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The aim of this research is to propose a new approach of Kansei Engineering, Kano model and Taguchi Design of Experiments to identify, categorize and prioritize customersʹ emotional needs (Kansei) in the automotive industry in order to... more
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      Automotive IndustryKano ModelKansei Engineering
The increased usage of mobile apps has a great potential in Pharmacy market. Through the use of mobile apps, web portals and social media may allow a fast and wide diffusion of awareness for over the counter (OTC) drugs and attract a... more
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      BusinessCustomer LoyaltyCustomer BehaviourSocial Science Research Network
The extension of the Internet and World Wide Web has created new opportunities as well as new challenges for institutions and individuals who are either receiving or delivering education. Electronic learning is one of the most important... more
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      Kano ModelUser satisfactionWebQual
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar os principais atributos do chá que levam à satisfação do consumidor e comercializado por uma empresa específica do setor. Para responder a essa pesquisa, será utilizado no trabalho o... more
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      MarketingKano ModelThe Kano model: how to delight your customerBusiness case study
The article presents the results of measurement of satisfaction of patients in spa resort using the Kano method. 12 characteristics of stay in the spa are analyzed, of which attractors characteristics, one-dimensional or indifferent ones... more
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      Tourism MarketingKano ModelUzdrowiska Demografia TurystykaZarządzanie Jakością Usług Turystycznych
This study is an attempt to find out the expectations of students from the Management Institutes by adopting the Kano Model. The expectations of the students can be with respect to various identities like library, computer lab,... more
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    • Kano Model
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      Quality ManagementCustomer SatisfactionBusiness and ManagementKano Model
نموذج كانو kano model
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      Kano ModelThe Kano model: how to delight your customerجودة الخدمة
Drinking water is a basic need for human beings. The higher level of awareness, activities, and mobility of people, the more people who consuming water. However, most people today prefer to buy water packaged in disposable bottled water... more
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      Needs AnalysisKano ModelESP, Needs analysisThe Kano model: how to delight your customer
The aim of this paper is exploring the application of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method on a new product development in accordance with customer expectations. The design of a new smart phone has been selected as the research... more
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      Quality ManagementQualityTelecommunicationsQuality Function Deployment
Terry Grapentine outlines the problems with the Kano model, from
scale disagreements to problematic response patterns, and explores
why Kano is so controversial.
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      Kano ModelThe Kano model: how to delight your customerKano school
Tesi di dottorato in Economia e Finanza nel Governo dell'Impresa
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      Tourism MarketingTelecommunicationsMobile TechnologyTechnology Acceptance
In today’s rapidly changing, highly competitive world, product design requires swift translation of human needs and desires into technical specifications for the development of devices and services that meet those... more
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      BusinessDesignEthnographyService Design
C'est par l'Extrème-Orient que notre siecle a (re)dećouvert les arts martiaux, en particulier en ce qui concerne ceux du Japon tels que : Judo, karate, aïkido, kendo, etc.
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      Sociology of SportPsychologySocial PsychologySport Psychology
Design anthropology is an emerging field in which ethnographic research informs the design process. Design anthropologists provide insights into the cultural worlds of the consumers of design processes , elucidating their true needs and... more
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Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to develop and suggest a reference Kano model. Design/methodology/approach -Existing Kano models have been classified into three types and, for each type, the curves, together with their corresponding... more
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    • Kano Model
Customer satisfaction is one of the most important issues concerning organizations of all types, which is justified by the customer-orientation philosophy and the main principles of continuous improvement of modern enterprises.For... more
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      Service QualityCustomer SatisfactionKano ModelQuality Attributes
Starting from the assessment that hotels need to embrace a managerial approach oriented towards customer satisfaction, we adopt the Kano model to identify the relevant drivers of satisfaction of hotels guest in the main cities of Sicily,... more
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      MarketingTourism MarketingProduct DesignCustomer Satisfaction
Understanding customer's wants/needs/desires/expectations/preferences and converting them to quality specifications is important in the business world. Kano Model is one of the valuable tools in order to understand and categorize them,... more
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      Customer SatisfactionMobile MarketingMobile ApplicationsKano Model
Through a case study showing the development of a new mug of draft beer, this work presents a method for integration of Kano model in the Quality Function Deployment-QFD. Traditionally, QFD uses data about importance and customer... more
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      Industrial DesignProduct DesignQuality Function DeploymentBusiness and Management
Within the rapidly growing organize retail sector, like any business that is in strategic battles to achieve success under the conditions of economic growth, technological progress, rapid population increase, increasing urbanization and... more
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      Consumer BehaviorCustomer BehaviourKano ModelCustomer Needs
The spread of digital technologies offers great potential for both the creative industries in general and for the tourism industry. The overall goal of this research is to evaluate the impact of mobile technology in augmenting and... more
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      Tourism StudiesMobile TechnologyAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessThe tourist experience
Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) attempts to capitalize reuse by setting a framework for planning, development and management of core assets. Product Management is the "Planning, organizing, executing, and controlling of all... more
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      StatisticsMultivariate StatisticsApplied StatisticsData Analysis
Günümüzde tüm sektörlerde rekabet konusu ön plana çıkmaktadır. Müşteri ve kullanıcıların tercihleri konusunda yapılacak çalışmalar oldukça önem arz etmektedir. Küreselleşen Dünya müşteri odaklı üretim yapmayı artık zorunlu kılmaktadır. Bu... more
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      Kano ModelKansei Engineering
