Using a randomized control trial, this study examined the causal evidence of cross-language transfer of phonological awareness and letter knowledge (names and sounds) using data from multilingual 1st-grade children (N = 322) in Kenya.... more
During the COVID-pandemic people were increasingly obliged to wear facial masks and to reduce the number of people they met in person. In this study, we asked how these changes in social interactions are associated with young children's... more
When performing a monotonous task, one often experiences an urge to quit. This urge may vary depending on how long one has performed the task (a temporal factor) and on which particular component of the task one is carrying out (an... more
The expression kes, one of the most commonly used words in the Korean language, has various usages. This expression is also used to express English-like cleft constructions. Korean seems to employ at least three dierent types of cleft... more
1 Introduction Clefts in Korean and Japanese show a remarkable set of similarities. Both languages allow casemarked (CM, adopting the label of Hoji 1987) and non-casemarked (non-CM) clefts (1); both allow multiple clefts (2); many... more
This review deals with scale-up strategies for optimized chemical processes particularly for micron and submicron products. The method of finding scale-up factors was also introduced for two systems, a system with chemical reaction and a... more
In this paper, the natural frequency and damping ratio are analyzed with the acceleration signal of an Euler-Bernoulli beam using the impact hammer test. The results are presented according to crack depth and position using the recursive... more
A new computerized testing system, called the Computerized Multiple-choice Testing (CMMT) system, was introduced. In this system, questions of multiple choice (MC) items are presented first without options, so that students must generate... more
According to a common sense theory, facial expressions signal specific emotions to people of all ages and therefore provide children easy access to the emotions of those around them. The evidence, however, does not support that account.... more
The expression kes, one of the most commonly used words in the Korean language, has various usages. This expression is also used to express English-like cleft constructions. Korean seems to employ at least three dierent types of cleft... more