Knowledge Workers
Recent papers in Knowledge Workers
RoMEO: This is a RoMEO green journal Paid OA: A paid open access option is available for this journal. Author's Preprint: author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing) Author's Post-print: author can archive post-print (ie final draft... more
In the end, the location of the new economy is not in the technology, be it the microchip or the global telecommunications network. It is in the human mind.
In the context of knowledge-driven economy and knowledge-intensive organizations one of most important information user communities appears to be “knowledge workers”. What is the information landscape in which knowledge workers operate... more
A significant recent technological development concerns the automation of knowledge and service work as a result of advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its sub-fields. We use the term Intelligent Automation to describe this... more
In the end, the location of the new economy is not in the technology, be it the microchip or the global telecommunications network. It is in the human mind.
Purpose -The purpose of this study is to demonstrate a relationship between learning organisation theory and the potential to retain knowledge workers. It emphasises that human resource (HR) managers must recognise specific relationships... more
The Italian system of professions is characterized by strong disparities between professionals recognized by the state and non-regulated professions, dividing professionals in terms of protection from market and personal risks. As a... more
The elusive and intangible nature of the knowledge work represents a major challenge for the management community. Improving their productivity is the next frontier to increase overall productivity. Although all the studies and... more
Theories of post-industrial society have since their earliest formulations had a questionable relation to actual processes of social change. This article explores why they nonetheless continue to hold influence. Drawing on Mannheim, it... more
Case management refers to the coordination of work that is not routine and predictable, and requires human judgment. Case management has applications in many domains such as healthcare, legal, police detective, social work, etc. The... more
From the mere presence of plants to window views of nearby nature, contact with nature in the workplace has been associated with increased productivity and creativity, as well as positive emotional and physical health outcomes.... more
TEŞEKKÜR Tezin yazım süresi içerisinde desteğini hep hissettiğim tez danışmanım Doç. Dr. Kenan Çayır'a, tez fikrinin biçimlenmesinde ve sonrasında görüşlerinden faydalandığım değerli hocam Bahar Şahin Fırat'a, değerli katkıları için juri... more
Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Ansiklopedisi Cilt 1 Sayı 2 , Ekim 2014
In this research i set the sight on exmanination in order to find several answers of review questionarie and emphasize the most significant points of the essay which written by Maurizio Lazzarato as a contribution for his article "... more
Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PARMA
Service industries hold an increasingly dynamic and pivotal role in today's knowledge-based economies. The logistics industry is a classic example of the birth and development of a vital new service-based industry, transformed from the... more
We have entered the first phase of the revolt of the knowledge class. The protests associated with the Occupy movement, Chilean student protests, the Montreal protests, European anti-austerity protests, some... more
Ekonomilerin gittikçe daha fazla bilgiye dayalı hale geldiği, son elli yıldır sıklıkla duyduğumuz argümanlardan birisidir. " Bilgi endüstrisi " , " bilgi ekonomisi " , " post-en-düstriyel toplum " ve " post-kapitalist toplum " gibi farklı... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
In present scenarios, employee training is widely considered as the source of gaining competitive advantage. However, the effect of employee training on organisational performance in the print-media industry remains largely unexamined in... more
This dissertation explores the development of a human capital concept that is here referred to as “green footprint competence” among workers and members of organizations that position themselves as “green”, “organic”, or “environmental... more
The global competition and swiftness of changes emphasize the importance of human capital within organizations, as well as the swiftness and ways of knowledge gaining of that capital. In the economy where uncertainty is the only... more
In the context of rising global mobility, managers and policy makers need to understand the complexity of cultural adjustment issues experienced by educational and professional sojourners, taking into account the context-specific nature... more
Metal sektörü, demir-çelik, beyaz eşya, otomotiv, elektronik, makine, silah sanayi (gemi yapımı, demiryolları, uzay ve havacılık da aslında metal sektörüne dahildir) gibi alt dallarıyla, 20. yüzyılda, dünya çapında sanayi sermayesinin... more
Knowledge is most important asset for any organization. It recognized as resource and the personwno involve in creation, storage and dissemination of knowledge are called knowledge workers. If an organization wants to be successful, its... more
What kind of knowledge is needed by information specialists working in a specific subject field like medicine, sociology or music? What approaches have been used in information science to produce kinds of domain-specific knowledge? This... more
Ce rapport, issu d'une recherche menée en 2011, en convention avec la Fonda, porte sur les travailleurs intellectuels précaires. Cette notion pointe vers une zone de l'espace social où les catégories instituées jouent et pourraient se... more
— Safety management is associated with the policies, objectives, procedures, methods, roles and functions that aim at controlling hazard and risk in socio-technical systems. Companies that have implemented effective OSH Management system... more
The rising global demand for professional, specialized and skilled people has resulted in the exodus of employees from many organizations in search of higher rewards. Powertel, a wholly owned subsidiary of ZESA Holdings (Private) Limited... more
Se analiza el fenómeno de la migración de chiapanecos a trabajar como jornaleros en los Altos de Jalisco
Purpose – The purpose of this study was to understand if productivity and turnover of the female millennial knowledge workers was influenced by participative management theory. Developing a greater understanding for maximizing the... more
For many companies today, the environments in which they operate have changed dramatically over the last decades. The atmosphere of corporate environment relies heavily on aspects concerning its workers and in particular its knowledge... more
ABSTRACT The extant research on organizational control builds on the assumption of vertical control – managers are thought to develop orders, rules and norms to control the operating core. Yet it is claimed that work becomes increasingly... more
Knowledge workers adalah kunci inovasi dan pertumbuhan dalam organisasi pada saat ini, dimana mereka menemukan produk dan layanan, merancang program pemasaran, dan membuat strategi. Industri yang sedang berkembang umumnya cenderung... more
As corporations continue to migrate to a knowledge-centric structure, planning, leadership, board and executive management support becomes crucial. However, most often, knowledge management (KM) is not easily plugged into a return of... more
This research was funded by, and implemented within, a UK national research organisation, while the author was the KE and Impact Evaluation Manager responsible for assessing impact on a £15m UK government-funded research programme. This... more
Abstract This paper reconstructs the history of the social movements of Knowledge Workers that have taken place in Italy over the past thirty years, looking particularly at the red thread that connects, even biographically, the social,... more
The idea of the knowledge economy has brought with it a new paradigm of work that espouses the professionalization of all work. This new paradigm is now affecting the organization of work throughout the economy. However, not all work is... more
Libraries have an important role to play in the creation of knowledge and the provision of information, yet towns and cities across Britain are now planning budget cuts and even closing the doors of many libraries, and the public... more