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This volume offers a rich tapestry of psychoanalytic thought. The authors demonstrate bold creativity in their use of psychoanalytic concepts to think about a wide range of problems in philosophy, art and the clinic. The collection grew... more
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      PsychoanalysisArt HistoryPsychotherapy and CounselingJungian psychology
This paper engages centrally with the political impotence of much of critical theory today and suggests how a Lacanian-inflected perspective may offer a possible way out of the present intellectual and political deadlock. Lacanian thought... more
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      PsychoanalysisPolitical TheoryLacanJacques Lacan
Current influential attempts to bring together psychoanalysis and Marxism turn on the question of how to critique and move beyond capitalism without reverting to a utopian notion of communism. Taking this question seriously, the article... more
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      Marxist EconomicsClassJacques LacanSlavoj Žižek
Résumé du mémoire de recherche de Marine Hebert
Sous la direction d'Annie Claustres
Université Lyon II
Master Recherche Histoire et Théorie de l'Art des XXe et XXIe siècles
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      Art HistoryWomen's StudiesArt TheoryContemporary Art
It is an oft-noted clinical phenomenon that the analyst's mistakes are beneficial to the analytic process. Although the analyst's mistakes, misunderstandings, and faulty functioning have been described by psychoanalysts of various... more
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      Psychotherapy and CounselingJacques LacanSigmund FreudLacanian theory
Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault are widely accepted to be central figures of post-war French philosophy. Philosophers, cultural theorists, and others have devoted considerable effort to the critical examination of the work of each of... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
"This book took around a decade to write. Three of us, coming from different locations and contexts, coming from different histories, experiences and lived lives, coming from different intellectual traditions, shared some initial... more
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      Labor EconomicsGlobalizationMarxismRural Development
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      PhotographyViolenceSpace and PlaceWalter Benjamin
Esta tese buscou compreender como a morte violenta se apresenta na relação do sujeito com o laço social, considerando-se as dimensões imaginária, simbólica e real por meio das quais Lacan aborda a experiência freudiana. A partir de... more
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      ViolenceLacanJacques LacanLacanian theory
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      PsychoanalysisPsychotherapyPsychotherapy and CounselingJungian psychology
This essay analyzes the origin of sexuality and its relationship with the institution. The issue is addressed from the perspective of psychoanalysis (Freud, Lacan), anthropology (Claude Lévi-Strauss) and philosophy (Foucault, Butler,... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophySex and GenderSexuality
The book is the first monograph which examines the correspondences between the oeuvre of Jack Kerouac and the thought of Jacques Lacan, the two apparently incompatible worlds which prove to be complementary when taking a closer look. The... more
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      PsychoanalysisHistory Of PsychoanalysisJacques LacanLacanian theory
במאמר זה אבחן את טבעו של השיח המקוון, קרי השיח המתבצע באינטרנט: דואר אלקטרוני, צ'טים, פורומים, בלוגים, רשתות חברתיות וכד'. כמו כל תופעה בעולם הנחקרת בכלים פילוסופיים, ניתן לחקור את השיח המקוון באמצעות תאוריות וכיווני הגות מגוונים. בכוונתי... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsArt TheoryVisual CultureLacanian theory
This paper explores the possibilities of examining four of Jim Jarmusch’s films (Stranger than Paradise, Down by Law, Dead Man and Ghost Dog) from the perspectives of various postmodern philosophies. It places Jarmusch’s opus within the... more
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyFilm StudiesShamanism
This dissertation explores personal experiences of change occurring in two psychotherapy modalities—Psychoanalysis (PSA)/Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (PDT) and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)—from a theoretically informed qualitative... more
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      PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyPsychoanalysisPsychotherapy and Counseling
