Land Policy and Governance

111 papers
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Land Policy and Governance refers to the frameworks, regulations, and practices that guide the management, use, and distribution of land resources. It encompasses the legal, institutional, and social mechanisms that influence land tenure, property rights, and land-use planning, aiming to promote sustainable development and equitable access to land.
In social sciences, 'property rights' are socially enforced rights that may or may not be legally recognised and formalised. Resources are subject to multiple rights (to cultivate, invest, assign land use through a market or non-market... more
This report explores the urban morphology of Noida, an Indian metropolis in National capital Region that is expanding quickly. The report tries to comprehend the evolution and characteristics of Noida's urban form by a thorough... more
Lo scopo del contributo è quello di introdurre la sezione monografica, frutto del convegno Poteri patrimoni scritture. L’abbazia di Pomposa tra esarcato e regno (secoli IX-XI), organizzato nell’ambito del progetto scientifico ‘Cantiere... more
There appears to be a constantly incontrovertible, yet delicately inseparable cord, between land resource as an all-time invaluable asset, and meaningful socioeconomic growth and development. Much as this assertion holds, what... more
Fehlendes gemeinsames Wertefundament in unsicheren Stadtteilen 2.5 Ansatzpunkte der Kriminalprävention 2.5.1 Infrastruktur und soziale Integration 2.5.2 Sozialmanagement 2.5.3 Architektur und Städtebau 2.5.4 Nachbarlichkeit 2.6... more
Als Informations-und Planungsgrundlage für eine regional differenzierte, quartiersnahe Versorgungsgestaltung werden kleinräumig Daten zum Versorgungsbedarf und-angebot benötigt. Vor diese Herausforderung sind auch die Kooperationspartner... more
1. Einleitung 2. Projekt DRIN und Evaluationsforschung 3. Interessante Ergebnisse der Evaluation 3.1 Vielfältige Kooperationen und die Ergänzung von Diakonie und Kirche 3.2 Bekämpfung sozialer Armut 3.3 Aktivierung (kirchenferner)... more
Bài báo này trình bày một phương pháp bù co tối ưu để giảm thiểu sự vênh co giữa các cấu kiện thẳng đứng trong nhà cao tầng. Phương án bù co tối ưu theo từng nhóm tầng được xác định thông qua việc giải tuần tự một chuỗi các bài toán tối... more
Das Buch behandelt in 6 Kapiteln die Themen Planungsinstanzen, Wirtschaft, Wohnen, Bildung, Verkehr und Planung und Offentlichkeit. Es erreichte 4 Auflagen mit 38.000 Exemplaren. Es war Grundlage für 6 Fernsehbreichte, die 1970 vom WDR... more
D as ökonomische, ökologische und soziale Gleichgewicht einer Stadt steht bei einer schnell wachsenden Bevölkerung unter hohem Druck. Dies trifft insbesondere in Kombination mit den Auswirkungen der Wirtschafts-und Finanzkrise sowie den... more
"In the Lands of Lake Niassa" dives into the complex stories and experiences of the Nyanja people in the Lake Niassa region, exploring their struggles and territorial transformations over time. An invitation to rethink the notions of... more
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Auf den Punkt • Präventive Strukturpolitik leitet einen regionalwirtschaftlichen Pfadwandel ein, ohne dass dazu aktuell die sozioökonomische Notwendigkeit besteht. • Neben diversen Dilemmata, z.B. dass Ressourcen für eine Region... more
Die Stadtgestalt ist eine wesentliche Komponente der Stadterneuerung, auch wenn sie als solche nicht unmittelbar in den Umbau-und Erneuerungsprozessen der Städte thematisiert wird. In den letzten Jahren ist der Stellenwert von... more
Regulating land use and the biodiversity of a region requires lasting accords between those who make the decisions and those who are affected by the rules and regulations. In Africa, these accords depend on the effectiveness of the... more
The use of land value capture (LVC) tools has been advocated by many authors as way of financing public investments in urban interventions. The rationale behind these tools is to capture part of the capital gains on land derived from... more
Pressures on land have been on the rise over the past two decades across sub-Saharan Africa, notably due to increasing commercial interests fuelled by global demand for agricultural commodities. In Tanzania, Ghana and Senegal, such... more
