Land Surface Temperature

10,839 papers
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Land Surface Temperature (LST) refers to the temperature of the Earth's surface, measured in degrees Celsius or Kelvin. It is a critical parameter in climate studies, influencing energy balance, hydrology, and ecosystem dynamics, and is typically derived from satellite remote sensing or ground-based observations.
We evaluate the utility of remote thermal image data for mapping geomorphic features and evidence of sedimentary processes on the surfaces of alluvial fans. Prior studies of alluvial fans have made extensive use of visible images and... more
China has experienced rapid urbanization and dramatic economic growth since its reform process started in late 1978. In this article, we present evidence for a significant urbanization effect on climate based on analysis of impacts of... more
The scaling of calcium sulfate was studied by performing laboratory experiments under controlled conditions. The experiments were aimed at measuring the rate of deposition at different positions on a heated surface. The overall thermal... more
Changes in both land cover and the atmosphere have impacted the heat fluxes of south Asia in ways that may have altered the timing and magnitude of the monsoon. Century-long budgets of water and energy in the Krishna Basin (258,948 km 2 )... more
This study investigated the influences of urbanization on urban ecological and thermal environment as well as the relationships of all the biophysical parameters with each other utilizing multi-temporal datasets of CORONA (1967), Landsat... more
This paper proposes a particular approach to assess information about soil degradation, based on a methodology to calculate soil color from NOAA/AVHRR data. As erosive processes change physical and chemical properties of the soil,... more
New Horizons flies past MU69After flying past Pluto in 2015, the New Horizons spacecraft shifted course to encounter (486958) 2014 MU69, a much smaller body about 30 kilometers in diameter. MU69is part of the Kuiper Belt, a collection of... more
In this study, two different change detection techniques were applied in order to assess land cover changes in El Rawashda forest, Sudan: comparison of classification and multivariate alteration detection. Firstly, two satellite imagery,... more
The Goldstein-Ruban theory has been extended within the quasi-parallel framework of Zavol'skii el al. to study the acoustic receptivity of compressible boundary layers. We consider the receptivity produced in a region of localized,... more
An infrared thermometer, spectroradiometer and digital video camera were used to observe and document shortterm evolution of surface brightness temperature and morphology at Santiaguito lava dome, Guatemala. The thermometer dataset shows... more
Comprehending the interactions between humans and their environment necessitates modeling human-environment interactions. This study employs time-series satellite imagery from Landsat Thematic Mapper (1995 and 2009) and Landsat 8... more
The third edition of Handbook of Heat Transfer provides expanded treatment of the funda- mental topics covered in earlier editions. More than half of the authors of these basic chapters on conduction, convection, radiation, condensation,... more
Evapotranspiration is a reliable indicator of wetland health. Wetlands are an important and valuable ecosystem on the South Florida landscape. Accurate wetland Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) data can be used to evaluate the performance... more
We attempt to identify thermal anomalies using thermal infrared (TIR) data collected over the Coso Geothermal Power Project with the spaceborne ASTER instrument. Our analysis emphasizes correc- tions for thermal artifacts in the satellite... more
A technique for longwave infrared (LWIR) synthetic image generation (510) is shown which yields improved radiomeiric accuracy in the 8-14 .tm bandpass. This process uses a modified LOWTRAN 6 atmospheric transmission/upwelled radiance code... more
The adsorption behavior of Benzimidazol-2-one (Bz), 5-Methylbenzimidazol-2-one(CH3Bz) and 5-Chlorobenzimidazol-2-one (ClBz) as inhibitors for mild steel corrosion in HCl 1M have been studied computationally using density functional theory... more
Water storage drums are often a primary breeding site for Aedes aegypti in developing countries. Habitat characteristics can impact both adult and larval fitness and survival, which may potentially influence arbovirus transmission. Our... more
Water storage drums are often a primary breeding site for Aedes aegypti in developing countries. Habitat characteristics can impact both adult and larval fitness and survival, which may potentially influence arbovirus transmission. Our... more
Como es bien conocido, existe un acoplamiento entre la temperatura y la emisividad de la superficie terrestre cuando se trabaja en el campo de la teledetección infrarroja desde satélites, de manera que no se puede obtener una si no se... more
The AHS (Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner) instrument has 80 spectral bands covering the visible and near infrared (VNIR), short wave infrared (SWIR), mid infrared (MIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) spectral range. The instrument is operated... more
This paper assessed the percent impervious surface as indicators of surface urban heat island effects in a tropical rapidly urbanizing environment by investigating the change that occurred over 29 years period starting from 1986-2015.... more
