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Drawing on previous work on environmental justice, social construction of environment, and sense-of-place theory, this paper will examine the relationship between inequity, landscape meaning, and place identity using the case of the... more
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      Cultural HeritagePlace IdentitySense of PlaceLandscape Studies
A review of Christopher Tilley's and Kate Cameron-Daum's "An Anthropology of Landscape: The Extraordinary in the Ordinary" published by UCL Press, London 2017.
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      Book ReviewsLandscape StudiesAnthropology of Landscapes
Partendo da una riflessione sull’esperienza diretta di coordinamento del progetto di riqualificazione del Museo del Paesaggio di Castelnuovo Berardenga (Siena), il saggio, all'interno del volume curato da Katia Ballacchino, Letizia Bindi... more
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      Cultural HeritageLandscape StudiesMuseums Studies
Bangladesh is located in the world’s largest delta where the relationship with water is totally different from rest of the world. The satellite image of Dhaka city shows the presence of water bodies that girdle the city in east and west... more
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      ArchitectureWetlandsLandscape ArchitectureHousing
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      PlatoPhilosophy of GeographyHistory of geographyChorography
Landscape research has seen a burgeoning of interest in notions of 'affect', 'doing', 'performance' and 'practice' in the past decade or so. Although these notions can be parcelled together in a variety of ways, in this chapter I want to... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesCultural LandscapesLandscape Studies
A cselekvőhálózat-elmélet (Actor-Network-Theory, ANT) értelmében egyetlen társadalmi ágens sem tekinthető a társadalom középpontjának, a materiális ágencia nem vezethető vissza egyetlen alapvető rétegre vagy kauzális mozzanatra. Az... more
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      Death StudiesPosthumanismActor Network TheoryLacan
Since the Ancient Greeks the artisans of Mass Culture have continually attempted to define their domain in contradistinction to High Culture while trying to break away from the Plebeian-Patrician dichotomy. After centuries, it is only... more
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      Photography TheoryMass cultureLandscape Studies
In several publications, the geographer Hans-Jürgen Nitz has described the medieval settlement history of the Odenwald, a lower mountain range situated in contemporary Germany. Nitz’s work has been and remains very influential among... more
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      Human GeographyHistorical GeographyMedieval HistoryLandscape Archaeology
Once again, the civil society participation in the management and planning of its territory has become a sine qua nun preliminary condition for the Built Environment expertise. Albeit extremely active, the numbers of stakeholders in the... more
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      Indigenous StudiesAustraliaIndonesiaSingapore
The main purpose of this research is to complete the toolkit for landscape study taking into account the way a society, characterized by movement, evolves to a continues increase of living environment rate of transformation. The research... more
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      Film StudiesUrban StudiesTeaching MethodologyLandscape Studies
Book review of VIVIANA FERRARIO, Geographical readings of a historical landscape. The promiscuous cultivation of vines in the Veneto, Verona, CIERRE editions, 2019. The changes of the last seventy years have transformed European... more
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    • Landscape Studies
Alice Munro’s short stories rarely start from a preconceived idea or plan, but more frequently from a striking image leading to a “queer bright moment,” in the oxymoronic phrase she coined to capture the visual warp out of which her... more
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      English LiteratureText And ImageLandscape Studies
The paper gives a survey of settlement patterns and field systems in Norway c. 800-1500 A.D. based on archaeological evidence and contemporary written sources. As topography and climate varies considerably in a country that stretches... more
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      Rural HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyAgricultural HistoryLandscape Studies
Detroit nazywa się w ostatnich latach „nowym miastem amerykańskiego horroru”. Pejzaż opuszczonych przemysłowych budynków i bezludnych ulic wykorzystano w tak znaczących dla gatunku filmach jak: Lost River (2014, reż. R. Gosling), Nie... more
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      Film StudiesGothic Fiction and the horror filmHorror CinemaLandscape Studies
As a resident of Bengal, it is quite hard to imagine that many years ago, a kind of cotton fabric made by the local people of this place attracted the whole world. Its extreme delicacy and transparency was incomparable. The belief among... more
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      Cultural LandscapesColonialismHistory of architectureLandscape Studies
This paper addresses the problem of the so-called “emblem glyphs” or royal titles that incorporate certain place names. The common trend in scholarship is to view these place names as corresponding to a distinct kind of spatial entities,... more
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      Maya EpigraphyToponymyLandscape StudiesPlacenames
This article from the ‘Classics Review’ section of the journal ‘ethnoarchaeology’ provides the back story and update for “Ceramic Theory and Cultural Process” published in 1985 and reprinted many times since then. That book built on the... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyAnthropologyEthnoarchaeology
9. For example, on the positive representation of the Ethiopian monk Moses, see Maja Kominko, "Changing Habits and Disappearing Monsters-Ethnography between Classical and Late Antiquity," in Durak and Jevtić, Identity and the Other, 60.
