Providing security over open and large distributed networks has always been both intriguing and challenging. There is a great chance for malicious individuals to perform disruptive and unethical tasks. Malicious users may attempt to... more
This paper addresses the problem of secure path key establishment in wireless sensor networks that uses the random key predistribution technique. Inspired by the recent proxy-based scheme in [1] and [2], we introduce a friend -based... more
Wireless sensor network(WSN) has a wide range of applications in military as well as in civilian services. Key predistribution is a challenging task in sensor networks. Because the neighbor of a node after the deployment of sensors is... more
In wireless roaming a mobile device obtains a service from some foreign network while being registered for the similar service at its own home network. However, recent proposals try to keep the service provider role behind the home... more
Key establishment between any pair of nodes is an essential requirement for providing secure services in wireless sensor networks. Blom's scheme is a prominent key management scheme but its shortcomings include large computation overhead... more
Key establishment between any pair of nodes is an essential requirement for providing secure services in wireless sensor networks. Blom's scheme is a prominent key management scheme but its shortcomings include large computation overhead... more
In this paper, we discuss the remaining security risk of Wi-Fi AP spoofing with current AP joining approaches and how a new solution has been developed as part of the ULOOP project in order to be more user-friendly and secure. It was an... more
Group key management (GKM) is one of the most important issues in secure group communication (SGC). The existing GKM protocols fall into three typical classes: centralized group key distribution (CGKD), decentralized group key management... more
Mobile and wireless technology is growing at a rapid rate. These advances have resulted in breakthroughs that have made feasible several prospects that were thought as impossible. Ad hoc networks are a consequence of the ceaseless... more
Secure communications in wireless ad hoc networks are protected by setting up end-to-end secret keys for commu- nicating node pairs. Secret keys can be provided by pre-loading shared secrets (e.g. a set of potential keys or keying... more
Since wireless sensor networks continue to grow in usage and many sensor-based systems reside in adversarial environments, security consideration is really vital for these systems. But one of the main challenges for the efficient... more
Many applications that make use of sensor networks require secure communication. Because asymmetric-key solutions are difficult to implement in such a resource-constrained environment, symmetric-key methods coupled with a priori key... more
Inner product encryption (IPE) is a new cryptographic primitive initially proposed by Abdalla et al. in 2015. IPE can be classified into public-key IPE and secret-key IPE. The currently proposed PK-IPE schemes cannot resist the following... more
The cross slot loaded patch antenna with inset feed is designed and fabricated on FR4 substrate to get deca band. This proposed antenna consists of a cross slot on a rectangular patch with inset feeding, on a dielectric substrate. The... more
Sensor networks are a fast-evolving technology used for a variety of applications, ranging from environmental monitoring to cyberphysical systems (CPS) and IoT, including applications designed to support smart cities. The widespread use... more
We consider the K-user interference channel with an external eavesdropper, with no eavesdropper's channel state information at the transmitters (CSIT). We determine the exact sum secure degrees of freedom (s.d.o.f.) for this channel by... more
This Paper briefly sketches out the usage of security system in Mobile Cloud Computing which is including the monitoring, recording, tracking and giving notification to the user. For encryption-decryption will use Elliptic Curve... more
Common Randomness Generation (CRG) and Secret Key Establishment (SKE) are fundamental primitives that are used in information-theoretic coding and cryptography. We study these two problems over the two-way channel model of communication,... more
Common Randomness Generation (CRG) and Secret Key Establishment (SKE) are fundamental primitives that are used in information-theoretic coding and cryptography. We study these two problems over the two-way channel model of communication,... more
We study the problem of unconditionally secure Secret Key Establishment (SKE) when Alice and Bob are connected by two noisy channels that are eavesdropped by Eve. We consider the case that Alice and Bob do not have any sources of initial... more
This paper considers the problem of information-theoretic Secret Key Establishment (SKE) in the presence of a passive adversary, Eve, when Alice and Bob are connected by a pair of independent discrete memoryless broadcast channels in... more
The problem of Secret Key Establishment (SKE) over a pair of independent Discrete Memoryless Broadcast Channels (DMBCs) has already been studied in [3], where we provided lower and upper bounds on the secret-key capacity. In this paper,... more
Many applications that make use of sensor networks require secure communication. Because asymmetric-key solutions are difficult to implement in such a resource-constrained environment, symmetric-key methods coupled with a priori key... more
