Lake Sediments
Recent papers in Lake Sediments
Dal lake is known as jewel of Kashmir valley and it work as a pull factor for lakhs of tourists every year. However Dal lake has lost its beauty what it had until 1980’s. Several reasons are responsible for miserable condition of Dal... more
In 2012 and 2013 extensive sedimentological field work was conducted to study the depositional setting, the regional geology and facies relationships, and measure sections of the Green River Formation in all the subbasins, in Wyoming,... more
Phosphate fertilizers manufactured from rock phosphate play a major role in modern agriculture. This geochemical investigation to determine the fertilizing capacity of lake sediments was conducted in upstream and downstream lakes... more
The Eocene Green River Formation and associated fluvial strata host a large variety of widely distributed and laterally extensive synsedimentary to early post-depositional deformation features. Although mostly overlooked in past studies,... more
The siliciclastic lacustrine rocks of the~1000 Ma Diabaig Formation, northwest Scotland, contain a remarkable diversity of macroscopic structures on bedding planes that can be compared with various kinds of microbially induced sedimentary... more
Ms Thesis of David Hernandez at ETSECCPB - UPC, Bacelona Tech. 2011
16.1 Introduction 271 16.2 Changes in the watershed and their long-term impacts on Lake Kinneret 273 16.3 Long-term lake... more
The ∼1000 Ma Torridon Group of northwest Scotland are here shown to contain a rich diversity of organic walled microfossils preserved in exceptional detail within sedimentary phosphate. The phosphatic nodules and bands in which they occur... more
Thick lake sediments discovered in the southern part of the Czech Republic provide a high-resolution archive for detailed study of paleoenvironmental changes during the Late Pleistocene to Holocene in eastern-central Europe. Until... more
Outcrops and cores from the top of the lacustrine Tipton Member and the base of the Wilkins Peak Member (~51.5 Ma) of the Eocene Green River Formation, Bridger Basin in southwestern Wyoming yield a wide variety of sedimentary deformation... more
There is a lack of high-resolution records of hydroclimate variability in the Eastern Mediterranean from the late glacial and early Holocene. More knowledge of the speed of climate shifts and the degree to which they were synchronous with... more
Summary. Lake Luokesas in Lithuania has become the centre of attention in northern European wetland archaeological research after the discovery of two Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age pile dwellings. Their unique location, chronology and... more
Across the Arctic, postglacial lakes contribute a substantial amount of the total atmospheric methane (CH4), and their emissions are predicted to increase. However, there is still much uncertainty as to the contribution of northern water... more
The Alpenquai lake-dwelling is located on Lake Zurich, and can be considered as one of the rare Late Bronze Age lake-dwellings with a pronounced organic-rich cultural layer in the northern Circum-Alpine region. Within a larger research... more
The present study aims to investigate the comparative corrosion of lightweight metals such as aluminum and magnesium in palm biodiesel. Immersion test at room temperature was carried out for each metal for 1440 h. Sample characterization... more
The present investigation is a study of physico-chemical parameters of sediment along the Bhavan's College Lake of Andheri, Mumbai. The parameters monitored include pH, alkalinity, chloride, sulphate and phosphate contents. The annual... more
Based on a Fourier analysis of a continuous series of observations (188 years) of the water discharge in the Dnieper River, the study has identified qualitatively distinct periods of the discharge formation and a cyclicity constituent of... more
La contamination des sédiments lagunaires par les éléments traces métalliques constitue un danger pour l’eau, les espèces vivantes et pour la santé de l’homme. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer le niveau de contamination des... more
Preliminary studies of the palynoflora from the Lavanttal Basin show a relatively rich assemblage of pollen and spores. The palynoflora comprises at least 17 different kinds of spores, representing the Bryophyta (Sphagnum), Lycopodiophyta... more
Outcrops and cores from the top of the lacustrine Tipton Member and the base of the Wilkins Peak Member (~51.5 Ma) of the Eocene Green River Formation, Bridger Basin in southwestern Wyoming yield a wide variety of sedimentary deformation... more
Microscopic tephra layers ('cryptotephras') represent important age-equivalent stratigraphic markers utilised in many palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. When used in conjunction with proximal records of volcanic activity they can also... more
Thick lake sediments discovered in the southern part of the Czech Republic provide a high-resolution archive for detailed study of paleoenvironmental changes during the Late Pleistocene to Holocene in eastern-central Europe. Until... more
Sediments are solid, fragmented particulate matter (silt, sand, and gravel), which are transported and deposited by physical processes such as water, wind, and ice. Sediments consist of loose, solid particles originating from the... more
Inland water sediments receive large quantities of terrestrial organic matter1–5 and are globally important sites for organic carbon preservation5,6. Sediment organic matter mineralization is positively related to temperature across a... more
Skriufonnen is a small cirque glacier (0.03 km2) in the continental mountains of Rondane in southern Norway. At present, it is the only glacier in Rondane, and very little is known about Holocene glacier fluctuations in this region.... more
Sedimentary evidence spanning the last 3500 years from cores taken from the centre of Gormire Lake, Cleveland, northeast England, points to two periods of deforestation and catchment erosion. The first, mainly late Iron Age/Romano-British... more
Palaeontological research on the Miocene and Pliocene oras and faunas of Iceland date back to the 1770's. At that time, plant fossils from Iceland were considered belonging to a single ora, and in the early 20th century scientist... more
Arctic glaciers are currently undergoing major changes, but accurate knowledge about how they varied during the entire Holocene is still scarce. Here we present a new complete glacier record from Austre Okstindbreen in Nordland, northern... more
About 5,000 years ago near Morasko (the district of the present-day city of Poznañ, western Poland) the largest known iron meteorite shower in Central Europe took place. The evidence of that impact, documented so far, comprises numerous... more
The carbonate-rich sediments of the Eocene Green River Formation (53–43 Ma) were deposited in a complex lake system in present-day Wyoming, Colorado and Utah during the Laramide orogeny. Although syndepositional tectonic activity has been... more
Shells of subfossil snails and bivalves commonly noted in deposits of the Eemian Interglacial were used by several authors as more or less important stratigraphic indicators. In Poland, they have been noted in 35 sections, 20 of which are... more