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Turkish translation of George J. Borjas, Labor Economics. 6th Edition McGraw-Hill Irwin. 2013 Translated by Çağatay Edgücan Şahin, Kerem Gökten and Ümit Akçay
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      Education and Labor MarketsLabor MarketsMacroeconomics of Labor Markets
This essay is adapted from a plenary talk the author gave at the “Growing Apart: The Implications of Economic Inequality” interdisciplinary conference at Boston College on 9 April 2016, as well as portions of his book Cut Loose: Jobless... more
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      EducationUnemploymentLabor MarketsMorality
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      BusinessEconomicsLabor EconomicsSocial Policy
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      South African Politics and SocietyLabor MarketsLabour Market
Moral Intelligence and the Contemporary Labor Market Requirements In this paper there is characterized the concept of moral intelligence as a new concept in psychological literature which is distinguished from cognitive intelligence,... more
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      Labor MarketsMoral IntelligenceRynek Pracy
This paper investigates empirically how labor market institutions affect wage and inflation dynamics, particularly the volatility of real wage growth and inflation using a panel data for OECD economies. I also look at how the rate of... more
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      Labor MarketsInflationOECD countries
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      EducationFood and NutritionPublic HealthLabor Markets
Some rights reserved 1 2 3 4 21 20 19 18
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      AfghanistanRural DevelopmentAgricultureWorld Bank
This article reviews conventional theories about various aspects of labor migration: Its origins, stability over time, and patterns of migrant settlement. For each of these aspects, we provide alternative explanatory hypotheses derived... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
he increase of ixed-term work has led to diminished job security. It appears that the diferent types of employees do not evenly work on this basis. Young employees, women and poorly educated employees relatively often have a temporary... more
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      Collective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)LawCivil LawLabor Law (Law)
This work is a product of the World Trade Organization, the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Research Center of Global Value Chains headquartered at the... more
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      Labor MarketsGlobal Value Chains
Contrary to previous beliefs, recent empirical work has found that the effects of monetary policy on inequality are far from modest. In order to improve our understanding of the channels through which monetary policy has distributional... more
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      Search and matching models (Labor Economics)Monetary PolicyLabor MarketsWage inequality
U.S. President Barack Obama has vowed to "help countries like Mexico… do a better job of creating jobs for their people" as part of his plan to curtail undocumented immigration to the United States (Organizing for America). This idea... more
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      HistoryDiscriminationPolitical RhetoricMigration Studies
What is the state of the research on crowdsourcing for policymaking? This article begins to answer this question by collecting, categorizing, and situating an extensive body of the extant research investigating policy crowdsourcing,... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsBusiness AdministrationInformation Science
Madrid y su hinterland: redes sociales, capital humano y modernización urbana Coloquio sobre la modernización urbana Cádiz, abril de 2009 1 MADRID Y SU HINTERLAND: REDES SOCIALES, CAPITAL HUMANO Y El proceso de urbanización iniciado a... more
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      Urban HistoryEuropean UrbanizationMigration StudiesSocial History
Preguntas sobre el teletrabajo y el trabajo en casa que se responden con esta investigación: ¿Qué porcentaje de los trabajadores pueden trabajar desde sus casas? ¿Quiénes son los que pueden hacerlo y qué características socioeconómicas... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSociology of WorkLabour ProcessLabour Law
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      Social HistoryHistoria del mundo del trabajo siglos XIX y XX.Labor MarketsWorking-Class History
Se analiza las condiciones del empleo partiendo del marco de referencia expuesto en el Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano 2015, en el que se concibe al trabajo como una herramienta para la consecución del desarrollo. Este planteamiento se... more
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      Human Development TheoryQuality of Working LifeVulnerabilityLabor Markets
O trabalho de pesquisa empírica realizou o acompanhamento de mudanças em curso na forma de Organização do processo de trabalho no periodo da crise financeira de 2008 por meio de observação em locais de trabalho determinados. A coleta de... more
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      Labor MarketsEconomic CrisisESTUDO SOBRE ESTRESSE NO TRABALHO
La aportación fundamental de este Informe es la vinculación de los mercados laborales al análisis de la pobreza y la desigualdad en América Latina, desde un enfoque de derechos. El incumplimiento de los Derechos Económicos, Sociales y... more
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      PobrezaLabor MarketsDesigualdades SocialesDerechos sociales
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      Economic HistoryUrban HistoryLabour historyMigration Studies
Desde mediados del siglo XIX, las ciudades españolas empezaron a verse influenciadas por los nuevos aires modernos que llegaban de allende los Pirineos. En este sentido, la capital española, la ciudad más poblada del país, no era una... more
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      Urban HistoryUrban PlanningSocial HistoryMigration History
Məqalədə rəqabət qabiliyyətli, dayanıqlı insan kapitalının inkişafı istiqamətində ali təhsil müəssisələrində keyfiyyət təminatı sisteminin mənimsənilməsinin, insan kapitalının əmək bazarında özünü reallaşdırmasında mövcud problemlərin... more
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      Human CapitalQuality Assurance Systems in Higher EducationLabor MarketsInternational Assessments
A década de 90 inicia-se no Brasil num ambiente de abertura comercial e de recessão econômica. A partir de 1993, o nível da atividade econômica se recupera e no ano seguinte a Administração Itamar Franco implementa um programa de... more
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      Latin American StudiesInformal EconomyLabor Markets
Objectives: This study aims to measure the impact of graduate skills on job challenges in the labor market in Kosovo and also to measure the relationship between graduates' challenges at work and demographic characteristics (age, gender,... more
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      Education and Labor MarketsCommunication SkillsLabor MarketsDemographics
On December 1, 2012, amendments to the Federal Labor Law in Mexico took effect. These amendments included changes in wage payments, employment contracts, new rules for outsourcing, and back wages among others. In this paper we analyzed... more
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      OutsourcingLabor lawOutsourcing StrategyLabor Markets
This review paper fits in the context of the adequate matching of training to employment, which is one of the main challenges that universities around the world strive to meet. In higher education, the revision of curricula necessitates a... more
