Knowledge Of Other Minds

186 papers
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Knowledge of other minds refers to the cognitive ability to understand and infer the thoughts, beliefs, intentions, and emotions of others. This concept is central to theories of mind, social cognition, and interpersonal communication, highlighting how individuals perceive and interpret the mental states of those around them.
WORLD Collects Constantine Sandis's best works on Wittgenstein's approach to understanding others, offering a fresh exegesis of Wittgenstein's writing while showing his relevance beyond the academy. The book brings together Constantine... more
Cet article propose une nouvelle lecture de la 5ème Méditation cartésienne fondée sur une réévaluation de la stratégie argumentative suivie par Husserl dans son traitement de la question d’autrui, et de son articulation à l’égologie... more
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Word heeft nu een artificieel intelligente assistent ingebouwd gekregen, en ik heb hem al mijn manuscripten voorgelegd met de vraag om van elk werk een samenvatting te maken. Ook de verzamelwerken en enkele mini-pockets zijn op deze... more
Preek 20241224 De tweede laag van ons bestaan Zo hoorde ik onlangs iemand die echt houdt van de maand december iets opmerkelijks zeggen. Ik ken haar als iemand die geniet van de gezelligheid in huis met de kerstboom en een stal waar een... more
Il barone rampante uit 1957, in Nederland bekend als De baron in de bomen, is een van de meest iconische werken van Italo Calvino: het boek wordt gelezen van jong tot oud, op scholen en stranden, in 40 talen en 46 landen, tot 2020 in 165... more
Quanti Wittgenstein vi furono? Vi fu davvero una cesura netta fra il Tractatus logico-philosophicus e le Ricerche filosofiche? Tale presunta svolta accomunerebbe il cammino di Wittegnstein al destino di altri filosofi che nel '900 si... more
This chapter centers on the idea that Evans’ notion of transparency, as a mode of knowing a person’s mind by looking outward through their transparent lenses, is not exclusively tied to self-knowledge. On certain occasions, particularly... more
Wellicht valt donkere energie te verklaren als relativistisch verschijnsel van zwaartekracht.
Wellicht valt ons en dierlijk bewustzijn te begrijpen als verhevigd quantumverschijnsel.
human interactions are full of emotions. In fact, even though emotions are often experienced when alone, most of the time emotions are experienced within a social context. Even emotions that are experienced when alone can have an implicit... more
The relation between language and theory of mind in development and evolution. In T. Givón & B. F. Malle (Eds.), The evolution of language out of pre-language (pp. 265-284). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Whenever I begin to think about specific experiments that I might do, I am confronted with theoretical problems whose solution does not require experiments but which can be thought through on the basis of the ordinary experience of... more
A metaphilosophically deflationary examination of the ‘hard problem of consciousness’ using Wittgenstein’s private language arguments.
Although many philosophers have, throughout history, regarded themselves as answering the skeptic, the question arises whether answering the skeptic is the thing to do. If not, the question becomes how else to respond to her.... more
by A C
Discr¡ts¿¡s y prácticas en tra consi¡:ucción dc ur¡ te¡-n¡¡rio escolar cn geografía pal !,1írL¡'ítt Vctoria Fe rn,á¡tclez. Clso "'"""""' Una geoS¡'nfia escoiar en carltbto a 1:l Los esccnarios de la innovación ...'. """" Las tensiones... more
En este artículo defiendo dos tesis: (1) que la asimetría entre primera persona y tercera persona puede ser explicada apelando a las características gramaticales de los conceptos psicológicos implicados y (2) que, dada la heterogeneidad... more
The article examines Wittgenstein's thought on the language of pain in first and third person. Relevant grammatical differences, according to the typical analytical method of this philosopher, are highlighted not only in relation to the... more
The ability to represent, conceptualize, and reason about mental states is one of the greatest achievements of human evolution. Having an appreciation for the workings of the mind is considered a prerequisite for natural language... more
Wat een titel ! Is dat onderwerp (de houdbaarheid)niet veel te groot om te beschrijven en tot conclusies en opvattingen te komen? Misschien wel,maar ik doe een poging. Een poging die wordt gestut door mijn levens... more
In the Fifth Cartesian Meditation, Husserl notoriously attempts to dispel the illusion of "transcendental solipsism". Among the many difficulties this text presents, I intend to reconstruct two of them: the vagueness concerning the notion... more
The version presented here may differ from the published version or, version of record, if you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the 'permanent WRAP URL' above for details on accessing... more
Philosophy concerns those necessities we cannot, being human, fail to know. Except that nothing is more human than to deny them. 1 That human (op)positions, contradiction and conflict, permeate our world is obvious; however, if, we (human... more
El capítulo aborda cuatro puntos de la obra de Bolívar Echeverría. El primero trata sobre las peculiaridades del discurso crítico. El segundo punto, intenta ubicar dónde estaría la apertura de la crítica en el discurso de este filósofo.... more
Una rilettura creativa delle tesi di Wittgenstein sul rapporto tra prassi e linguaggio. Un'intuizione responsorialista.