Voice of Customer is important for new product development. New product development is a complex task in which a great deal of human physical resources, methods, and tools are involved. One of the well-appreciated models is Kano model for... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMonte Carlo SimulationKano ModelNew Product Development and Innovation
Increasingly developing technology makes human easier to carry out the life, and one of them is in the transportation sector. The high number of vehicle accidents causes losses to the passenger so that it requires safeguards to minimize... more
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      ErgonomicsProduct DesignIndustrial EngineeringKano Model
In today's rapidly changing, highly competitive world, product design requires swift translation of human needs and desires into technical specifications for the development of devices and services that meet those needs. This calls for a... more
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      AnthropologyDesignEthnographyQualitative studies (Psychology)
This study analyzed the electricity generation potential from wind at Kano, Nigeria (12.05°N; 08.2°E; altitude 472.5 m; air density 1.1705 kg/m3). Twenty one years (1987 to 2007) monthly mean wind speed data at a height of 10 m were... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergyCommunication NetworksNigeria
a b s t r a c t Product-service system (PSS) planning has been attracting attentions of global manufacturers to change from providing only products to offering both products and their services as a whole. The PSS planning approach can... more
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      Product Service SystemNon Linear ProgrammingMathematical SciencesKano Model
Today, the proliferation of virtual world and pervasiveness of information technology, electronic commerce, and competition intensity provide new challenges and opportunities for companies. Studies show that electronic marketing opens a... more
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      Kano ModelElectronic Commerce
Neoliberalism or the contemporary transition of the age-old globalization has transformed the face of textile production and trade in Kano, Nigeria. This article provides statistical analysis of the scenario of Factory C, weaving... more
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      TextilesChinaNeo-liberalismKano Model
Global disruption and innovation are revolutionising many industries and creating a digitally disruptive environment (DDE); real estate is no exception. Real estate online platforms (REOPs) are getting more attention in the era of... more
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      Real estate managementKano ModelUser PerceptionsOnline Platform
The increased usage of mobile apps has a great potential in Pharmacy market. Through the use of mobile apps, web portals and social media may allow a fast and wide diffusion of awareness for over the counter (OTC) drugs and attract a... more
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      Customer LoyaltyCustomer BehaviourKano ModelOver-the-counter Medications
Teknologi 5G di tahun 2021 semakin berkembang, Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan semakin banyaknya mobile subscriber di Indonesia khususnya dalam layanan video. Dalam rangka mewujudkan hal ini, diperlukan ekosistem yang dapat mendukung... more
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    • Kano Model
One of the popular and useful models for the integration of customer’s voice into the future processes of new product development is Kano model. Kano model directly helps in new product design by incorporating the preferences of customer.... more
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      Kano ModelSensory Evaluation of Foods
Customer needs is crucial for product development. There are many models for customer needs analysis. One of the well-known models is Kano Model. Kano model can be formulated customer needs for product development. Functional (FE) and... more
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      Systems EngineeringNumerical AnalysisCustomer SatisfactionKano Model
Resumo. Este artigo centra-se no desenvolvimento teórico de um modelo integrado para a avaliação e a melhoria da qualidade dos serviços de Internet Banking (IB). Após uma revisão da literatura e uma análise crítica dos estudos já... more
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      Quality ManagementServices Marketing and ManagementService QualityBanking
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      Tourism StudiesThe InternetTourismTURİZM
The intent of this qualitative research is to investigate and understand the requisites of customer satisfaction for academic libraries’ users and to give managerial hints for the implementation of user centred academic library services.... more
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      EducationLibrary ScienceService QualityCustomer Satisfaction
Mobil musteri memnuniyeti, mobil musterilerin gelecekteki satin alma niyetlerini, kararlarini ve bununla beraber mobil magazalarin gelecek kârlarini etkilemektedir. Mobil magaza yoneticileri, mobil ticarette basari ve surdurulebilirlik... more
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      EngineeringCustomer SatisfactionMobile MarketingMobile Applications
Based on primary and secondary research, the current operations of the automotive service industry is inefficient and out-of-date. Customers’ journey through the service experience is archaic. Customers must go through the process by:... more
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      UsabilityUser Experience (UX)Augmented RealityThe Internet of Things
Environmental assessment methods have emerged to assess the environmental performance of buildings across the world. Accurate results obtained using these methods are considered highly important, especially when taking into account the... more
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    • Kano Model
"Starting from the assessment that hotels need to embrace a managerial approach oriented towards customer satisfaction, we adopt the Kano model to identify the relevant drivers of satisfaction of hotels guest in the main cities of... more
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      Tourism MarketingProduct DesignCustomer SatisfactionNew Product Development
The aim of this study is to identify the key factors as antecedents of visitor satisfaction for the designof a mobile app for museums. To our aim we use the Kano model that allows to categorize service attributesaccording to how they are... more
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      EntrepreneurshipBusiness EthicsEngineeringCommunication
The purpose of this study is to investigate sport center members' perceived service quality levels with a view to Kano customer expectations and requirements model. To that end, a descriptive approach and a correlational research design... more
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      Service QualityKano ModelExpectationsCustomer services quality
The paper focuses on identifying the specific attributes of analysed products. The analysis uses the methodology for detecting differentiates parameters in relation to the material by applying KANO model. The complex of... more
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      Kano ModelWood Products
The intent of this qualitative research is to investigate and understand the requisites of customer satisfaction for academic libraries' users and to give managerial hints for the implementation of user centred academic library services.... more
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      SociologyEducationLibrary ScienceService Quality
Currently, any industries face higher competition in their business pertinent to the customers' demands and product design requirements. Customer requirements and satisfaction measurement can be achieved through various methods. This... more
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      Kano ModelKansei Engineering