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A Genealogy of Modern Architecture by Kenneth Frampton is the fruit of decades of teaching activity and gestation. The class on which this book is based was originally more succinctly called Comparative Critical Analysis of Built Form,... more
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      Critical Regionalism (Architecture)Modernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Modern ArchitectureTheory Of Architecture
Architecture, Analisi Dei Dati Per La Ricerca Sociale, Lecture notes Riassunti chiari e ben elaborati, che non tralasciano nessun tipo di dettaglio e semplificano il linguaggio del Frampton CAPITOLI: Parte 1: capitoli 1 - 2 - 3 Parte 2:... more
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      UniversityPolitecnico Di MilanoStoria ArchitetturaKenneth Frampton
Contemporary Architecture in Khartoum have been affected by modernization and globalization, which lead to an architecture that has little attention to the existing local and regional architecture. Globalized architecture resulted in... more
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      ArchitectureCritical Regionalism (Architecture)Contemporary Design (Architecture)Sudan
Kenneth Frampton enters the populated scene of regionalism like figure of authority with a seal of approval. However, Towards a Critical Regionalism, the essay's title, seems to be vouching for a different approach. As Frampton pursues an... more
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      Critical Regionalism (Architecture)Architectural TheoryKenneth FramptonModernism and Postmodernism In Architecture
Is the Salk Institute an exemplar of the ethical New Brutalism? Pulling on archival information regarding CIAM, the Smithsons and general social housing debate, did Louis I. Kahn create the perfect grid of City, District, Street and House... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryLe CorbusierBrutalism
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      Critical TheoryArchitectureCritical Regionalism (Architecture)Architectural History
"This issue of Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology focuses on “architectural phenomenology”—its professional and academic past as well as its scholarly future. EAP Editor David Seamon and French architectural historian Benoît... more
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      ArchitectureSpace and PlacePhenomenologyPhenomenology of the body
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      Space and PlacePhenomenologyArchitectural HistoryEnvironmental Aesthetics
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureSpace and PlaceLandscape Architecture
Review of Kenneth Frampton, “A genealogy of modern architecture: comparative critical analysis of built form”, edited by Ashley Simone, Lars Müller Publishers, Zurich 2015
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      Kenneth FramptonKenneth Frampton Modern Architecture Critical History
The 'Art-Architecture Complex' by the art historian Hal Foster argues that the global styles of contemporary high architecture offer inauthentic spectacle in place of visceral experience. Thomas Wensing meets him to ask what went wrong,... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureCritical Regionalism (Architecture)Contemporary Art
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      TectonicsArchitectural TheoryComposition of Architectural SpaceKenneth Frampton
Review of Kenneth Frampton, 'Historia crítica de la arquitectura moderna' (Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1998).
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      Modern ArchitectureKenneth Frampton
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      Global citiesContemporary ChinaUrban DesignKenneth Frampton
Well-known for his great contribution to architectural criticism and his very extensive teaching, Kenneth Frampton is, above all, an architect with an exquisite sensitivity in all areas that include architecture. An Architect since 1956... more
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      ArquitecturaKenneth Frampton
South African architecture is currently searching for a unique identity and character. Globalisation, amongst others, contributed directly to an absence of architectural character. The result is a degree of placelessness in the South... more
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      ArchitectureCase StudiesLewis MumfordCritical Regionalism
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      TectonicsKenneth FramptonAtelier Bow Wow
" But for the old master builders the drawing was merely a means of communicating with craftsmen who carried out the work. Just as a poet has to communicate through writing. However, we are not so totally devoid of culture as to get a... more
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      Hannah ArendtAldo RossiAdolf LoosKenneth Frampton
The seeds of postmodern architecture were sown in the early 1950s and 1960s when architects, theoreticians and teachers developed new design approaches and pedagogies related to the notion of context in order to heal the ill effects of... more
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      ArchitectureCritical Regionalism (Architecture)PostmodernismPostmodern Architecture
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      Pierre BourdieuArquitecturaTeoría CríticaEstructuralismo
This exhibition and catalogue are the result of a cooperation between the Jewish Museum New York and the Centre Pompidou in Paris, it sheds a comprehensive light on the complete oeuvre and achievements of architect and interior designer... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Interior Design (Architecture)
In June 2021 we celebrate the centenary of Alan Colquhoun (1921-2012), British architect and prominent architecture critic and theoretician. The goal of the online colloquium is to consider the continuing significance of Colquhoun's... more
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      SemioticsContinental PhilosophyStructuralism/Post-StructuralismTheory Of Architecture
In late 2010, Kenneth Frampton celebrated his eightieth birthday with a one-day conference at the Graduate School for Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University. The conference was, typically, an act of resistance... more
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      ArchitectureCritical Regionalism (Architecture)Architectural HistoryModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)
An analysis of the concepts of Modernity, Postmodernity, Modernism and Postmoderism, applied to a reading of Koolhaas, Eisenman, Frampton, Tzonis and Jencks. It considers architectural theory in social context. It is the essay version of... more
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      PostmodernismArchitectural TheoryPostmodernityPeter Eisenman
The text explores the relationship between the project composition and the construction methods, above all aims to emphasize the expressive potential of construction, meaning the "tectonics" as an internal architectural... more
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      EngineeringTectonicsArchitectural TheoryTopos theory
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      Critical Regionalism (Architecture)Vernacular ArchitectureSri Lankan ArchitectureSri Lanka
El articulo “On Reading Heidegger” publicado en 1974 demuestra a un joven y militante Kenneth Frampton, exponiendo con prosa densa e inspirada los temas que trabajará una y otra vez, con renovada obsesión, en su fructífera carrera... more
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      Martin HeideggerTeoría CríticaHistoria y Teoria del Arte y la ArquitecturaTeoria de la Arquitectura
Frampton’s critical regionalism is notable for the degree to which he conflates analysis and judgment. The forewords, prefaces and introductory essays to new books on those architects or by those writers who address this theme have, over... more
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      ArchitectureCritical Regionalism (Architecture)Architectural HistoryPostmodernism
Why has Frampton been editing 'A Critical History since 1980'? What do the differences between five editions tell about histories of architectures and the historical grasp of criticism? A seminar for Architecture and Criticism, second... more
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      Critical ThinkingArchitectural HistoryModern ArchitectureKenneth Frampton
In this article South African architecture is currently searching for a unique identity and character. Globalisation, amongst others, contributed directly to an absence of architectural character. The result is a degree of placelessness... more
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      ArchitectureCase StudiesLewis MumfordCritical Regionalism
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      PerceptionKenneth FramptonPercpetionKinaesthetic