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Acrylamide or 2-propenamide is a chemical compound, with chemical formula CH2=CH–CO–NH2, that can be produced at high levels in high-carbohydrate heat-treated foods. The risks of acrylamide to health and its toxic properties... more
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    • Land Titles and Deeds
"...On Tuesday, April 6, 2021, I received by US Mail an offer to open a NEW credit card account with WELLS FARGO (See attached offer, pictured below). While I certainly appreciate the opportunity to rebuild a business relationship with... more
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawCivil LawEconomics
Acrylamide or 2-propenamide is a chemical compound, with chemical formula CH 2 =CH-CO-NH 2 , that can be produced at high levels in high-carbohydrate heattreated foods. The risks of acrylamide to health and its toxic properties... more
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      PotatoReproductive ToxicityLand Titles and DeedsMoisture Content
This volume is an attempt to imagine key design and policy questions that would be relevant if India were to move to a blockchain based land records system and answer those questions within the larger legal and policy framework governing... more
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      Property RightsAccountabilityLaw and EconomicsRule of Law
Alienation of customary land represents a significant, and increasing, challenge in many parts of the world. In Vanuatu the 1980 constitution restored perpetual land rights to “indigenous custom owners and their descendants”.... more
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      Pacific Island StudiesLand tenureMelanesia (Anthropology)Vanuatu
This book, authored by a senior Indian Administrative Service officer having extensive first-hand knowledge of land administration, fills the existing gap of research in the field of land registration and maintenance of... more
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      Property LawLand LawLand registrationLAND DISPUTES
study investigates the effects of land tenure regularization of informal settlements on housing investment of Ipusukilo settlement of Kitwe Zambia. The problem of informal settlements in Zambia has been attributed to rural-urban... more
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      Land tenureLand UseLand Titles and DeedsCustomary land Tenure
The Hong Kong title registration system remains frozen in a legislative twilight zone eight years after the Land Titles Ordinance was enacted. The provisions of the rectification and indemnity schemes attracted much legal debate, which... more
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      Property RightsLaw and EconomicsComparative Land LawLand Titles and Deeds
Temporary, revised version to follow. The Registry of Deeds, founded in 1708 and located in the King’s Inns building in the north-west quarter of Dublin city, is one of Ireland’s most remarkable archives, described by one commentator as... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish HistoryLand Titles and DeedsIrish genealogy
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      Mortgage ForeclosureStop ForeclosureMortgage fraud, wrongful foreclosure, stop foreclosureForeclosure law
Bitland Global is an organization that digitizes land titles. The larger goal is to have all the transactions recorded onto a distributed ledger using block-chain technology. The company is a non-profit organization that is working to... more
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      CadastreBitcoin3D cadastreLand Titles and Deeds
In this note, we present the technical procedures for the execution of co-owned subdivisions in Tunisia. We give all the details concerning the work in the office as well as those in the field.
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      Real EstateLand SurveyingLand Titles and Deeds
Click on the attached Plaintiff Motion filed on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, which evidences the latest undisclosed conflict of interest by US District Court Judge - Hon. Indira Talwani and provides a summary of the egregious Color of Law... more
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      Real EstateFinanceCriminal LawConstitutional Law
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      EntrepreneurshipBotanyLandscape EcologyPublic Administration
PATENT FOR SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MANAGING ELECTRONIC REAL ESTATE REGISTRY INFORMATION which will be referenced during "Taking Back Our Country" on Hamilton Radio on Monday, November 16, 2015 at 10:00 pm est, 9:00 pm cst, 8:00 pm rmst,... more
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      LawPhilosophy Of LawMortgage ForeclosureStop Foreclosure
This involves Republic Act No. 26 and Republic Act No. 6732. This presentation tackles the nature, purpose and proceedings involving reconstitution title. The presentation also includes recent jurisprudence about the topic of... more
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      Civil LawPhilippine LawLand Titles and DeedsLand Title Registration
"...The same legal communication concerns now exist with Wells Fargo CEO - Charles Scharf. Since the retained legal counsel for Wells Fargo remains a question mark, legal communications have since been delivered directly to Mr. Scharf's... more
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawCivil LawEconomics
The system of recording property interests is referred to as land registration. Different types of land registration are in place in different countries of the world. The hallmark of these systems is that the register is available for... more
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    • Land Titles and Deeds
ABSTRACT Despite the enactment of the Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act (IPRA) Law in 1997 which provides legal basis for ancestral domain claims for all IPs in the Philippines, and the defined power of National Commission on Indigenous... more
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      Public AdministrationIndigenous StudiesLeadershipPolitics
This is a well accepted fact that land markets in India are not working efficiently and require urgent intervention of the government by creating appropriate legal and regulatory framework to correct the present situation. In modern times... more
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      Property LawLand LawLand Titles and DeedsLand Title Registration
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      Criminal LawLand Titles and Deeds
The fact that after the record on appeal was led on time, the Solicitor General's O ce was late in ling the amendments to it is of no moment. In exceptional cases, like the instant case, the interest of justice may warrant waiver of the... more
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      Civil LawProperty LawCivil ProcedureLand Titles and Deeds
Disclaimer: Not complete.
