Kantian Sublime
Recent papers in Kantian Sublime
This essay reconsiders the role of subjectivity and spectatorial remove in the experience of the sublime: 'Like a figure on the shore gazing out to sea, the sublime is, to the subject, an incredible spectacle so far removed as to be... more
Para Gilles Deleuze, o pensamento é indissociável de uma experimentação ou experiência que o force a pensar; de um aprendizado através da constituição de problemas; e de um ato de criação que atualize as Ideias em obras de arte ou... more
Kant on sex gives most philosophers the following associations: a lifelong celibate philosopher; a natural teleological view of sexuality; a strange incorporation of this natural teleological account within his freedom-based moral theory;... more
The main aim of the article is to explore the conceptual genesis of Barnett Newman’s artistic «sublime». To do this, ample attention is paid to a 1947 critical text in which Newman articulates in philosophical terms a polarity that will... more
Recipient of the C. J. Goodwin Award of Merit, Society of Classical Studies, 2017. Citation: "James Porter's The Sublime in Antiquity is a critical tour-de-force and at the same time a rich and open-ended source-book that will delight... more
My theme is ‘life-writing’, understood as the shaping of one's life through the contemplation of values, although this activity is mostly unreflective. To become an art so that one's life can be shaped in greater accord with clearly held... more
This article explores the surprisingly decisive role that Kant's "incongruity theory" of laughter plays in his aesthetic and broader critical philosophy. First, laughter constitutes a highly specific form of aesthetic judgment in Kant.... more
Alluding to the sources of Wordsworth's sonnet in the 'Book of Job' and Dorothy Wordsworth's 'Grasmere and Alfoxden Journals', I establish how the so-called 'Wordsworthian sublime' can be deduced. In the former, the sublime comes into... more
Resumen: Danto sostiene que el fin del arte ha llegado, pero también afirma que el arte sigue siendo importante para nuestras vidas. Las obras de arte pueden encarnar significados que nos conmueven, nos motivan a actuar y nos transforman... more
On September 11, 2001, human bodies fell from some of the tallest buildings in the world and shattered on the pavement below. People jumped from the windows of the World Trade Center to escape fire, and this fire was sustained by the... more
Breve guida all'ascolto in forma di lettera del capolavoro mozartiano.
Kant's geographical theory, which was informed by contemporary travel reports, diaries, and journals, developed before his so-called " critical turn. " There are several reasons to study Kant's lectures and material on geography. For... more
Is it trivial, or perhaps even irresponsible, to explore aesthetic themes at a time when the world is engulfed by war, genocide, terrorism, poverty, climate change and financial turmoil? Why indulge in painting, poetry or music when lives... more
'Fine art' is a living phenomenon determined by the purposiveness of nature. 'Fine art' [schöne Kunst] contains a determination that arranges itself in accordance with the purposiveness of nature in Immanuel Kant's (1724-1804) philosophy.... more
Kantian notions of sublimity abound in his fiction: phenomena whose principal characteristics are their formlessness, infinite expanse, or superhuman might; a subject's encounter with the negative or, put another way, symbolic... more
Mary Wollestonecraft was a leftist English philosopher and writer best known for her essay on women's rights entitled The Vindication of the Rights of Women. After a series of personal and financial events around the year 1795,... more
Just an text-following comentary on the Analític of the sublime of Immanuel Kant.
This essay explores the symbolic expression of the sublime experience and the position of God as the symbol of the sublime object. According to Paul Ricoeur, it is ‘fundamental experiences’ which lead us to produce symbols. Ricoeur’s... more
Abstract: Kant’s theory of the sublime enables the aesthetic aspects of physics to be addressed in a new light. Usually associated with the visual arts, the sublime offers a context for the consideration of a variety of metaphysical... more
Introduction to: J.-F. Lyotard, Lezioni sull'Analitica del sublime, tr. it. a cura di A. Branca, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2021
This article considers "Kubla Khan" and the the Arab dream section from the fifth book The Prelude as precursors to the recently theorized concept of saturated phenomenality. Both Coleridge and Wordsworth insist on the limitedness of... more
A review essay of Emily Brady's book, The Sublime in Modern Philosophy (Cambridge University Press, 2013).
"Paul Crowther, in his book, The Kantian Sublime (1989), works to reconstruct Kant's aesthetics in order to make its continued relevance to contemporary aesthetic concerns more visible. The present article remains within the area of... more
- by C E Emmer
- Aesthetics, Kant, Perception, Art
Prólogo al libro de Robert Doran sobre Lo sublime
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
This article has a double aim: it contributes to a new theorisation of posthumanism and it revisits standard accounts of the relations between posthumanism and deconstruction. Departing from the observation that the distinction between... more
1. Strategie di appropriazione.
Lyotard, le postmoderne, le sublime, la faculté de juger
Part II of the Sinking Sublime essay, published in The Spring Magazine of English Literature (2019).
Abstract: A central tenet of quantum theory is the idea that the physical world is one interconnected, dynamic whole. The discovery that the underlying structure of the universe is field-like rather than particle-like eludes traditional... more
Thinking about the philosophical coordinates of Mario Costa’s work. With particular attention to the concept of “sublime tecnologico"
This hyperlink takes you to the complete text of LACAN AND MEANING, Chapter 3: Lacan on Meaning
This article reviews the notion of the sublime as it is regarded in a few of the most influential texts in Western philosophy. Modern sublime that is elaborated in the works of Edmund Burke and Kant is influenced by the ancient text Peri... more
Abstract: While recent art theoretical discourse has revived the question of how to locate the aesthetic within contemporary visual culture, the post-Kantian trajectory of aesthetics has also colonised discussions of physics and... more