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The UK Commission for Employment and Skills is a social partnership, led by Commissioners from large and small employers, trade unions and the voluntary sector. Our mission is to raise skill levels to help drive enterprise, create more... more
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      Skills DevelopmentWork and LabourSocial MobilityWork-Life Balance
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      Regional developmentReturn MigrationRegional EconomicsInternal migration
Het Sociaal Akkoord 2013 staat in het teken van recessie en reconstructie. Om de Nederlandse economie door de crisis heen te loodsen zijn maatregelen aangekondigd die de arbeidsparticipatie moeten vergroten en de arbeidsmarkt beweeglijker... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsVocational EducationLabour Market Dynamics
Se focalisant principalement sur le marché Suisse l’objectif de ce rapport est d’élaborer un plan d’action mettant en relation la formation supérieure d’une part et les besoins du marché du travail d’autre part. Les arguments avancés par... more
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      EducationUniversitySwitzerlandLabour Market Dynamics
‘There is no union renewal without striking’ has been the underlying logic driving collective bargaining and union renewal dynamics in the Basque Country. This article shows how the Basque sovereigntist unions ELA and LAB have formed a... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSociologyOrganizational ChangeOrganisational Change
Our findings, through the use of survey data and administrative source pave the way for a critical discussion on the visibility of the labour market.
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      Middle East & North AfricaAlgeriaLabour Market Dynamics
In Bangladesh labour welfare is the crucial matter. Bangladeshi garments owners are not enough aware about the welfare practices towards improving the livelihood of workers. However, today’s picture is not same.They are showing some... more
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      Human Resource ManagementLabour Market DynamicsStudy of Customers AttitudeCustomer Satisfaction Level
Labour Market Information Systems serves as a single window that provides all information regarding labour market and which has capability to collect, evaluate and disseminate labour market information to all the stakeholders. It contains... more
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      Labour ProcessLabour StudiesWork and LabourLabour Market
Resultaat of the annual survey amongst 2000 HR Porfessionals in The Netherlands
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      HR ManagementLabour Market DynamicsLatest Hr Trends
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      Organizational ChangeOrganizational CultureHuman Resource ManagementWork-Life Balance
Il diritto del mercato del lavoro tra pressioni economiche, trasformazioni sociali e nuove istanze di tutela RiceRche Salario, contrattazione, equo compenso inteRventi La subordinazione in trasformazione GiuRispRudenza italiana... more
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      Collective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Minimum WageLabour Market Dynamics
Emek piyasaları ve çalışma, ekonomik sistemler ve iktisadi yaklaşımların bir nevi muğlâk alanı olarak kabul edilebilir. Bu alana ilişkin kavramsal çerçeve, günümüzde çalışma olarak ifade edilen faaliyetlerin tarihsel dönüşümü ve iktisadi... more
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      Labour StudiesWork and LabourLabour EconomicsLabour markets
We conceptualise and measure welfare state change across 21 high-income countries as a continuum delineated by a double movement, that is, the combined change of compensatory and employment-oriented policies. Our double movement framework... more
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      SociologySocial PolicyPolitical ScienceFamily policy
This chapter examines the implications of these issues for young people’s expectations and self-perceptions, with reference to a group of multiply disadvantaged young people in the UK. It draws upon qualitative research with disadvantaged... more
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      Young PeopleTransitions from school to labour marketTransition to AdulthoodWork-Life Balance
C’è una parte di umanità in esubero, esclusa, emarginata. Una parte che potrebbe sparire da un giorno all’altro e la cui sparizione farebbe sobbalzare solo gli indici della statistica. Una parte che non ha altro da perdere che le proprie... more
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      Economic HistorySociologySocial MovementsSocial Theory
The Chinese Communist Party’s response to the wave of factory strikes in the early summer of 2010 has raised important questions about the role that labour plays in the transformation of world orders. In contrast to previous policies of... more
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      Japanese StudiesDevelopment StudiesKorean StudiesSouth Korea
Revisiting crisis responses As the pandemic continues and countries experience a massive second wave, labor markets continue to be heavily affected. At the same time, countries have started to extend, but also adjust stabilization... more
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      Crisis ManagementLabour Market Dynamics
The 2009 global economic crisis has significantly impacted international tourism, causing a decline in international tourist arrivals and international tourism revenues. This study looks into the effects of the decrease in international... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementDeveloping CountriesLabour Studies
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      Critical TheoryBusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsInformation Systems
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      Labour ProcessLabour historyWork and LabourWork-Life Balance
In Spagna, l’attuale e prolungato periodo di instabilità economica sta evidenziando le carenze funzionali e le criticità strutturali del mercato del lavoro. Nel presente articolo analizziamo queste carenze, presentando le loro origini e... more
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      Labour LawLabour MarketLabour Market Dynamics
The paper provides micro-economic foundation for Keynes labour market. The supply of and demand for labour aren't functions of the real wage, but functions of income/output (Y). The supply of labour is perfectly inelastic; the quantity of... more
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    • Labour Market Dynamics
The apparent mismatch between industry needs and the educational outcomes of the South African system points to a potential lack of responsiveness on the part of post-school education and training institutions, to enhance the... more
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      EmployabilityCurriculum StudiesGraduate employabilityThe Impact of Technical Education on Labour Market
The following presentation examines how the perception of 'home' and 'homeland' is not related to the country of origin in migration studies, if we take into account the temporal and subjective factor that migrants themselves attribute to... more
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      Spatial PracticesMobility/MobilitiesMigration mobilitiesAlbanian Studies
Engagement in paid work during term-time amongst undergraduates in England has increased in recent years, reflecting changes in both higher education funding and labour market policy. This article draws on research with students in a... more
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      SociologyEducationSociology of EducationSociology of Work