A well known result by Kilian (ACM 1988) asserts that general secure two computation (2PC) with statistical security, can be based on OT. Specifically, in the client-server model, where only one party-the client-receives an output,... more
Key management is very crucial need in WSN to protect data and secure communications. One of the Key distribution solutions in WSN is symmetric key cryptography which is relatively faster and energy efficient. However, it cannot bestow... more
In this work we introduce a new method of cryptography based on the matrices over a finite field Fq, were q is a power of a prime number p. The first time we construct the matrix M = A 1 A 2 0 A 3 were A 1 , A 2 and A 3 are matrices of... more
Let F q be the finite field of q elements, where q is a prime power. In this paper, we study the Montgomery curves over the ring F q [X] X 2 −X , denoted by M A,B (F q [X] X 2 −X); (A, B) ∈ (F q [X] X 2 −X) 2. Using the Montgomery... more
Abstract: Transmission of confidential messages over wireless networks between a transmitter and a receiver in the presence of illegitimate receivers called eavesdroppers is an active area of research. Cooperation by jamming can improve... more
that may inluence the performance of wireless sensor networks 29
Proving an identity over a public link is complex when there is communication between Client and Server. Secure Shell protocol is deployed, to determine a client's identity through Password-based key exchange schemes, over a public... more
In this paper we propose a key pre-distribution scheme using combinatorial design. The network is assumed to be heterogeneous and the rectangular grid structure of the network is non-uniform. During key distribution phase, nodes are... more
We propose a key pre-distribution scheme based on the complementary design of a Fano plane. The nodes are arranged hierarchically in the form of a 6-nary tree. Key predistribution follows a deterministic approach. Each node in our scheme... more
In this paper we propose a key pre-distribution scheme using combinatorial design. The network is assumed to be heterogeneous and the rectangular grid structure of the network is non-uniform. During key distribution phase, nodes are... more
We propose a key pre-distribution scheme based on the complementary design of a Fano plane. The nodes are arranged hierarchically in the form of a 6-nary tree. Key predistribution follows a deterministic approach. Each node in our scheme... more
This paper proposes a three-phase transmission scheme to ensure zero secrecy outage in decode-and-forward relay systems by using the strategies of artificial noise (AN) injection and channel state information (CSI) leakage avoidance. The... more
WLANs use air as a medium for transferring data between users. This medium permits the hackers listening and sniffing the transferred data from away distance without the need for a real physical connection. In this paper, the threats of... more
At the moment, digital documents are just as important as paper documents. As a result, authenticity is essential, especially in legal situations and digital forensics. As technology advances, these digital signature algorithms become... more
Number theoretic public-key solutions, currently used in many applications worldwide, will be subject to various quantum attacks, making them less attractive for longer-term use. Certain group theoretic constructs are now showing promise... more
Motivated by the problem of establishing a session key among parties based on the possession of certain credentials only, we discuss a notion of attribute-based key establishment. A number of new issues arise in this setting that are not... more
This letter studies the secure transmission protocol design for two-way cooperative systems, where two terminal users communicate via an untrusted relay. The relay acts as both a helper and a potential eavesdropper, from which the users'... more
Secrecy rate maximization in Gaussian MIMO wiretap channels is considered. While the optimality of Gaussian signaling and a general expression for the secrecy capacity have been well established, closed-form solutions for the optimal... more
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q given by an affine Weierstrass equation of the form (1) E : y 2 = x 3 + ax + b (a, b ∈ Z, x, y ∈ Q). Reducing the elliptic curve (1) modulo a sufficiently large prime p, we obtain an elliptic... more
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q given by an affine Weierstrass equation of the form (1) E : y 2 = x 3 + ax + b (a, b ∈ Z, x, y ∈ Q). Reducing the elliptic curve (1) modulo a sufficiently large prime p, we obtain an elliptic... more
This paper introduces SPOT, a Secure and Privacy-preserving prOximity based protocol for e-healthcare systems. It relies on a distributed proxy-based approach to preserve users' privacy and a semi-trusted computing server to ensure data... more
One of the main challenges in pervasive computing is how we can establish secure communication over an untrusted high-bandwidth network without any initial knowledge or a Public Key Infrastructure. An approach studied by a number of... more
This paper presents a square shape Split Ring Resonator (SRR) loaded with micro strip patch antenna operating in UWB (Ultra Wide Band) range (3.1GHz -10.6GHz) for Bio-medical applications. The Ultra-Wideband is a wireless technology which... more
Internet of Things (IoT) offers new opportunities for business, technology and science but it also raises new challenges in terms of security and privacy, mainly because of the inherent characteristics of this environment: IoT devices... more