Tulisan singkat ini bermaksud meringkas apa yang terjadi pada Kabupaten Dairi, Sumatera Utara, terutama pada wilayah Silima Pungga-Pungga dan sekitarnya, dalam kaitannya dengan pertambangan yang sedang diusahakan di sana. Mengikuti Franco... more
The Tharus have their own sort of traditional governance system for dealing with their conflicts in each village throughout the western Tarai part in twenty two districts of Nepal. This paper attempted to answer how the perspectives and... more
Purpose-This study examined the nexus between land tenure security (LTS) and food security (FS) in female-led households of Tula agrarian settlements. Design/Methodology-The study used a qualitative research design, which was based on the... more
Rectifying land rights in war-torn settings are among the most daunting challenges of peacebuilding. War-torn land tenure situations are unique settings in their combination of a weakened and chaotic formal (statutory) system, vigorous... more
Globally, corruption poses a major challenge because it is at the heart of all other crimes, serious or petty. Kenya's commitment in the fight against corruption has severely been tested. In spite of many laws to address the scourge of... more
Agricultural dominant societies in India are slowly shifting from traditional agricultural practices to modern infrastructural development. The Recent trends of developing high-tech cities are some efforts being taken by Punjab government... more
In recent decades, a new generation of greenbelts has developed that are embedded within dynamic regionalism processes. Governance of these greenbelts is increasingly being challenged by institutional arrangements requiring coordination... more
ICEC: Die MacherInnen einer Stadtteilinitiative sind so etwas wie ein Glücksfall für einen Bezirk. Aus der Sicht einer sogenannten Stadtteilinitiatorin: Wie kam es zur Gründung des Gemeinschaftsgartens "Matznergarten" im 14. Bezirk?... more
In recent years, cultural, social, community and educational spaces have become laboratories of new forms of living, working, learning and collective exchange. However, these civic spaces face many difficulties in establishing stable... more
This document describes work undertaken as part of a programme of study at the International
El objetivo de la investigación es analizar el instrumento para la medición de capacidad institucional mediante el uso de la metodología cualitativa con énfasis en su aplicación para el ordenamiento territorial. La investigación tiene... more
This paper consists of a review of existing literature relating to Incorporated Land Groups in Papua New Guinea (PNG), followed by a case study of two urban incorporated land groups (ILGs) in the city of Lae. The paper is an attempt at... more
Urbane Diversität ist als Diskurslinie aus den zeitgenössischen Beiträgen zur Stadtentwicklung nicht mehr wegzudenken. Allerdings wurde bislang übersehen, dass jenes Wechselspiel der Identitäten auch den Sozialraum beeinflusst. Die... more
The Smart Cities Initiative enables complex projects in cities and urban regions. In view of the climate changes expected in the future, the urban ecological functions of urban open spaces (microclimatic effects, water balance and soil... more
Subject of the Public Space Technical Concept The technical concept essentially deals with urban, public open spaces that are fundamentally accessible to everyone at all times and are essentially publicly owned. (Long text written in... more
En el Pleno CCLVI del 01 de abril del 2022, el Tribunal Registral adoptó como acuerdo plenario el siguiente criterio sobre el requerimiento de presentar el certificado negativo de información catastral: Inmatriculación y modificación... more
Current contestations over land as a public or private good revolve around the issue of who owns, controls and manages it. Particularly, after the second April uprising of 2006, indigenous people, have emerged as a new actor in land... more
Analysis of Chinese real estate market shifted from eco nomic fundamentals to non-fundamentals, but consensus conclusions are still rarely reached. This is because institutional perspectives and national subjects are still lacking. Based... more
Worum geht es? Die Lebensqualität vor Ort wird maßgeblich durch eine funktionierende Daseinsvorsorge gesichert. Um Leistungen der Daseinsvorsorge verlässlich zu erbringen, haben Städte und Gemeinden in Regionen im demografischen Wandel... more