Key Agreement

488 papers
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Key Agreement is a cryptographic protocol that enables two or more parties to establish a shared secret key over an insecure communication channel. This key can then be used for secure communication, ensuring confidentiality and integrity of the transmitted data.
Homomorphic encryption (HE) is a promising technology for protecting data in use, with considerable recent years progress towards attaining practical runtime performance. However the high storage overhead associated with HE remains an... more
The Diffie-Hellman protocol (DHP) is one of the most studied protocols in cryptography. Much work has been dedicated to armor the original protocol against active attacks while incurring a minimal performance overhead relative to the... more
The swift advancement of mobile intelligent terminals and services enables users to seamlessly access ubiquitous services across global mobile networks. Ensuring the authentication and safeguarding of the privacy of network entities is... more
Many authentication and key agreement protocols were proposed for protecting communicated messages. In previous protocols, if the user's identity is transmitted in plaintext, an adversary can tap the communications and employ it to launch... more
In 2016 and 2017, Shi et al first proposed two protocols for the communication parties to establish a quantum session key. Both work by rotating the angle of one communicator’s private key on the other party's quantum public key. In... more
In this article, we discuss the key agreement proposed by Bohio and Miri to implement on the two well-known protocols, Dynamic Source Routing protocol(DSR)and Highly Dynamic Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing protocol(DSDV), in... more
In this paper, we analyze the protocols of Bindu et al., Goriparthi et al., Wang et al. and Hölbl et al.. After analyses, we found that Bindu et al.' s protocol suffers from the insider attack if the smart card is lost, both Goriparthi et... more
Key establishment between any pair of nodes is an essential requirement for providing secure services in wireless sensor networks. Blom's scheme is a prominent key management scheme but its shortcomings include large computation overhead... more
Key establishment between any pair of nodes is an essential requirement for providing secure services in wireless sensor networks. Blom's scheme is a prominent key management scheme but its shortcomings include large computation overhead... more
Since the invention of electricity, global power grids have been at the forefront of technological advances. The antiquated infrastructure of power system which provides power to the city's homes, factories and businesses are replaced... more
We study the two party problem of randomly selecting a string among all the strings of length n. We want the protocol to have the property that the output distribution has high entropy, even when one of the two parties is dishonest and... more
To achieve security in wireless sensor networks, it is important to be able to encrypt and authenticate messages sent between sensor nodes. Before doing so, keys for performing encryption and authentication must be agreed upon by the... more
In this paper, we propose a non-commutative keyexchange scheme which generalizes the classical ElGamal Cipher to polycyclic groups. We describe the criteria for groups which would provide good candidates for such cryptosystems, we also... more
As a result of the growing popularity of wireless networks, in particular ad hoc networks, security over such networks has become very important. In this paper, we study the problem of secure group communications (SGC) and key management... more
Certificateless Public key Cryptography is a widely studied paradigm due to its advantages of not having the key-escrow problem and the lack of use of certificates. Online-Offline signature schemes are extremely relevant today because of... more
This study proposes a Generic Hybrid Encryption System (HES) under mutual committee of symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems. Asymmetric (public key) Cryptosystems associates several performance issues like computational incompetence,... more
The notion of a Secretly Embedded Trapdoor with Universal Protection (SETUP) and its variations on attacking black-box cryptosysterns has been recently introduced. The basic definitions, issues, and examples of various setup attacks... more
Due to avoiding the key escrow problem in the identity-based cryptosystem, certificateless public key cryptosystem (CLPKC) has received a significant attention. As an important part of the CLPKC, the certificateless authenticated key... more
This paper studies a variation on classical key-agreement and consensus problems in which the set S of possible keys is the range of a random variable that can be sampled. We give tight upper and lower bounds of log 2 k bits on the... more
In this thesis we present our contribution in the field of post-quantum cryptography. We introduce a new notion of weakly Random-Self-Reducible public-key cryptosystem and show how it can be used to implement secure Oblivious Transfer. We... more
In this paper, we propose a non-commutative keyexchange scheme which generalizes the classical ElGamal Cipher to polycyclic groups. We describe the criteria for groups which would provide good candidates for such cryptosystems, we also... more
Inner product encryption (IPE) is a new cryptographic primitive initially proposed by Abdalla et al. in 2015. IPE can be classified into public-key IPE and secret-key IPE. The currently proposed PK-IPE schemes cannot resist the following... more
DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page... more
Welcome to the Book Reviews Column. We hope to bring you at least two reviews of books every month. In this column three books are reviewed.