Exocometary rings, consisting of icy planetesimals and dust, are integral components of exoplanetary systems. This study leverages recent surveys, which have revealed structural and compositional diversity among 74 such rings. Utilizing... more
The incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has declined in response to campaigns discouraging the prone sleeping position. Recent work suggests some SIDS death may be in response to bacterial toxins produced in the upper airway.... more
A major accomplishment of the recently completed Tropical Ocean-Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Program was the development of an ocean observing system to support seasonal-to-interannual climate studies. This paper reviews the scientific... more
The possibility that dark matter particles could be constituted by extreme regular primordial black holes is discussed. Extreme black holes have zero surface temperature, and are not subjected to the Hawking evaporation process. Assuming... more
AimAlthough species distribution models (SDMs) traditionally link species occurrences to free‐air temperature data at coarse spatio‐temporal resolution, the distribution of organisms might instead be driven by temperatures more proximal... more
In this paper, we report the results of quality control based in elemental impurities determination of 12 raw materials samples of Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride and Fluconazole intended for the manufacture of their generic products marketed... more
Ten cities with different population and urban sizes located in the Pearl River Delta, Guangdong Province, P.R. China were selected to study the relationships between the spatial extent of surface urban heat islands (SUHI) and five urban... more
A C++ language-based software tool for retrieving land surface temperature (LST) from the data of Landsat TM/ ETM+ band6 is developed. It has two main functional modules: (1) Three methods to compute the ground emissivity based on land... more
Heat transfer enhancement and entropy generation are investigated in a nanofluid, stagnation-point flow over a cylinder embedded in a porous medium. The external surface of cylinder includes non-uniform transpiration. A semi-similarity... more
The expansion of bare sand surfaces indicates a tendency towards desertfication in certain periods as a result of the improper agricultural use of sand soils and of the significant changes in the climate in the past 30 years. The... more
Soil surface wetness is indispensable land surface parameter in agriculture, hydrology and environmental engineering. This paper explores the relationship between surface radiant temperature and fractional vegetation cover derived from... more
This paper focuses on the microclimatic features of open spaces in the centre of urban blocks and their microclimatic effects on the adjoining buildings and on the parent city at large. The paper reports on air and surface temperature,... more
AimAlthough species distribution models (SDMs) traditionally link species occurrences to free‐air temperature data at coarse spatio‐temporal resolution, the distribution of organisms might instead be driven by temperatures more proximal... more
I would like to draw the attention of members of the Decadal Survey Committee to a rather fundamental discovery, which (I believe) will have a major impact on the Earth and Planetary Sciences in the coming years. We have been able to... more
A fully coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model is used to simulate climate conditions during the last glacial maximum (LGM). Forcing conditions include astronomical parameters, greenhouse gases, ice sheets and vegetation. A... more
In many growing regions of the world, including humid regions, sugarcane is cultivated under full or supplementary irrigation. When rainfalls are irregular in time and quantity, the calculation of complementary irrigation amounts to... more
The thermodynamic analysis of a V-type Stirling-cycle Refrigerator (VSR) is performed for air, hydrogen and helium as the working fluid and the performance of the VSR is investigated. The V-type Stirling-cycle refrigerator consists of... more
The issue of using remotely sensed surface temperature to estimate the areaaverage sensible heat flux over surfaces made up of different vegetated patches has been investigated. The performance of three aggregation procedures, ranging... more
In this work we consider the role of muons in various URCA processes relevant for neutrino emissions in the core region of neutron stars. The calculations are done for β-stable nuclear matter with and without muons. We find muons to... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
AimAlthough species distribution models (SDMs) traditionally link species occurrences to free‐air temperature data at coarse spatio‐temporal resolution, the distribution of organisms might instead be driven by temperatures more proximal... more
For presentation at the 15th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting Norfolk, VA 8/19-23/96. Los Afamos National Laboratory. an affirmative action/equaf opportunity employer, is operated by the University of California for the US.... more
The empirical orthogonal function decomposition is used to analyze time records of AVHRR sea surface temperature observations of the western North Atlantic from 32.9Њ to 43.6ЊN, 62.7Њ to 76.3ЊW. A manually declouded dataset covering the... more
The purpose of this study is to present a satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) climatology based on Pathfinder Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data and to evaluate it and several other climatologies for their... more