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La Corónica, 51, 2, 2023, pp. 202-206.
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      Literatura MedievalLiteratura De Tradición Oral Y PopularTransmisión TextualHistoria Cultural Del Libro
Se analiza el capítulo "Del hijo del rey y sus compañeros" del Calila e Dimna en relación con las versiones del Kalila wa-Dimna árabe encontradas en la edición de Abd al-wahad Azzam y en el manuscrito BNF 3478 inédito.
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      Kalila wa DimnaLiteratura Española MedievalLiteratura árabeCalila E Dimna
Se analizan cuatro representaciones de mutaciones en el Calila e Dimna y se las coteja con tres versiones del Kalila wa-Dimna árabe y dos fuentes sánscritas, el Panchatantra y el Mahābhārata. Este cotejo tiene un doble objetivo: por un... more
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      Kalila wa DimnaLiteratura Española MedievalTraducción CulturalCalila E Dimna
Los estudios sobre las representaciones femeninas en la literatura medieval suelen basarse en dos estereotipos: las mujeres que cumplen con el rol modélico y aquellas que encarnan diversos vicios, dando cuenta de la corriente misógina de... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureGender StudiesHumanitiesMedieval Literature
This paper explores Muṣṭafá Khāliqdād ʿAbbāsī’s 1590s Persian retranslation of the Panchatantra, commissioned by the Mughal emperor Akbar. Examining this text vis-à-vis other translations by Khāliqdād, other court-commissioned... more
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      Translation StudiesPersian LiteratureMughal HistoryKalila wa Dimna
What follows is an unabridged, fairly literal English translation of the preface that Abū l-Ma‘ālī Naṣr Allāh Munshī added to his adaptation of Kalīla and Dimna, written ca. 540/1146. Naṣr Allāh was a secretary (munshī) at the Ghaznavid... more
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      Persian LiteratureArabic LiteratureIranian HistoryTranslation
is a collection of exciting moral stories written in a unique style, both in terms of narration and its technique of maintaining suspense.2 The stories in Kalila wa-Dimna are based on an imaginary dialogue between animals, and each story... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicCairo Genizah
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      ExemplaMiddle Ages and Renaissance Spanish literature
he book of Kalīla wa Dimna occupies a special place in Arabic literature. This is due to a number of factors. It is the oldest surviving secular prose narrative, and the use of animals as the main characters also makes it one
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      Arabic LiteratureIslamic ManuscriptsKalila wa DimnaIllustrated Books
Workshop, 20 & 30 June 2023, "Between East and West: the Iconographic Journeys of the Fables of Kalila and Dimna"
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      Global HistoryMedieval illuminated manuscriptsComparative Historical AnalysisKalila wa Dimna
The ijaza is the certificate of reading or hearing which is sometimes written on manuscripts, usually near the colophon or on the title page. It confers upon the recipient the right to transmit a text, or to teach, or to issue legal... more
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      History of EducationIslamic Studies
The article uses the example of the Islamic holdings of the Columbia University Libraries to explore how at the end of the nineteenth century the emergence of Near East Studies departments at North American universities was accompanied by... more
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      HistoryPersian LiteratureArabic LiteratureNear Eastern Studies
La Freie Universität (Berlín) y la Escuela de Traductores de Toledo organizan un congreso internacional centrado en el Libro de Calila y Dimna y en el proyecto de investigación desarrollado en la universidad berlinesa con subvención del... more
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      Medieval vernacular translations (volgarizzamenti)Kalila wa DimnaMedieval Arabic Literature
María de Zayas, autora de las 'Novelas ejemplares y desengaños amorosos' y fiel lectora del 'Exemplario contra los engaños y peligros del mundo'
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    • Humanities
Die meisten Fabelstudien, die komparatistisch ausgerichtet waren, gingen von einer genetischen Prämisse aus. Es sollten Vorbilder oder Rezipienten für die in Europa vor allem mit dem Namen von Äsop verknüpfte Tradition gefunden werden,... more
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      BuddhismComparative LiteratureChinese PhilosophyTranslation Studies
Parrhesia is a concept that is frequently encountered in the work of Michel Foucault. Starting from tragedy, Foucault deals with the various uses of this concept and the practice of parrhesia throughout the Archaic Age. Parrhesia is one... more
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      Art HistoryMichel FoucaultAncient Greece (History)Parrhesia
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      Persian LiteratureKalila wa DimnaFables
La Escuela de Traductores de Toledo (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) organiza una serie de conferencias consagradas al estudio y la difusión del ciclo de fábulas conocido como Libro de Calila y Dimna. La primera de estas conferencias... more
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      Medieval LiteratureArabic LiteratureKalila wa DimnaMedieval Fables
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
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El año 1982 supuso un punto de inflexión en los estudios sobre Kafka, puesto que, como se sabe, empezó a publicarse una nueva edición de sus obras, fruto de la revisión a que fueron sometidos sus textos originales, a los que hasta... more
