e.g., the ideal L2 self) and enhance their foreign language enjoyment (FLE) by... more
The present paper aims to provide some insights into the learning pathway shaped by English language learning websites and to suggest possible implementations for language teachers. The analysis, conducted on a selection of free access... more
Individual Experiences and Challenges Learning a modern dialect is continuously a transformative encounter, but learning two languages-English and Japanese-has been an particularly special travel for me. As somebody who has continuously... more
The present study was an attempt to investigate assessment literacy among ESP instructors in the Iranian academic context. A mixed-methods sequential explanatory study was designed, and 100 novice/experienced ESP instructors with... more
Besides being promoted as a way to improve target language proficiency, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is also believed to positively impact socio-affective variables such as language attitudes and motivation (European... more
The teaching and learning of a foreign language (FL) is undoubtedly a complex process that involves many factors to achieve a high degree of development by students. These factors range from students' linguistic skills, cultural... more
The teaching and learning of a foreign language (FL) is undoubtedly a complex process that involves many factors to achieve a high degree of development by students. These factors range from students' linguistic skills, cultural... more
This study aims to examine the key issues encountered in teaching Turkish as a foreign language and proposes solutions to these problems through a literature review. The research identifies core problem areas such as teaching materials,... more
As part of a four-year longitudinal study, the researchers investigate how learners of English at a university in Japan sustain their motivation to engage in self-directed study outside of class. Interview data are analysed drawing on the... more
This research reports the extent to which the teacher factor causes the willingness of students to speak in a foreign language class. Looking at many students who do not speak when in a foreign language class, this study is therefore... more
This paper draws on the European Union's (EU's) multilingualism language policy which highlights the importance of learning foreign languages. Considering the importance of motivation in foreign language learning (FLL) the differences in... more
The teaching and learning of a foreign language (FL) is undoubtedly a complex process that involves many factors to achieve a high degree of development by students. These factors range from students' linguistic skills, cultural... more
Over the last decade, Zoltán Dörnyei's L2 Motivational Self-System (L2MSS) theoretical framework has been used to explore the relationship between successful second language learning and learner motivation in a myriad of language learning... more
Despite consensus on the important role of grammar instruction, there are debates about teaching it. Teachers' perceptions about grammar and how it should be taught influence their teaching. Classroom observations indicate that... more
Self-assessment, as one type of alternative assessment, with the increased attention to learner-centered curricula, needs analysis, and learner autonomy has gained popularity in recent years. The aim of this study was to investigate the... more
An Investigation of Motivation Sources and Problems of the Learners of Turkish as a Foreign Language
This study mainly investigates the motivation sources and problems of learners of Turkish as a foreign language (TFL). For this aim, participants (n=100) from Turkish language centres in Türkiye were recruited through convenience random... more
This qualitative study, conducted at a Turkish state university, explored the motivation of repeating students in a pre-sessional English program following their previous failure. The research explored their ideal,... more
A partire da un’esperienza lavorativa svolta, nel 2018, all’interno del sistema di accoglienza per persone richiedenti asilo e rifugiate di una città del Centro-Nord Italia- e nello specifico nell’ambito di un progetto (Sprar)... more
Introduction: The study of motivation and its role in the process of teaching and learning foreign languages has achieved an increasing relevance in the field of Applied Linguistics and in the specialized literature. Dörnyei"s Process... more
Citation: Nguyen H. (2023) Language Learning Motivation Among Vietnamese EFL Students ISSN: 2435-9467 – The Barcelona Conference on Education 2023: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 381-403)... more
Speaking anxiety is a form of foreign language anxiety which may reduce students’ willingness to communicate orally. Despite accent being one of the most salient aspects of speech, there has been little research to date on the... more
RESUMO: Neste artigo, busquei apresentar a situacao do ensino do italiano as mulheres de Bangladesh em Roma, cidade onde esta comunidade e muito grande. As mulheres bengalesas frequentemente vivem dentro da comunidade etnica e familiar,... more
The impact of students' intrinsic or extrinsic motivations on their future intentions for online language schooling has been widely documented, but further emphasis needs to be placed on examining motivation beyond traditional theories.... more
for including this volume in her series. We also greatly appreciate her encouragement and wise counsel. We thank Ros Allum, Project Officer at EFPI, for her ongoing advice and willingness to share her expert opinion on the publication... more
The main goal of modern second language (L2) pedagogy is to engender appropriate communication skills among its learners. Hence, willingness to communicate (WTC) in L2 emerged as an important variable in recent years. Several factors have... more
In the last decades, research in the field of language learning has focused on understanding the motivational processes beneath people’s interest in studying a second language (L2). For this reason, the attitude/motivation test battery... more
The concepts of learner engagement and directed motivational currents (DMCs) have recently gained attention for their value in generating a powerful and action-oriented motivational force that is able to cut through the various challenges... more
The necessity of including syllabi research into current teaching practices is of utmost importance due to the fact that current job markets not only dictate the need for differentiated instruction but also call for novel approaches... more
This article attempts to realize the dominant approach in developing the academic curriculum of language degree and French literature in Iran. It concentrates on analyzing the content of the curriculum approved by the Ministry of Science,... more
This article attempts to realize the dominant approach in developing the academic curriculum of language degree and French literature in Iran. It concentrates on analyzing the content of the curriculum approved by the Ministry of Science,... more
This study aimed at gaining insights into students’ attitudes in the learning English using the Smart Board or Interactive White Board (IWB) technology in EFL classrooms. The main goal of this paper is to evaluate students’ attitudes... more
MOOC attrition rates have become a research hotspot in open and online education, requiring researchers to pinpoint psychological, technological, pedagogical, and technical factors that could mitigate this problem. For this aim, the... more
Training plays an important part in supporting educational reform in Oman. This report looks at the effectiveness of the 2005 Primary Teachers' Course (PRIT) for cycle 1 (grades 1-4) in preparing and supporting English teachers in... more
L'introduzione al volume evidenzia gli elementi di raccordo dei capitoli di questo volume che hanno una comune origine in un progetto di ricerca – il PROVIDE – che ancora oggi fornisce riflessioni generatrici di un dibattito ancora... more
This study investigates the attitudes of 100 Libyan English foreign language (EFL) university students towards using authentic materials in the language classroom. The quantitative data of this study was collected through close-ended... more
Introduction: The study of motivation and its role in the process of teaching and learning foreign languages has achieved an increasing relevance in the field of Applied Linguistics and in the specialized literature. Dörnyei"s Process... more
The aim of this study is to investigate the EFL teachers‟ expectations, voices and their ideas on their dynamic process of teaching. To this end, some discrepancies may have an influence on EFL teachers‟ beliefs and their practices in... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Motivation is a crucial part of language learning and many learners of English begin learning with a strong intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, but in most cases, it lessens in the process of time and these learners eventually lose their... more
En esta comunicación presentamos una aplicación de las Humanidades Digitales en la enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera (ILE), relacionada con un Proyecto de innovación docente financiado por una Universidad española. El objetivo... more
This study attempted to investigate the Determination Theory in the Iranian EFL context by shedding light on the relationship between EFL learners' basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, and (intrinsic)... more
Knowing and analyzing the "culture of learning and teaching" in a coursebook or series of course books can contribute to teachers' and students' success in the educational and pedagogical goals and objectives. Cultures of learning and... more