This paper describes challenges associated with preparing preservice teachers in the 21st century to accept responsibility for devising and presenting lessons that link reading and writing with multiple sign and symbol systems, such as... more
Dreamers follows the journey of a woman and child as they bravely cross the border from Mexico to the United States. The story provides beautiful visuals as well as written imagery. This allows the reader to do something I believe is so... more
When we acknowledge and celebrate physical differences like skin color, hair texture, eye shape, etc., we teach our children that everyone is uniquely beautiful. We teach our children selfacceptance and, moreover, self-love. There are... more
The program focuses on conceptual understanding, higher oraer thinking, and problem solving in elementary school teaching of mathematics, science, social studies, literature, and the arts. Center researchers %re identifying exemplary... more
More and more students and teachers are excited about their school literacy programs. Two activities in particular can be found in classrooms that generate enthusiasm for literacyan abundance of high-quality literature and opportunities... more
Integrated instruction may be everyone's ideal, but it is the reality in few classrooms. This review of existing literature examines research to determine why this ideal may be infrequently realized. The review concluded that the mismatch... more
Teachers conducting a thematically organized literature-based reading program centered around student-led discussion groups wanted to explore ways in which the values they wanted to promote could be reflected in the ways they assessed... more
The second phase of a 3-year project examining the effect of a process approach to writing instruction on students' expository reading and writing skills, a study determined the impact of three writing programs that emphasized different... more
This study examined fifth and sixth grade students' metacognitive knowledge about the processes of writing narrative and expository texts. Students' declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge was examined using group... more
Designed to help middle and secondary level teachers create spaces for students to explore multiple perspectives and interpretations of their texts, this brochure offers teachers who have experienced classroom talk that leads to gender... more
Dramatizations as a response activity during literature study provide a vehicle for students to use language, both verbal and nonverbal, in an educational context. A study focused on a group of five students who chose to use story... more
The Skutnabb-Kangas and Phillipson analysis of linguistic human rights is used as a basis for understanding language replacement phenomena in the United States. Use of Spanish in Chicano communities is shifting rapidly to English despite... more
This report summarizes and compares findings of researchers' and teachers' opinions in six subject areas (literature, social studies, science, mathematics, music, and art) about ideal and actual elementary school curricula. Three... more
In this column, we highlight books for grades K-8 in which characters defy stereotypes, straddle the borders of multiple identities, and live unique intersections of identity.
In this column, we feature some of our favorite poetry titles for children published in 2018.
In this column, we feature stories about the strength, unity, and love within a diverse range of families.
In this column, we feature some of our favorite poetry titles published in 2020 for children in grades K–8.
There exist at least two approaches to the teaching of every subject, including mathematics. The first one is as old as the world (or, at least, as the education). According to this approach, to teach something means to outline what you... more
We examine the impact of a STEM enhancement program (SEP) sponsored by Johnson & Johnson (J&J) entitled Bridge-to-Employment (BTE). Since 1992, J&J has funded and supervised 80 BTE programs in 19 countries aiming to increase the academic... more
ABSTRACT This community resource book presents a culturally informed approach for teaching Spanish literacy to Spanish-speaking Latino adults ages 50 and older who have no to low formal levels of education. It utilizes a Community... more
Visual art, music and literature, are part of the culture. Thus art shows the interactions between different cultures. The aim of the article is to present some activities to include intercultural issues in art and mother language... more
Visual art, music and literature, are part of the culture. Thus Art shows the interactions between different cultures. The aim of the article is to present some activities to include intercultural issues in Art and Mother Language... more
To say exactly what one means, even to one's own private satisfaction, is difficult. To say exactly what one means and to involve another person is harder still. Meaning is at the heart of the language arts. That meaning can be the... more
The will to learn is an intrinsic motive, one that finds both its source and its reward in its own exercise. The will to learn becomes a "problem" only under specialized circumstances like those of a school, where a curriculum is set,... more
In this article we report on an innovation project developed with a group of eleventh graders at a public school in Bogota. Its aim was to encourage students to improve reading comprehension of texts in English. It was conducted taking... more
ENGAGEMENT It’s in the Environment To develop interest, attention, and motivation to participate in learning, students must first engage. Appleton, Christenson, and Furlong (2008) report: “Engagement is a predictor of academic... more
The role of play in the learning and development of young children has long been recognized by researchers and early childhood educators. Although research indicates that play does provide a context that supports and facilitates literacy... more
In our journal we routinely review various children's and young adult books with the goal of introducing teachers, parents, librarians, and young people to the many exciting texts published each year. However, with the continued discourse... more
This book illustrates the benefits of using real-life vignettes to highlight situations that allow undergraduate teacher candidates to learn to engage with English language arts issues within specific and authentic concepts. Pedagogical... more
The purpose of this paper was to analyze and critique the proposals made in "The Engaged Classroom" by Sam Intrator to increase student engagement in the classroom. The methodology used was to analyze, compare, and critique the... more
Slow Time: Class time is monotonous and classroom activities are predictable, mechanically routine, and dull. Students listen to CD players with headphones, read magazines, play cards, and daydream. Lost time: A more intense form of... more
The ability to speak in public is a vital skill that should be cultivated from an early age, particularly during the elementary school years. One effective method for fostering this skill is through drama arts. This study investigates the... more
This dissertation is dedicated to my father, Claude P. Wightman, and mother, Kaye R. Wightman. Thank you for all your unconditional love, support, and guidance. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I vividly remember the day when I had my Ed.D. interview... more
This study reports practices implemented in over 2,000 minutes by 16 middle school special education and general education co-teaching pairs in English language arts classes. We report the extent to which teachers integrated literacy... more
To counter fl awed representations found throughout popular culture and the media, the author draws on her identity as a woman from the Nambe Pueblo to help teachers select children's books that are realistic in their presentation of... more
EJ917794 - Life and Literacy in Haiti: A Conversation with Jocelyne Trouillot.
The need for a framework to distinguish the conditions under which different types of educational computing environments are productive is addressed, and a cognitively based Contextual Analysis Framework is proposed that consists of two... more
This article reviews the literature and practice (especially in New Mexico) concerning reading instruction of gifted children. It considers early or "precocious" reading, instruction in the early grades, and identification of the gifted... more
This guide describes a five-step process that educators can use to analyze survey data and report the results in a way that is accessible and useful to interested stakeholders. When conducted appropriately, these analysis and reporting... more
The findings and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the California Department of Education or the U.S. Department of Education.