Leaders all around the world, especially those at the helm of organizations, are known to be enthusiastic art collectors. Nonetheless, little research has been done on the impact of the leaders' art collecting pursuits on the development... more
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      PsychoanalysisLeadershipLacanSigmund Freud
Iran sends inconsistent messages to the world. Vehement factionalism and widespread disagreement in nearly everything from religion and politics to lifestyle and sexuality are evident inside the country. Drawing from the Freudian concept... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural StudiesPsychoanalysisAnthropology
Рассматриваются детско-родительские отношения в контексте гаджетизации, интернетизации с позиций теории информационного общества М. Кастельса и фрейдо-лакановского психоанализа. По результатам проведенной авторами фокус-группы с... more
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      PsychoanalysisLacanJacques LacanLacanian theory
One of the paradoxes of Robespierre’s Republic of Virtue is that the author from whom he so largely borrowed did not really consider himself virtuous. Virtue may mean purity of heart and motive in one’s daily actions, but as Jean-Jacques... more
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      PsychoanalysisFrench LiteratureEighteenth-Century literatureJacques Lacan
Le gouvernement socialiste qui dirige actuellement la France ne cesse de s'activer pour imposer des idéologies -développées et propagées par des groupuscules extrémistes -, au mépris de la volonté générale. Affranchis de la faculté... more
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      PsychoanalysisGender StudiesQueer StudiesEducation
On Tamuna Sirbiladze’s Paintings and Objects 

Translation: Matthias Goldmann
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      ArtArt TheoryGertrude SteinJacques Lacan
A commentary to the lectures:
"Calliope’s Sc(D)ream" by Prof. Shirley Sharon-Zisser
and "Lacan and the Philosophical Soul" by Prof. Ruth Ronen,
in the conference "Lacan and Philosophy", Tel Aviv University,
18-19 of November 2015.
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisPhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
2017 marks the centenary of an artwork judged to be the single most influential of the twentieth century: Marcel Duchamp’s famous “readymade” entitled Fountain. The final verdict on Fountain has been widely accepted, despite the fact that... more
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      PsychoanalysisArt HistoryInterdisciplinarityContemporary Art
Çiğdem Vitrinel'in Fakat Müzeyyen Bu Derin Bir Tutku filmi, Jacques Lacan'ın psikanalitik kuramı üzerinden arzu kavramını ve dolayısıyla insanın döngüsel arayışlarını irdelemeye olanak tanımaktadır. Lacan'a göre; kişinin ben ve diğeri... more
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      Film StudiesLacanian theoryFilm eleştirisi
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      PsychoanalysisPsychosisJacques LacanLacanian theory
We are a binary consciousness. Perhaps the most striking outcome of psychoanalysis is the formalization of this fact in the notion of the distinction between the conscious and the unconscious. Whether we follow orthodox Freudian readings... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisLacanJungian psychology
De reekstitel is zowel ironisch als ernstig bedoeld. De mens heeft zich altijd al teweergesteld tegen wat Lacan het ondraaglijk Reële noemt. Religie en kunst -ruimer gesteld, de cultuur -zijn daar de oudste vormgevingen van. Recent is... more
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      PsychoanalysisAristotleJacques LacanLacanian theory
The starting point of this chapter was the Lacanian term of the real, which offers the possibility to discuss a specific, maybe invisible or unrepresentable side of reality. This led me to the issue of animated documentaries and their... more
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      Film TheoryAnimationAnimated DocumentaryLacanian theory
Partendo dal dialogo internazionale che si è sviluppato sull'opera di Pier Paolo Pasolini, nonché dall'intenzione di valorizzare l'opera tenendola separata dai clamori e dai traumi associati alla biografia dell'autore ma senza... more
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      Jacques LacanLacanian theoryPier Paolo PasoliniTeoría Lacaniana
Home is often dually conceptualized as a physical space of living and a psycho-social place of belonging. To engage with this dual nature of home, housing scholars refer to the concept of ontological security to understand how different... more
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      PsychoanalysisGeographyHuman GeographyUrban Geography