This paper presents a theory of how perception provides a basis for moral knowledge. To do this, the paper sketches a theory of perception, explores the sense in which moral perception may deserve that name, and explains how certain moral... more
This research endeavors to introduce a novel concept in ethics, namely ethics based on the primacy of existence, drawing upon Aṣālat al-wujūd, the theory of the primacy of existence in ontology. Mullā Sadrā's philosophy, which has three... more
Comment Adam Smith réfute l'intériorité cartésienne, et pourquoi le théâtre est une cérémonie.
Empathy may be understood as a particular topic within the larger discussion of the nature of intersubjectivity, i.e. discussions about how we are to understand the basic communicative relations between subjects and the importance of such... more
We interviewed spinal-cord-injured, other handicapped, and nonhandicapped subjects to investigate the relation between the perception of autonomic arousal and experienced emotion. The three groups differed significantly on only one... more
Th e paper explores some philosophical consequences of the phenomenological criticisms addressed (indirectly) to logical positivism. It introduces arguments by Husserl and Patočka concerning the duality inherent to the notion of world, as... more
Beschouwingen over muziek en hersenen zijn heel actueel, maar zelden wordt stilgestaan bij de vraag waaróm onze hersenen zo 'gevoelig' zijn voor muziek. Vooral deze vraag houdt de hoogleraar muziekcognitie Henkjan Honing bezig. Zijn inzet... more
Schelling's major preoccupations in the 1809 Inquiries into Human Freedom gather around the problem of the finitude of freedom. This is not a new problem for Schelling. Nearly fifteen years earlier he had observed, "What is... more
The article examines Wittgenstein’s thought on the language of pain in first and third person. Relevant grammatical differences, according to the typical analytical method of this philosopher, are highlighted not only in relation to the... more
Afgaande op de titel zou men mogen concluderen dat het centrale thema van Commers' boek bestaat in de analyse van of het onderzoek naar het ethos, dat volgens hem sinds de Renaissance als een Leitmotiv het progressieve saecula
La gramática para términos relativos a 'seres humanos' en Descartes parece interpretar que"yo" debe usarse para designar sólo la mente y no el cuerpo. Esta contribución intenta describir el uso y las observaciones... more
My aim in this article is to flesh out a new distinction between moral responsibility, as it is understood in light of Strawson's Breactive attitudes,^and an institutional form of responsibility-a responsibility that employees bear for... more
On what basis do we attribute phenomenal states to others? One answer, defended by John Stuart Mill, appeals to an analogy between ourselves and the similar bodies and actions of others (1865, p. 208). Despite its intuitive plausibility,... more
This paper has two related aims. The first is to argue that Fichte’s concept of freedom is perfectionist. By ‘perfectionism,’ I mean a moral theory according to which our good, ultimately, is realizing our true nature; Fichte also holds a... more