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This article presents the theory and method informing an ongoing study of environmental change and human distress in the Upper Hunter Valley of New South Wales (NSW), Australia. The nature of environmental change in the Upper Hunter... more
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      EcohealthQuality of lifeEcologySense of Place
Methodologies for end use analysis have been developed by different researchers in the energy and water fields and in different areas in the world over the last 20 years. While there are core features associated with the methodologies and... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringLand Use Change
The GEFSOC soil carbon modelling system was built to provide interdisciplinary teams of scientists, natural resource managers and policy analysts (who have the appropriate computing skills) with the necessary tools to conduct... more
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      Open Source SoftwareLand managementNatural Resource ManagementFood Security
We evaluate the effects of land-use change since c.1890 on Little Lake Jackson in south-central Florida, USA. The lake currently is alkaline despite the prevalence of acidic lakes in the region. Watershed soils are acidic and poorly... more
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      GeologyWater qualityPaleolimnologyLand Use Change
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      Landscape EcologyBrazilAmazoniaEcohydrology
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      GeologyAgricultural PolicyLand Use ChangeSoil Erosion
Land-use change models are important tools for integrated environmental management. Through scenario analysis they can help to identify near-future critical locations in the face of environmental change. A dynamic, spatially explicit,... more
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      EconomicsEnvironmental ManagementNatural Resource ManagementAgriculture
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringHigh PressureWater quality
Scientists need a better and larger set of tools to validate land-use change models, because it is essential to know a model's prediction accuracy. This paper describes how to use the relative operating characteristic (ROC) as a... more
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      Land Use ChangeEnvironmental SciencesModel validationLand Cover
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      Land Use ChangeBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesBrazilian Amazon
In this paper, we review some critical issues regarding carbon cycling in Amazonia, as revealed by several studies conducted in the Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA). We evaluate both the contribution of this... more
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      Climate ChangeCarbon DioxideCarbonPhotosynthesis
Mangroves play an important role in coastal zones in many aspects e.g. extremely essential habitats for many species, coastlines protection from natural hazards, and so on. However, in Vietnam, like in other developing countries, these... more
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      Landscape EcologyRemote SensingSustainable DevelopmentEconomic Development
Several studies have highlighted an increase in DOC concentration in streams and lakes of UK upland catchments though the causal mechanisms controlling the increase have yet to be fully explained. This study, compiles a comprehensive data... more
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      GeochemistryBiogeochemistryClimate ChangeTime Series
1] The headwater catchments of the Yellow River Basin are of great importance for the whole basin in terms of water resources, and streamflow from these catchments has decreased in the last decades. The concept of climate elasticity was... more
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      Climate ChangeWater resourcesLand Use ChangeWater Cycle
On the basis of multitemporal analysis, this research project carried out an assessment of the transformations in land use over the last 15 years in Pasquilla. During this period Pasquilla, an agricultural zone, changed to livestock... more
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      ColombiaEnvironmental StudiesLand Use Change
UK v Praze, PřF, katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje, Albertov 6, 128 43, Praha 2
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      Land Use ChangeLandscape and Land-use-history
This paper investigates the determining land use changes in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. Changes in land cover were analyzed using aerial photography from 1955-2002 within a Geographic Information System. As for method, digital... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemistryPhotogrammetryLand Use Change
In recent decades, cities of Iran have undergone remarkable changes, as in many third world cities, so that growth of urbanization following economic and social changes has led to the unrestrained growth of cities and towns with national... more
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      Land Use ChangeMarkov chainsSatellite ImagesPhysical Development
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      Remote SensingEconomic DevelopmentUrban DevelopmentLand Use Change
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      Terrestrial EcologyLand Use ChangeBrazilian AmazonStable Isotope
Since around 2010, contract farming for bananas in northern Laos based on investment by Chinese companies has seen rapid expansion in northern Laos. Much of this has been implemented using the “1+4” model, where the farmers provide land... more
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      Laos (Lao PDR)Land Use ChangeContract farming
Combined heat and power Corn ethanol Corn stover Greenhouse gas emissions Life cycle assessment Zea mays a b s t r a c t A life-cycle assessment (LCA) of corn ethanol was conducted to determine the reduction in the life-cycle greenhouse... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyLife Cycle AssessmentLand Use Change
The analysis of land use and land cover change is one of the steps in assessing spatial and environmental impacts of urban growth to foster urban sustainability. It is important to use accurate techniques and also to relate the result... more
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      Remote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchLand Use ChangeUrban Growth
This paper is concerned with the consequences of population growth and its increasing density on land use pattern and its changes. For this purpose, the empirical evidences are drawn from FAO statistics with reference to Southeast Asian... more
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      GeographyLand Use ChangePopulationPopulation Growth
With respect to carbon sequestration in soil, attempts have been made to identify soil organic matter (SOM) fractions that respond more rapidly to changes in land-use than bulk SOM, which could thus serve as early indicators for the... more
