Recent papers in LEPTIS MAGNA
This contribution offers a new reading of the ancient landscape of the periphery of Lepcis Magna thanks mainly to the data from the survey campaigns carried out by the Archaeological Mission of Roma Tre University (2007– 13) together with... more
The theatres of Rome, Pompeii and of the provinces of the empire in the Augustan Age (and beyond) are analysed, through exempla, within a contextual framework that includes the history of mentality, the iconographic programmes and the... more
Maria Antonietta Rizzo, Leptis e il suo anfiteatro PARTE I Maria Ricciardi, L'anfiteatro di Leptis magna Premessa Introduzione I. Storia degli studi e delle indagini archeologiche Le notizie dei viaggiatori Le spoliazioni, la cart...... more
In public opinion Publius Quinctilius Varus has hitherto mainly been regarded as the tragic loser of the famous battle in the Teutoburg Forest in AD 9. However, this negative repute does not do justice to Varus, who previously had pursued... more
The situation of Roman North Africa during the imperial period provides excellent data for bilingualism. Among the bilingual inscriptions found in that region are those featuring parallel texts in Latin and neo-Punic. Analysis of the... more
Il volume costituisce un primo sistematico lavoro di sintesi su un aspetto della marmorizzazione della città di Leptis Magna, ossia l'importazione dei marmi bianchi e colorati impiegati negli allestimenti architettonici degli edifici... more
Ce travail se fonde sur une partie de ma thèse de doctorat (2010), dédiée à Claude Le Maire et aux activités archéologique françaises en Afrique du nord et remploi des monuments en France, entre XVIIe et XVIIIe (dir. A. Schnapp). On... more
This paper deals with the location of the springs of the river Cinyps (or Cynips) in Tripolitania, by comparing literary sources with topographic and archaeological data provided by explorers and by geoarchaeological studies carried out... more
An ancient, barbarous, counterfeit (ABC) coin purchased as Carthaginian, with an obverse capricorn and reverse horse, is described, and its likely origin is investigated. Official coins that may have served as our coin's prototypes are... more
Because of its Mediterranean immediacy, the Maghreb will be closely related to historic Egypt, ancient Greece, Phoenician colonizers, the flourishing and fall of Carthage and the rise of Rome. To define the área of study we resort to the... more
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist die leicht überarbeitete Fassung meiner Dissertation, die im Wintersemester 2014/2015 von der Philosophischen Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn angenommen wurde; seither erschienene... more
The mausoleum of Gasr Doga in the Tarhuna area was a grand funerary monument erected, by a member of the local Libico-Punic élite, in a strategic position on the limits of the provincial territory. Its architectural articulation recalls... more
This paper presents the results of an architectural survey undertaken in October 2013 at Qasr el-Banât, one of the most significant Roman mausolea of the suburban area of Lepcis Magna. The structure is a massive three-storey, tower-type... more
The paper will focus on the suburban and periurban area of Lepcis Magna (Libya), one of the most iconic cities of Roman Africa. Although the core of the city has been deeply analyzed, its periphery has been, up to now, poorly studied and... more
2 Dove se ne contano ben 25 esemplari (BROUQUIER-REDDÉ 1992, 236). Si veda anche ROMANELLI 1970, 117. Sulla tipologia si veda in generale CASTAGNOLI 1955, dove, a p. 143, si evidenziano, per gli esemplari databili a partire dalla fine del... more
Das von über 130 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern besuchte Kolloquium »IMPERIUM – Varus und seine Zeit« widmete sich dem Römischen Reich unter Augustus. Die Ergebnisse flossen in die Konzeption der großen Sonderausstellung »IMPERIUM – 2000... more
ABSTRACT: The article analyses the architecture of the macellum at Leptis Magna Markets built on a monumental scale in the Roman urban landscape were typified by a well thought-out spatial organization. As a centre of food redistribution,... more
In questo articolo si ricostruisce la vicenda storica e culturale di una statua trovata a Bengasi nel 1692-3, conservata grazie a Claude Le Maire, console francese a Tripoli, poi inviata a Luigi XIV, a Versailles. La statua, di età... more
The article offers a concise topographical and archaeological examination of the sites between Derna and Cyrene that Claude Le Maire, French consul in Tripoli de Barbarie, mentions in a record about his travels in Cyrenaica (1705-6),... more
Già antica città punica, grande porto commerciale, estesa e monumentale città romana magnificente di fori, basiliche, vie colonnate, archi, terme, mercati e teatri. Il più stupefacente esempio di architettura monumentale e decorativa, il... more
The talk aims to shed light both to the topographic aspects linked to the distribution of the mausoleums within the Lepcis Magna extra-urban landscape and, where possible, to their typological and architectural features. The recent survey... more
Since 2007, the Archaeological Mission of Roma Tre University has conducted surveys in the territory of Lepcis Magna, in a peri-urban area between Ras el-Mergheb and Ras el-Hammam. To date, 168 sites have been surveyed. From the analysis... more
Quando Antonino Di Vita dette lavvio allambizioso progetto di pubblicazione dei monumenti del Foro Vecchio di Leptis Magna, fulcro della vita cittadina per secoli, con il proposito di saldare finalmente quel debito che gli archeologi... more