We construct a Certificateless Public Key Signature scheme-CL-PKS, i.e., a cryptographic signature scheme which does not require any Digital Certificate to verify a signature generated by a private key, based on asymmetric bilinear... more
This Paper briefly sketches out the usage of security system in Mobile Cloud Computing which is including the monitoring, recording, tracking and giving notification to the user. For encryption-decryption will use Elliptic Curve... more
Her research interests include the general area of privacy enhancing technologies with a particular interest in anonymous and secure communication, cryptocurrency, traffic analysis and side-channel attacks.
We propose a new mathematical problem that is applicable to public key cryptography. Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP), it uses certain elements formed by two matrices with elements in a finite field and a matrix whose... more
This paper considers the problem of information-theoretic Secret Key Establishment (SKE) in the presence of a passive adversary, Eve, when Alice and Bob are connected by a pair of independent discrete memoryless broadcast channels in... more
The Leftover Hash Lemma states that the output of a two-universal hash function applied to an input with sufficiently high entropy is almost uniformly random. In its standard formulation, the lemma refers to a notion of randomness that is... more
Cryptography is the science of information and communication security. Up to now, for efficiency reasons cryptographic algorithm has been written in an imperative language. But to get acquaintance with a functional programming language a... more
In this paper we consider the security of two recently proposed anonymous conference key distribution schemes. We show that neither scheme is as practical as the authors claim and that, in certain circumstances, both schemes also suffer... more
A well known result by Kilian (ACM 1988) asserts that general secure two computation (2PC) with statistical security, can be based on OT. Specifically, in the client-server model, where only one party-the client-receives an output,... more
In this work we introduce a new method of cryptography based on the matrices over a finite field Fq, were q is a power of a prime number p. The first time we construct the matrix M = A 1 A 2 0 A 3 were A 1 , A 2 and A 3 are matrices of... more
Let F q be the finite field of q elements, where q is a prime power. In this paper, we study the Montgomery curves over the ring F q [X] X 2 −X , denoted by M A,B (F q [X] X 2 −X); (A, B) ∈ (F q [X] X 2 −X) 2. Using the Montgomery... more
Mutual distance bounding (DB) protocols enable two distrusting parties to establish an upper-bound on the distance between them. DB has been so far mainly considered in classical settings and for classical applications, especially in... more
The Leftover Hash Lemma states that the output of a two-universal hash function applied to an input with sufficiently high entropy is almost uniformly random. In its standard formulation, the lemma refers to a notion of randomness that is... more
We formalize aspects of the Kerberos 5 authentication protocol in the Multi-Set Rewriting formalism (MSR) on two levels of detail. The more detailed formalization reflects the intricate structure of the Kerberos 5 specification, taking... more
Authentication mechanisms coupled with strong encryption techniques are used for network security purposes; however, given sufficient time, well-equipped intruders are successful for compromising system security. The authentication... more
At the moment, digital documents are just as important as paper documents. As a result, authenticity is essential, especially in legal situations and digital forensics. As technology advances, these digital signature algorithms become... more
... Another approach, still in the signalling plane, is MIKEY [5] which can be integrated into the VoIP SIP call establish-ment6 and supports three authentication modes: pre-shared key (PSK), public key (PKI) or Diffie-Hellman (DH)... more
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q given by an affine Weierstrass equation of the form (1) E : y 2 = x 3 + ax + b (a, b ∈ Z, x, y ∈ Q). Reducing the elliptic curve (1) modulo a sufficiently large prime p, we obtain an elliptic... more
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q given by an affine Weierstrass equation of the form (1) E : y 2 = x 3 + ax + b (a, b ∈ Z, x, y ∈ Q). Reducing the elliptic curve (1) modulo a sufficiently large prime p, we obtain an elliptic... more
As successful families in business grow in family size and number of shareholders, they commonly develop a particular kind of family organization, often referred to as the family council. This family organization usually becomes the... more
This paper introduces SPOT, a Secure and Privacy-preserving prOximity based protocol for e-healthcare systems. It relies on a distributed proxy-based approach to preserve users' privacy and a semi-trusted computing server to ensure data... more
Internet of Things (IoT) offers new opportunities for business, technology and science but it also raises new challenges in terms of security and privacy, mainly because of the inherent characteristics of this environment: IoT devices... more
In MANET environment, the nodes are mobile i.e., nodes move in and out dynamically. This causes difficulty in maintaining a central trusted authority say Certification Authority CA or Key Generation Centre KCG. In addition most of... more
In this paper we present a new privacy scheme against passive adversaries based on the message modulation instead of classical cryptographic models for low cost wireless devices, such as an RFID tag. The idea is to become the adversary in... more
We present a cryptographically sound formal method for proving correctness of key exchange protocols. Our main tool is a fragment of a symbolic protocol logic. We demonstrate that proofs of key agreement and key secrecy in this logic... more