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      Carbon SequestrationNMR SpectroscopyLand Use ChangeBiological Sciences
Uncultivated foods have received little attention in the scientific literature and nutrition programs of Mexico because they are usually seen as complementary to agricultural activities, i.e., corn planting and harvesting. Using an... more
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      EcohealthEcologyEcosystem healthPublic Space
The article presents a problem of landscape planning of protected areas on the example of Ślężański Landscape Park within Sobotka commune resulting from the socio - economic changes and spatial policy of the municipal authority.... more
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      Landscape EcologyGeographySpatial AnalysisLandscape Architecture
Land use change has significant impact on the hydrologic and ecological processes of a watershed. This study combines an empirical land use change model and an event scale, rainfall-runoff model to quantify the impacts of potential land... more
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      EngineeringModelingLand Use ChangeEnvironmental Sciences
Efficient natural resources management, including continental water at watershed level, requires understanding the arrangement of landscape attributes in a region. The geographical analysis of landscape attributes is a useful approach to... more
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      Decision MakingEnvironmental policyWater resourcesNatural Resource Management
Over the 20th century, reduced land cultivation has caused an extension of fallow land in several European countries, which has led to a decrease in biodiversity. Knowledge of dynamic vegetation processes and of the impact of human... more
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      Earth SciencesLand managementLand Use ChangeEnvironmental Sciences
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      Remote SensingUrban And Regional PlanningLand Use ChangeLand Cover
Michigan municipalities confront changing landscapes and pressures on water resources from urban sprawl and land use change. Municipalities have been asked to incorporate stakeholder perspectives in their efforts to develop watershed... more
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      EngineeringWater qualityAgricultureUrban Sprawl
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      Decision Support SystemsBiodiversityLand Use ChangeForest Management
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      MultidisciplinaryLand Use ChangeNitrogenBiological Invasion
A methodology for evaluating public wetlands conservation investments that considers climate change is developed and applied to Virginia's Elizabeth River watershed. A revised cellular automaton (CA) model is applied to project... more
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      Climate ChangeLand Use ChangeLand UseCellular automaton
The study examined the factors influencing spatial agricultural land use change and modeled the factors for detecting change in agricultural land use in the Southern part of Nigeria. This was with a view to assessing the dynamics of... more
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      Sustainable agricultureRemote sensing and GISLand Use ChangeEnvironmental degradation
Large-scale anthropogenic changes to the natural environment, including land-use change, climate change, and the deterioration of ecosystem services, are all accelerating. These changes are interacting to generate five major emerging... more
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      BusinessClimate ChangeNatural ResourcesNatural Resource Management
The supposition that agricultural intensification results in land sparing for conservation has become central to policy formulations across the tropics. However, underlying assumptions remain uncertain and have been little explored in the... more
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      Natural Resource ManagementLand Use ChangePolicy makingAgricultural Sustainability
There is lack of information on the patterns, drivers and impacts of urban growth. Such information is essential for planning and managing sustainable cities. We therefore investigated past and prospective land use changes in Cairns,... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningLand Use ChangeUrbanisation
Contrary to the general trend in the tropics, forests have recovered in Puerto Rico from less than 10% of the landscape in the late 1940s to more than 40% in the present. The recent Puerto Rican history of forest recovery provides the... more
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      Exotic SpeciesPuerto RicoBioscienceLand Use Change
Land change science has demonstrated that rural livelihoods around the world both drive and reflect changing environmental regimes and political economic/structural transformations. This article explores the relationship between... more
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      MultidisciplinaryPolitical EconomicsLand Use ChangeStructural Transformation
s u m m a r y Through a systematic modelling analysis for focus catchments in Costa Rica (131 km 2 ), Ecuador (10 km 2 ), Chile (0.35 km 2 ) and Argentina (12.9 km 2 ), the hypothesis is tested that, as the size of the hydrological event... more
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      HydrologyMultidisciplinaryLand Use ChangeLatin America
Climate variation and land transformations related to exploitative land uses are among the main drivers of vegetation productivity decline and ongoing land degradation in East Africa. We combined analysis of vegetation trends and... more
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      Land Use ChangeNdviGeomatic EngineeringTrend Analysis
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      Land Use ChangeSoil ErosionTropical AgricultureRice Cropping System
SK Menteri Kehutanan Nomor 863 Tahun 2014 Tentang Kawasan Hutan Provinsi Jambi
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      ForestryLand Use Change
Lakes are excellent repositories of air-borne and especially stream-borne materials. It has long been recognised that lake sediments contain a strong record of catchment soils via the inputs of minerogenic and chemical erosional products.... more
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      GeologyPalynologyLand Use ChangeErosion
We evaluated the influence of climate change and land use changes on water resources in the Marmara Region (Turkey) using the watershed runoff coefficients (RC) and trend analysis techniques on long-term (30 years) hydrometerological... more
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      Climate ChangeWater resourcesSustainable Water Resources ManagementLand Use Change
Recently, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have shown a practical relevance in various image processing applications. This paper investigates their applicability for land cover and land use change detection using multi-sensor images of... more
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      Image ProcessingRemote SensingNeural NetworksNeural Network