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      Art HistoryChinese StudiesHumanistic GeographyLandscape Studies
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      Historical GeographyHellenistic HistoryRiversBactria (Archaeology)
Publikacja „Archeologia Frontu Wschodniego Wielkiej Wojny i dziedzictwo konfliktów zbrojnych jako wyzwanie poznawcze, społeczne i konserwatorskie” (akronim: AFW) to wyraz potraktowania archeologii nie tylko jako praktyki poznawczej, ale... more
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      Public ArchaeologyPublic HistoryMemory StudiesArcheologia
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesArt History
Questa versione del programma è aggiornata al 20/05/2020 ed è sprovvista dei link per l'accesso alle sessioni plenarie e parallele, che saranno comunicati a seguire. Si consiglia di monitorare il sito web del convegno per eventuali... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)Landscape Studies
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      Rural HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyRural ArchaeologyLandscape Studies
While place-based pilgrimage is an embodied practice, can it be experienced in its fullness through built environments, assemblages of souvenirs, and music? Imaging Pilgrimage explores contemporary art that is created after a pilgrimage... more
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      Art HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesMaterial culture of religionSynaesthesia
Historic Landscape Characterization (HLC) is a methodology for historic landscape studies pioneered in Britain. Using satellite imagery and RAF archival air photographs, Naxos provides an excellent pilot study to explore the application... more
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      Landscape EcologyLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesLandscape History And Conservation
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      Medieval ArchaeologyRural ArchaeologyLandscape Studies
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      LandscapeLandscape Studies
(MA Thesis) This paper provides an landscape analysis of nineteenth century Genesee County, New York. The following discussion employs the concepts of Central Place Theory and Power of Place to examine the Euro-American construction of... more
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      New York historyNineteenth Century United StatesCultural LandscapesLandscape Studies
ed.) Ecosistemi letterari. Luoghi e paesaggi nella finzione novecentesca Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2016, 320 pp.
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      Comparative LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)PostmodernismContemporary Literature
The notion of standardization in pottery production has been used as an indicator of ceramic specialization. Yet, this notion and the assumptions behind it are still largely untested ethnographically. This paper attempts to identify some... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyGeochemistry
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyUrban StudiesPhilosophy of Geography
w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m w w w . a s h g a t e . c o m the notion of landscape as it is articulated across current w w w . a s h g a t e . c o... more
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      ArchitecturePhotographyLandscape ArchitectureUrban Studies
The number of cultural parks has been steadily increasing in recent years throughout the world. But what is a cultural park? This book provides a detailed answer to this question and sets out the basis for an academic debate that moves... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementCultural HeritageTourism Planning and Policy
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      Human GeographyEthicsCultural HeritageLandscape Studies
O texto ensaia as noções de natureza e paisagem assimiladas na primeira semana de viagem de Goethe à Itália (de 3 a 10 de setembro de 1786). Nesses primeiros dias do itinerário percorrido ainda em terras germânicas, ambas as categorias... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophy of ScienceArt History
Understanding the ways in which human communities define themselves in relation to landscapes has been one of the crucial research questions in anthropology. Place and Identity in Classic Maya Narratives addresses this question in the... more
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      Space and PlacePlace Names (Cultural Geography)Archaeology of ethnicityMaya Archaeology
Autorka artykułu podejmuje problematykę społecznego, a następnie materialnego zaniku wsi w powiecie piskim. Na obszarze tym, w następstwie przemian społeczno-politycznych po zakończeniu II wojny światowej, doszło do całkowitej depopulacji... more
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      Historical GeographyRural LandscapeArchaeology of the Contemporary PastAbandoned Buildings
This article provides an environmental justice reading of the film Manufactured Landscapes and Edward Burtynsky's photographs. It focuses on representations of materiality, such as how the bodies of workers interact with the environmental... more
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      EcocriticismEnvironmental JusticeEnvironmental HumanitiesEcomedia Studies
When the Manchu established the Qing Empire on both sides of the Great Wall, they modified the landscape of the region of Jehol, north of Peking, which the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) had emptied of its local population. Before 1703, Chengde... more
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      Cultural GeographyHistorical GeographyReligious GeographyChina studies
This essay explores Jia Zhangke’s 2006 film Still Life (Sanxia haoren) from two related perspectives: first, the still powerful discourse of realism that continues to shadow discussions of Chinese cultural production; and second, Jia’s... more
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      Chinese StudiesCultural LandscapesMainland Chinese FilmChinese contemporary art
This paper reports some refinements in the Threshold Model for Ceramic Resources based on distances to ceramic resources from ethnographic pottery making communities (Arnold 1985). The refinements make the thresholds more objective than... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyMuseum Studies
Il contributo si pone l’obiettivo di analizzare criticamente la realtà dei paesaggi italiani riconosciuti come Patrimonio dell’Umanità UNESCO, indagando i processi di territorializzazione ad essi collegati. Nello specifico si mettono in... more
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      GeographyHeritage StudiesLandscape StudiesUNESCO world heritage
Allegory prompts us to say of any cultural description not "this represents, or symbolizes, that" but rather, "this is a (morally charged) story about that." 1 This narrative redistribution interrupts the present as a closed continuum... more
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      Everyday Life StudiesLiminalityPolitical ArtVisual Ethnography
This article presents the interdisciplinary research project Reconfiguring Welfare Landscapes: Open spaces of Danish Post-war Housing Estates Reconfigured. We revisit the green open spaces of social housing estates as spaces in their own... more
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      ArchitectureHeritage StudiesLandscape ArchitectureUrban History
“Gianni Celati’s Poetic Prose: Physical, Marginal, Spatial.” Italica 84.2-3 (Summer-Autumn, 2007): 323-44.
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographySpatial PracticesItalian Studies
In Checco Zalone’s cinema, the landscape plays a leading role. In Quo vado?, in particular, the relationship between the protagonist and the landscape opens up to a global dimension that renegotiates the localglobal dynamic in an... more
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      GeographyFilm StudiesPopular Italian CinemaSpace and Place
Articula-se o conceito de Stimmung (estado de ânimo; atmosfera; caráter) à solidão, condição por vezes necessária à sintonia do ser com o mundo envolvente. As bases de interpretação teórico-metodológicas se circunscrevem em discursos... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryJohann Wolfgang von GoetheLiteratura
Saint Jerome in a Landscape is one of Lorenzo Lotto’s most remarkable works, created when Lotto painted in Rome alongside Raphael. Discussions of the panel focus on Lotto’s affinity for Raphael, yet overlook the most unusual features of... more
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      Renaissance StudiesVenetian art and architectural historyNatural philosophyItalian Renaissance Art