Recent papers in Kalimantan
William Henry Furness, FOLK-LORE IN BORNEO: A SKETCH Pennsylvania: Wallingford, 1899 https://drive.google.com/file/d/17uLWhkfVYWbbptSU-UUNsWtO5ggMWzay/view?usp=drivesdk #dayak #dayakkayan #kalimantan #borneo #sejarahdayak... more
BORNEO : ITS GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES Theodor Posewitz, Frederick H. Hatch (English Translator) London: Edward Stanford, 1892 #borneo #kalimantan #geologi #tambang #mineral #sejarah #sejarahborneo #sejarahkalimantan... more
H. Breitenstein, 21 JAHRE IN INDIEN: AUS DEM TAGEBUCHE EINES MILITÄRARZTES, VOL. 1 BORNEO Leipzig: Th. Grieben’s Verslag, 1899 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R4yYdj51HPWdblDNxbD8QNQfd4GJOYvJ/view?usp=drivesdk #oostindie #nusantara... more
Four species of fishes, Rasbora cf. volzi, R. cf. elegans, R. cf. trifasciata, and R. cf. bankanensis, are described from Southeastern Kalimantan. Description is done by measuring morfometrics, counting meristics, seeing the color... more
ALAT SEX PRIA - BONEKA FULL BODY DENGAN HARGA GROSIR- Rp. 1.000.000 Alat bantu sex ini berbentuk boneka full body, menstimulasikan seorang wanita telanjang dalam ukuran postur tubuh yang sebenarnya. Sex Doll terbuat dari... more
Bibliography 229 Sources 236 About the authors 238 197 Precious Blood A Challenge to Missionary Trialogue 1 Adrian Linder "After the death of their parents, Yaki Pangimong and his younger sister Dalaaiti didn't know how to find food. In a... more
The book rests on the premise that remote border regions offer an exciting study arena that can tell us important things about how marginal citizens relate to their nation-state.The basic assumption is that central state authority in the... more
Abstrak Pelayanan Penggembalaan merupakan satu tanggung jawab yang diberikan Tuhan Yesus kepada yang dipercayainya selaku gembala, namun pemahaman di antara para gembala masa kini tentang tanggung jawab itu semakin kabur dengan kebanyakan... more
At the interface of Indonesia and Malaysia, border-crossing maritime trade appears to elude attempts to conserve marine resources. In Berau district (East Kalimantan) attempts to protect coastal waters from illegal fishing and trade fail... more
Density estimates are a common tool for assessing potential changes in primate populations over time and for evaluating important habitat characteristics such as preferred food sources. There are several different methods for estimating... more
There are more then one species in the Malayan fruit bat, Cynopterus brachyotis, species complex based on the ecology, behavior, distribution, morphological and MtDNA cytochorome b analyses. The small form is found in the closed canopy... more
In the Kelabit-Kerayan highlands of Central Borneo, salt plays a highly significant role socio-economically and culturally. Throughout history, salt is not only an important trade commodity, but also functions as gifts and signifiers of... more
Since 2003, a French-Indonesian archaeological research project, coordinated by the National Research Center for Archaeology (Indonesia) and the University of Toulouse (France), has been developed in the karstic region of East Kalimantan... more
Information about shrimp farming in North Kalimantan, Indonesia
ETHNOGRAFISCHE MENDEDEELINGEN OVER DE DAJAKS IN DE AFDEELING KOEALAKAPOEAS (RES. ZUIDER - EN OOST-ERAFD. VAN BORNEO) J. Mallinckrodt Amsterdam: K. Institut voor de Tropen, 1925 Unduh : bit.ly/3KtRe8K #kalimantan #borneo #kualakapuas... more
Borderland identity and traditional community autonomy affect the practice of 'illegal' logging and the impact of regional autonomy among the Iban along the upper Kapuas borderland in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. We examine these issues... more
The paper presented aims to probe the significance of an 'oral history' approach for the study of violence in Indonesia. To what extent does a rather biographical access enable us to allocate sources and origins of violent conflicts? How... more
Abstract: Two major Indonesian-MAB (Man and the Biosphere) projects were carried out in the province of East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in the 1980s. Investigators found that farmers vary in their reasons for practicing shifting cultivation,... more
Archaeological research in the Liang Abu rock shelter (East Kalimantan) led to the discovery and analysis of a pot-tery assemblage including red-slipped, cord-marked and incised pottery sherds, radiocarbon dated to 1672 ± 21 BP and 1524 ±... more
Intensity Analysis has become popular as a top-down hierarchical accounting framework to analyze differences among categories, such as changes in land categories over time. Some aspects of interpretation are straightforward, while other... more
Tracing various historical narratives regarding 'pacification' campaigns and Brooke-Dutch, respectively Indonesia-Malaysia border security and its interplay with traditional 'ritualist' patterns of peace-pacting, my paper will engage in a... more
SUMMARY: CIFOR has been actively engaged in field research in Indonesia focussing particularly on the role of forests and forest products in generating sustainable livelihoods for local users. Issues such as incentives and institutional... more
In hegemonialen Diskursen, die sich gerade in ökonomischer Hinsicht als wirkmächtig erwiesen haben, erscheinen ökologische Konfikte meist als Konfikte um das adäquate Management von Ressourcen. Der epistemische Subtext dieser... more
Pada tanggal 7 Januari 1949 bertempat di Durian Rabung, Padang Batung, dibentuk Panitia Persiapan Proklamasi dengan ketua H. Aberani Sulaiman, wakil ketua Gt. Aman, sekretaris Hasnan Basuki, dan beberapa orang lainnya sebagai anggota.... more
Is there any connection between ritual (animal) sacrifice, as common in Dayak passage rites, and violent events in Kalimantan inter-ethnic relations? Is sacrificial violence a valid category for the study of socio-cultural patterns in... more
Colonial policies in the Dutch East Indies had limited activities of the Catholic Church to pastoral care for Europeans until the mid-19th century, when the Apostolic Vicariate of Batavia could be established. Pastoral tours to the island... more
In einer vorzeit war die erde um Sapoanau Wüstes flaches land und wasserleere öde Als an geheimem ort drei männer aufeinandertrafen. Nach einer quelle waren sie geschickt Um leidende und dulder zu erlösen, In ihren hütten ging der dürre... more
François-Xavier Ricaut, Bambang Sugiyanto, Jean-Georges Ferrié, Pindi Setiawan, Josette Sarel, Adhi Agus Oktaviana, Antonio Guerreiro, Budi Amuranto, Michel Grenet, Sébastien Plutniak, Benedicte Voeltzel, Jean-Michel Chazine... more
Background Orangutans are critically endangered primarily due to loss and fragmentation of their natural habitat. This could bring them into closer contact with humans and increase the risk of zoonotic pathogen transmission. Aims To... more
Since 2003, a French-Indonesian archaeological research project, coordinated by the National Research Center for Archaeology (Indonesia) and the University of Toulouse (France), has been developed in the karstic region of East Kalimantan... more
Much of the ethnographic literature on East Kalimantan has assumed relatively stable ethnic identities. Marriage alliances between different Dayak groups have been frequent, but usually led to swift cultural assimilation of the inmarrying... more
Considering the hybrid ethic labels of North-East Kalimantan with a particular focus on a variety of “Basap” groups, this paper addresses constructions of culture and wilderness in the self-perception of contemporary forest dwellers and... more