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      Education and Labor MarketsCommunication SkillsLabor MarketsSoft Skills
This book combines classic and recent studies investigating challenges to Emiratization – full employment of Emirati nationals who make up only about 10% of the total workforce – in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). (Specific chapters are... more
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      United Arab EmiratesLabor Markets
Premised upon the observation that MOOC and Crowdsourcing phenomena share several important characteristics, including IT-mediation, large-scale human participation, and varying levels of openness to participants, this work systematizes a... more
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      BusinessInformation TechnologyLabor EconomicsTeaching and Learning
Most of the studies on the labour market integration of migrants in Europe have hitherto focused on host countries’ efforts to foster integration and the consequent effectiveness of these efforts. This study, however, emphasises on the... more
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      PragmatismLabor MigrationInternational MigrationSkilled migration (Human Resource Management)
Objectives: This study aims to measure the impact of graduate skills on job challenges in the labor market in Kosovo and also to measure the relationship between graduates' challenges at work and demographic characteristics (age,... more
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      Education and Labor MarketsCommunication SkillsLabor MarketsDemographics
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      MarxismRace and RacismLabor Markets
Can Crowdsourcing be used for policy? Previous work posits that the three types of Crowdsourcing have different levels of potential usefulness when applied to the various stages of the policy cycle. In this paper, we build upon this... more
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      Information SystemsInformation Systems (Business Informatics)Information TechnologyManagement Information Systems
Purpose: The objectives of this conceptual chapter are to examine the host country's institutional and cultural characteristics that have an impact on SIE's career success, and to propose a research model and agenda. Scope/method: Since... more
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      CultureQuality of lifeLabor MarketsCareer
As described in this article, people who produce, process, transport, sell, prepare, and serve food are a key part not only of the food system but the economy overall. In Maine, by a conservative estimate they are almost 17 percent of the... more
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      EconomicsLabor EconomicsSocial PolicySociology of Work
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      Economic HistoryUrban HistoryEuropean UrbanizationSpanish History
Se analiza la situación del empleo partiendo de un marco de referencia que lo posiciona como herramienta de cohesión social. A la luz de este enfoque se examina un conjunto de indicadores que ponen en evidencia las fortalezas y... more
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      DemographyQuality of Working LifeLabor MarketsPoverty and Inequality
The global economic crisis resulted in increasing unemployment in the countries of European Union. European Union implemented strong policy measures in order to improve the conditions of labor market. In this study, the effects of the... more
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      EducationHigher EducationWomenEuropean Union
In exercising corporate social responsibility (CSR), what primary normative standard must Catholic business firms and employers take in granting workers' wage in case the legal standard conflicts with that of the Roman Catholic Church's... more
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      SociologySociology of Ethics and MoralityEducation and Labor MarketsLegality
The correlation of horizontal skills and vocational specializations is a major challenge for regional employment policies and national economies. This is because this specific type of correlation is capable of shaping the vocational... more
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      Regional EconomicsLabor MarketsSoft Skills
В работе рассматривается возможность использование Интернет-занятости как способа активизации региональной экономики, создания новых рабочих мест и решение проблем безработицы
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      Labor EconomicsWork and LabourRegional EconomicsEmployment
We explore in this paper whether the recent recovery in growth rates in Egypt has been accompanied by an improvement in the quantity, and especially the quality, of employment. After examining how overall employment has evolved, we delve... more
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      EgyptEmploymentLabor MarketsDecent work
In this article, we argue that understanding the impact of economic structures on low-wage workers requires the study of emerging worker centers and networks and that individual labor market outcomes and experiences are mediated and... more
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      Social MovementsImmigrationNonprofit OrganizationsLabor Markets
Economists and other social scientists are calling for a reassessment of the impact of international trade on labor markets in developed and developing countries. Classical models of globalization and trade, based upon the international... more
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      International EconomicsInternational TradeOutsourcingOffshoring
This report focuses on the analysis of factors related to key HRD outcomes in the working-age population. It is based on data from the 2012 World Bank STEP survey. Although much of the behavior analyzed is current, including outcomes... more
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      EducationNutritionLaos (Lao PDR)Health
Are information intermediaries subject to social influence and competitive pressures from other information intermediaries? If so, how do these forces impact the information they provide? We examine these questions in two contexts:... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSocial ComparisonHuman CapitalStrategy (Business)
This paper develops a New Keynesian model with on-the-job search. Workers are allowed to search on the job in order to find a better job. I analyze how output, consumption, inflation, unemployment, and the other labor market variables... more
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      Monetary PolicyLabor Markets
This research presents an econometric model that predicts the number of hours that a child in Mexico would work depending on different characteristic of the kid. The model is based on data from the Child Labor Module collected by INEGI... more
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      Labor EconomicsWork and LabourLabour EconomicsChild Labor
More than half of North Africa’s labour force is employed in the informal economy, typically working without contracts, unions, or access to social insurance schemes. The intersection of economic marginality, underdevelopment, and abuse... more
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      Labor EconomicsPolitical EconomyMiddle East StudiesNorth Africa Studies
This study highlights the necessity of distinguishing the use of the formal-informal joint channel from the sole reliance on either the formal or informal job search channel. I first used interview data collected in three Chinese cities... more
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      Economic SociologySocial CapitalLabor MarketsJob Search