"This project focuses on the life and successes of Abdul Sattar Edhi in the context of the Meaningful Life Framework. We will analyze these under the broad headings which come under the Meaningful Life Framework: Strategic Visions,... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentMotivation (Psychology)Student Motivation And EngagementEmployee Motivation
This article reviews conventional theories about various aspects of labor migration: Its origins, stability over time, and patterns of migrant settlement. For each of these aspects, we provide alternative explanatory hypotheses derived... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
Programme des emplois en Afrique OIT Marché du Travail et emploi en Algérie
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      Labour StudiesEmploymentAlgeriaLabour Market Dynamics
80 percent of the Ghanaian workforce is employed in the informal sector. The sector is characterized by underemployment, bad working conditions, uncertain work relationships and low wages. The majority of people are living with high... more
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      Work-Life BalanceLabour Market DynamicsLife-Course Transitions
Este texto precisa las categorías jurídicas de tercerización e intermediación laboral, a la vez que explicita sus fundamentos macro y microeconómicos. Adicionalmente, en esta investigación se arriesga una simulación econométrica para... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsEconomicsLabor EconomicsSociology of Work
The young people labour market in European Union is facing great challenges. Young people’s unemployment has been on rise in EU continuously since 2008 and it reached its highest value in 2011. Young people’s unemployment causes negative... more
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      European StudiesPolitical EconomyStatisticsEuropean integration
Work-life balance policies, workplace culture, childcare and maternity issues can have a special resonance for those who are facing a crisis pregnancy. As the report suggests, a supportive workplace culture, measures that promote... more
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      MaternityWork-Life BalanceChildcare policyLabour Market Dynamics
The Great Resignation (or Big Quit), which can be loosely translated as the Great Quit, illustrates a situation in which groups of salaried workers resign and leave their jobs en masse voluntarily. In his book 'Bullshit Jobs', Graeber... more
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      Social ChangeSocial SciencesWorking ClassesAnarchism
Unemployment has a strong influence on the economic prospects of the UK economy as a whole. The effect of unemployment can be long-lasting, and as an experience can imply lasting effects on future employment outcomes. In order to avoid... more
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      UnemploymentWage ScarringUnemployment DurationLabour markets
[Español] José Álvarez fue el primer profesor de oboe y corno inglés de la Escuela Nacional de Música y Declamación. Como otros tantos instrumentistas de viento de la época, su rutina laboral era la del pluriempleo. Por ello, además de... more
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      Nineteenth-Century MusicMusicology, Spanish Music HistoriographyLabour Market DynamicsBiografías
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      GenderMigration StudiesLabour rightsLabour Market Dynamics
Research indicates that globally, individuals with an intellectual disability experience the lowest employment rate. They have difficulties finding employment, experience lower pays and greater periods of unemployment. In Malta, research... more
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      Disability StudiesIntellectual DisabilityEmployment StudiesLabour Market Dynamics
This paper analysis analyses the social role of men and women. Investigating the social and demographic reasons, the author claims, that the dual burden of women is not expected to decrease, but rather is likely to grow. On the one hand,... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesPublic OpinionWomen's Studies
"Comment se construisent les inégalités de parcours chez les enseignants et les enseignantes du second degré ? C’est la question à laquelle cet ouvrage se propose de répondre, à partir d’une comparaison entre la France et l’Angleterre.... more
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      Gender StudiesEducationWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
Tourism has been recognised as a key economic driver in rural regions of the UK (Ilbery et al. 2007). These rural areas are typically endowed with natural resources that are strong attractors of both tourists and tourism businesses.... more
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      Business NetworksWork-Life BalanceEntrepreneursLabour Market Dynamics
This essay, or rather collection of essays, draws together three distinct streams of thought, time and space into a single river of understanding concerning labor, leisure, human-nature relations, city and town planning and human... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Philology
The Internet has revolutionized work and is transforming the job markets. With the aid of some illustrative case studies, we analyze and discuss how the Internet has changed the job market and its impact on society. We identify the impact... more
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      Globalisation and the labour marketWork-Life BalanceLabour Market DynamicsLife-Course Transitions
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      Labour MarketLabour Market Dynamics
A tanulmány a végzettség és a foglalkoztatottság összefüggésének egyes tényezőit mutatja be, az euró-pai uniós és hazai kapcsolódó adatok bemutatásán keresztül. Közismert, hogy minél magasabb vagy speciálisabb valakinek az iskolai... more
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      EducationDisabilityEducation of Disadvantaged GroupsLabour Market Dynamics
The monograph publishes research on women and work that addresses work and family balance, female-dominated occupations and women in male-dominated occupations and roles, gender and sex work, the work involved in negotiating work and... more
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      Gender StudiesHuman Resource ManagementWomen and WorkIntersectionality
We measure and interpret the evolution of labour market protection across 21 high-income countries over three decades, employing as conceptual foundations the 'regime varieties' and 'trajectories of change' developed by Esping-Andersen,... more
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      SociologySocial PolicyPolitical ScienceAustralia
"Der Aufsatz zielt darauf, der Prozess der historischen Überlagerung, Substitution und Verbreitung des theoretischen Paradigmas der Depression gegenüber jenem der Melancholie darzustellen. Im ersten Teil wird versucht, einige der... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistorySociologySocial Theory
This article tries to outline the social consequences of neoliberal economic crisis and the domestic austerity policies in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, commonly known as the Baltic states. In order to recover from the shock of global... more
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      Social MovementsRussian StudiesGender StudiesInternational Relations
In the modern world, education is broadly established to be the prominent mechanism for promoting economic progress. In Nigeria, Higher education is a crucial aspect of education and is expected to contribute significantly to economic... more
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      Collective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Risk GovernanceEducational management and leadershipLabour Market Dynamics