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Art review of Wolf Vostell show Endogène Depression
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      Art HistoryArtContemporary ArtVideo Art
Although the Fluxus art (non-)movement is often read as a historical phenomenon, the breadth of its innovations and complexities actively thwarts linear and circumscribed viewpoints. The notion of Fluxus incorporates contradiction in... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtIntermedialityMuseum Education
ETERNAL NETWORK: A MAIL ART ANTHOLOGY is the first university press publication in academia to explore the historical roots, aesthetics and new directions of contemporary mail art. The essays of ETERNAL NETWORK were written and assembled... more
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      Critical TheoryArt TheoryFluxusConceptual Art
Dick Higgins coined the term intermedia at the end of 1965 to describe art forms that draw on several media, growing into new hybrids. Intermedia works cross the boundaries of recognized media, often fusing the boundaries of art with... more
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      Art HistoryNew MediaPerforming ArtsArt Theory
ETERNAL NETWORK: A MAIL ART ANTHOLOGY is the first university press publication in academia to explore the historical roots, aesthetics and new directions of contemporary mail art. The essays of ETERNAL NETWORK were written and assembled... more
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      Critical TheoryArt TheoryConceptual ArtArt Theory and Politics
Legacy involves difficulties for those who inherit and for those who do not. History is both a gift and a burden when it involves art. It is equally problematic when it involves the Fluxus intermedia forms that hover between art and life.... more
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      Art HistoryNew MediaPerformance StudiesContemporary Art
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      Art TheoryFluxusIn-depth InterviewsMail Art
This is a version of a short article to be included in the liner notes of a CD recording by the French pianist Nicolas Horvath, in preparation and forthcoming in 2016. This article provides an introduction to Fluxus, their use of event... more
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      FluxusExperimental MusicKen Friedman 'Fluxus' LegaciesGeorge Brecht
... with Ken Friedman's Zen for Record there is really finally nothing to listen to. After all the sheep bleating and bleary psychedelia; Sadler's jingoist snare drums and Zappa's deskilled jingles; Malachi Favors's "little instruments"... more
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      Critical TheoryMusicMusicologyArt History
92 Events is a collection of Fluxus event scores by Ken Friedman. This is the Spanish translation published for the exhibition of Friedman's 92 Events at Museo Vostell.
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      Art HistoryPerformance StudiesContemporary ArtExperimental Media Arts
Issue 51 / September 2021 eds. Martin Patrick, Dorothee Richter Fluxus Perspectives Although the Fluxus art (non-)movement is often read as a historical phenomenon, the breadth of its innovations and complexities actively thwarts linear... more
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      Digital CurationPerformance StudiesContemporary ArtCurating
This hybrid art-theory article discusses "Indeterminate Hikes," a smartphone app and performance created by ecoarttech, my interdisciplinary eco-art and theory collaborative. The work was originally conceived for a Whitney Museum of... more
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      Location-based mediaArt HistoryMedia StudiesNew Media
Friedman, began corresponding about the possibilities for conceptual and material exchange through the new media, or intermedia, of actions and correspondence art. To make connections across the geographic and political barrier between... more
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      Performance ArtCzech & Slovak StudiesFluxusNew Media Art
Text and Performance Quarterly. Vol. 32, Issue 1 (2012)
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      Languages and LinguisticsJudith ButlerKen Friedman 'Fluxus' LegaciesGeorge Brecht
The Fluxus paradigm, which took shape in the 1960s, is a movement that was founded on an experimental artistic lifestyle. Artists sought to synthesize art and life and emphasized intermedia artistic practices that subverted the mainstream... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtFluxusComparative Study
Globalization has forced businesses and industries to keep an even more dynamic pace then ever before. Major corporations and small businesses alike must deal with severe international competition, environmental concerns, unpredictable... more
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      BusinessDesignSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methodology
Review of Dieter Roth and Music : And away with the minutes
14.03 - 16.08.2015
Hamburger Bahnhof Museum für Gegenwart (Berlin)
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      MusicMusic HistoryFluxusNoise And Music
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      FluxusKen Friedman 'Fluxus' Legacies
Desde una revisión cualitativa de documentos de trabajo de grado, y diálogos con los estudiantes que los elaboraron, reseño en este texto, dentro del espacio académico del proyecto de grado del Programa de diseño industrial tadeísta, una... more
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      Gender StudiesEducationDesign educationLearning and Teaching
This music review critically analyses the 7pm, 18 September 2015 UWA School of Music's State of Flux Concert, with students offering 38 simultaneous, innovative performances. Curated by Asst/Prof Chris Tonkin and Lecturer Ashley Smith,... more
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      MusicMusicologyPopular Music StudiesPopular Music
The PDF presents the folded poster with reproductions of the illustrated text panels (in German) of the exhibition "Art as walking on the limits: John Cage and modern art". It was published by the Staatsgalerie Moderner Kunst in Munich... more
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      Performance ArtIntermediaJoseph BeuysFluxus
This review of Intermedia, Fluxus and the Something Else Press: Selected Writings by Dick Higgins, co-authored by Steve Clay and Ken Friedman, is itself a collaboration between Virginia Kuhn and Betsy Sullivan. Both approaches, to the... more
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      IntermedialityIntermediaVisual ArtsCritical Media Literacy
This review of Intermedia, Fluxus and the Something Else Press: Selected Writings by Dick Higgins, co-authored by Steve Clay and Ken Friedman, is itself a collaboration between Virginia Kuhn and Betsy Sullivan. Both approaches, to the... more
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      IntermedialityIntermediaVisual ArtsArts-Based Research
... piece of 1965 called Letters to the Population, containing a series of perverse instructions mailed to 1,000 recipients, selected randomly from the phonebook (Crane and Stofflet 1984: 69 ... in 1967 included a work entitled Telephone... more
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      Performance ArtCzech & Slovak StudiesFluxusNew Media Art
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      Experimental Media ArtsFluxusKen Friedman 'Fluxus' LegaciesArtists’ Books