As outlined in my adjoined essay, regarding Lacan's previous lecture in this Seminar, Lacan had introduced 'the real presence of the Other's desire' in the canvas of Psyche surprises Cupid. Lacan's following two lectures, however,... more
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      Critical TheoryPsychoanalysisPhilosophyAesthetics
‫פלג-בנימיני‬ ‫תמר‬ ‫לשון:‬ ‫עריכת‬ 64736 ‫אביב‬ ‫תל‬ ,3 ‫בן-אבי‬ ‫איתמר‬ ‫רסלינג,‬ 03-6956704 ‫טל:‬ ‫אביב‬ ‫תל‬ ‫בע"מ,‬ ‫חדקל‬ ‫בדפוס‬ ‫נדפס‬ ‫רסלינג‬ ‫להוצאת‬ ‫שמורות‬ ‫הזכויות‬ ‫כל‬ © 2009 ‫בישראל,‬ ‫נדפס‬ ‫העניינים‬... more
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No existe pasión que contenga, dice Jorge Eslava, tantos arrebatos de celebración, nostalgia y desconsuelo como el fútbol. Eso lo sabemos muy bien los hinchas peruanos. Y dentro de esa pasión desenfrenada, el momento del clímax llega cada... more
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      Media StudiesFootball (soccer)Lacanian theoryPublicidad
Zafiropoulos' book Lacan et les sciences sociales was published in France in 2001 and it has only recently been translated into Italian (2019). The translators (Vincenzo Rapone and Michele Bianchi) implicitly express their intentions... more
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      PsychoanalysisSocial SciencesJacques LacanLacanian theory
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      Canadian StudiesCriminal LawEthicsHuman Rights Law
This paper will explore the aesthetic strategies of Bryan Fuller’s Hannibal (NBC, 2013-15) in the context of film-philosophy and what appears as a sort of methodological Cartesian dualism – which is to say, approaches that posit film as... more
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      PsychoanalysisFilm StudiesFilm TheoryTelevision Studies
El presente artículo se propone explorar los alcances de la apuesta atea freudiana y sus implicaciones para la ética de la clínica psicoanalítica. En el recorrido propuesto, se esbozan algunos planteamientos en torno al debate del ateísmo... more
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      ReligionPsychoanalysisAtheismSigmund Freud
Most discussions of the social and interpersonal styles in individuals with strong psychopathic traits focus on their dangerousness or their affective and interpersonal deficiencies. This study has a different focus, and starts from the... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyForensic PsychologyForensic Anthropology
written 2016
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      Gender StudiesLogicFeminist TheoryAristotle
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      PsychoanalysisHistory of IdeasHistory Of PsychoanalysisPhilosophy of Psychoanalysis
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      LacanJacques LacanLacanian theoryLacanian psychoanalysis
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      TheologyJurgen HabermasContinental PhilosophyBiblical Studies
This review essay analyses the proposed synthesis of Lacanian psychoanalysis and Marxism, which often presents itself as a critique of the kind of utopianism associated with ‘Freudo-Marxism’. In Yannis Stavrakakis’s The Lacanian Left... more
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      MarxismIdeologyLacanian theorySubjectivity
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A co-reading of "On Narcissism" by Freud and “The Mirror Stage as Formative of the I Function as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience” by Lacan
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      Jacques LacanSigmund FreudLacanian theoryNarcissism
This chapter, focusing on the text The Family Complexes (1938), demonstrates that already as early as the 1930s, Lacan's interests had turned to revising psychoanalytic theory. The text represents a prototypical example of the internal... more
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      PsychologyFamily TherapyPsychoanalysisFamily studies
The problem of the superhero is that this figure acts takes up the position of the sovereign exception and almost always thereby functions ideologically. Christopher Nolan's superhero films are his most ideological, revealing that as a... more
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      PsychoanalysisLacanJacques LacanLacanian theory
It is unlikely that Jacques Lacan and Alice Munro were ever aware of each other's work. Yet, because of Munro's intuitive grasp of the complexities of human subjectivity and her ability to articulate subtleties and ambiguities, her... more
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      Canadian LiteratureLiterary TheoryJacques LacanLacanian theory
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      PsychoanalysisCanadian LiteratureGenderLacanian theory