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      Land Titles and DeedsLand Titles
The requirement of Governor’s consent is critical and of great importance to mortgage transaction .In SAVANNAH BANK V. AJILO (1989)1 NWLR Pt97 Pg 305, the respondent mortgaged his land which he acquired before the Land use act to secure a... more
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      Land LawLand Titles and Deeds
Abstrak Kepemilikan bersama adalah hak kebendaan yang dimiliki oleh dua orang atau lebih, baik karena pewarisan maupun cara lain. Kepemilikan bersama atas hak atas tanah diakhiri dengan membuat Akta Pembagian Hak Bersama yang dibuat di... more
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      Common PropertyPrivate lawNotaryHukum Perdata
District judge of Kandy. The Plaintiff Appellant (The Respondent) instituted this action against the Defendants claiming ownership of that the 2 nd schedule of the plaint. Further, the Plaintiff prayed for that the deed No 1142 dated... more
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      Contract LawForgeryLand Titles and Deeds
"Nestled within the open fields and the hills of eastern Chester County lies Brushwood Stable. Now home to world class race horses, the property's history spans back to the days of William Penn and the founding of Pennsylvania. Located... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology
"...The Plaintiff’s claims address the deceptive and unlawful tactics by Defendant – Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union and their attorney Defendant – Sandra Boulay, Esq. (Boulay Law Firm LLC), used to collect a debt. The most recent example of... more
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      Criminal LawCivil LawEconomicsEthics
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      Civil LawCommercial LawLand LawLand registration
Doctrines: (1) If the amendment consists in the inclusion in the application for registration of an area or parcel of land not previously included in the original application as published, a new publication of the amended application must... more
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    • Land Titles and Deeds
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      LawCriminal LawComparative LawConstitutional Law
Partindo de uma leitura da "História do Patriarcado Copta de Alexandria", crônica oficial desta instituição, este trabalho tem por objetivo reconstituir, de forma sinóptica, o funcionamento econômico da Igreja Copta nos estágios iniciais... more
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      Coptic StudiesMuslim-Christian RelationCoptic HistoryMuslim-Christian Relations
When governments fail them, how citizens organize and build their own communities. Irregular or illegal housing constitutes the ordinary condition of popular urban housing in the Middle East. Considering the conditions of daily practices... more
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      Middle East StudiesLegal PluralismLebanonIrregular/Informal Settlements Studies
12-30-2021 BREAKING (BOSTON, MA): The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and former Attorney General, Martha Coakley, Esq. - both Defendants in the $42B Federal lawsuit -HARIHAR v US BANK et al (Docket No. 15-cv-11880, US District Court),... more
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      Real EstateFinanceCriminal LawConstitutional Law
JANUARY 10, 2022 BREAKING NEWS: Evidenced Securities Fraud Claims brought against Bank Defendants - CITIGROUP, US BANK and WELLS FARGO (Ref. the $42B Federal Lawsuit - HARIHAR v US BANK et al) appear to tie directly to the recent the Wall... more
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      FinanceCriminal LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
"...Based on this Pro Se litigant’s interpretation of the law, any judicial officer who consciously decides to rule without jurisdiction has by definition - "Warred against the Constitution of the United States…” Included in the legal... more
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      FinanceConstitutional LawCivil LawEthics
Dear Congresswoman Waters: I first wish to preface this letter by thanking the House Financial Services Committee for continuing to address ongoing issues including (but not limited to) egregious Consumer Abuses - evidenced for the... more
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      HistoryCriminal LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
In a widely read paper, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, World Bank and others propose systematic property rights formalization as a key step in addressing the problems of irresponsible agricultural investment. This... more
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      PropertyCambodiaCritical CartographyLand Titles and Deeds
"...As an American-born citizen of this great Nation, there is a clear expectation for laws to be justly upheld, for Civil Rights to be protected and the need for timely corrective action when such government failures are evidenced..."... more
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      Criminal LawCivil LawEconomicsFinancial Economics
Following the 1994 transition from racial apartheid to democracy, South Africa’s government aimed to provide tenure security for the estimated 16 million black South Africans living in communal areas. But the lack of a clear legal... more
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      Public AdministrationPolitical ScienceLand tenureLand Administration
The GMAC bankruptcy was the biggest bankruptcy ever.

Are bankruptcy courts laundering dirty paper?

Read this and judge for yourself.
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      Business EthicsLawCriminal LawConstitutional Law
I just came across this pretty powerful letter from April 6, 1965 -from Martin Luther King, Jr. to Sammy Davis, Jr. Nearly 60 years later, it is clear that serious Civil Rights/Due Process issues still remain, impacting multiple races in... more
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      Real EstateFinanceConstitutional LawCivil Law
Dear Mr. President: It is with great regret that I must again report to the EOP (as required by Federal law) yet another witnessed violation to ARTICLE III AND 18 U.S.C. § 2381 – Judicial Treason, committed in the First Circuit... more
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      FinanceCriminal LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
In June 2012, Rwanda’s national land registry completed a nearly four-year project that mapped every one of the country’s 10.4 million parcels and prepared title documents for 8 million landholders. It was an unprecedented accomplishment... more
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      Public AdministrationPolitical ScienceLand tenureRwanda
This is significant - for 4 years, the US District Court Clerks Office has unlawfully refused to file my legal documents - based on a VOID Court Order issued by RECUSED Judge - Hon. Allison Dale Burroughs, who previously was accused of... more
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      FinanceHistoryCriminal LawConstitutional Law
In 1992, Mexico’s government embarked on an ambitious set of land reforms targeting the ejido system, a semi-communal land administration system applicable to approximately 50% of the country’s surface area. The ejido, a largely rural... more
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      MexicoLand reformLand Titles and Deeds
In the early 2000s, Tanzania struggled to protect the land rights of the 75% of its citizens who lived in rural areas. Rapid population growth and rising investment in commercial agriculture had increased land scarcity and created the... more
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      Public AdministrationPolitical ScienceLand tenureTanzania
In 2011, I came into possession of several boxes of family documents that had belonged to my grandparents, Allen Miller and Zoa Hathaway (Townsend) Fletcher, Jr., of Ludlow, Vermont. Included among the documents were a number of property... more
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      HistoryGenealogyVermontVermont history