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This paper aims to scrutinize the identity layers in artworks of the Qajar era. Identity in art has different layers and each layer depends on different aspects. the Qajar Era is one of the culturally productive periods in Iran. It also... more
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This article examines the reception of Jalaluddin Rumi's Mathnawi in post-Ottoman Bosnia and Herzegovina through the hitherto published translations of that work in the Bosnian language. The authors inspect the Bosnian translations of the... more
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      RetranslationBosnian LanguageMathnawiRelay translation
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    • Traducción
This article analyzes the woodcuts that illustrate the Thesoro de la Passion by Andrés de Li. This book was printed in 1494 in Zaragoza in the printing house of Pablo Hurus. It is an extensive devotional work made up of one hundred and... more
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      ImprentaXilografiaMartin SchongauerIncunable
The Old Indian fable collection Panchatantra was first introduced to the Greco-Roman world in the eleventh century via Middle Persian and Arabic translations, under the Greek title Stephanites and Ichnelates. The first Greek version... more
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      Translation StudiesMedieval LiteratureGender and Sexuality
La obra De amore 1 , escrita por el filósofo Andrés el Capellán en el siglo XII, es a la vez un manual práctico como un tratado científico sobre el amor. Fue elaborada en un momento histórico donde confluyen concepciones del amor... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesRevista Chilena De Estudios Medievales
Este artículo se enfocará en un tema que ha sido en general pasado por alto por los estudiosos del Sendebar castellano, que es el de la representación literaria de los contextos urbanos, en especial en su vinculación con los crímenes,... more
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      Literatura Española MedievalSendebarLiteratura Ejemplar
Resumen El presente trabajo estudia varios ejemplos del tipo AT 763, prestando especial atención a las versiones latinas. Se analiza el papel de los personajes, así como la repercusión que para la evolución de la historia ha tenido el... more
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    • Art
This article provides the first translation into a European language of a barely-studied Chinese version (i.e., Yijing’s version) of a story found in Kalīla wa-Dimna known as “The King and His Dreams.” The article then compares the story... more
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      BuddhismTextual StudiesKalila wa DimnaMirrors for princes
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      Arabic LiteratureKalila wa Dimna
In this article, we carry out an introductory study of a little-known text titled Siyar al-mulūk, written in the late seventh/thirteenth century by an author named ‘Umar b. Dāwūd al-Fārisī, and dedicated to an Ayyubid amīr of Hama. There... more
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      Persian LiteratureArabic LiteratureAyyubid historyTranslation
Scrit per mà de mi, Jacme Roig». Estudi paleogràfic i codicològic dels llibres d'administració d'un metge valencià del Quatre-cents
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      Printing HistoryMedieval Spanish LiteratureMedieval Manuscripts and Incunabula
Kalīla wa-Dimna is at the same time one of the most popular premodern books and a pioneering work of Arabic literature in several ways: first, it has two layers of meaning, one overt and one hidden which has to be decoded by the reader;... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureManuscript StudiesArabic Language and Literature
It is generally agreed that Ibn Muqaffa' wrote the chapter on Demna's trial in Kalila wa Dimna. However, based on a philological analysis of the last anecdote in the chapter, I argue that Ibn Muqaffa' did not write it, but rather... more
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesSasanian HistoryPahlavi / Middle Persian (Religion)
This study aims to shed more light on the book "Kalīla wa Dimna" and its history, especially in the period before the translation of this book into Arabic in the Abbasid era. Thus, it follows the circumstances surrounding transferring... more
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      Arabic LiteratureClassical Arabic Prose LiteratureKalila wa DimnaTranslation into Arabic
Présentation of the ms. Turc 205 of the BULAC Library (Paris) containing some folios of an illustrated version of the Kalila wa Dimna in Ottoman Turkish, probably copied and illustrated ca. 1580 in the Imperial atelier. A part of the same... more
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      Kalila wa DimnaOttoman literature and culture
This essay examines a few models of literary translation in the late Middle Ages, taking as its point of departure the comparative analysis of four different versions of the same gnomic excursus about poverty from a Kalilah... more
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Zusammenfassung Der Artikel bemüht sich, das Gelehrteninteresse nachzuvollziehen, das für die Übersetzung der arabischen Pañcatantra Version in das byzantinische Stephanites kai Ichnelates verantwortlich ist. Dafür soll ein kurzer... more
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      HumanitiesArtNarratologyLiterary studies
Unlike most western artists about whose life and works we have comprehensive information, in most cases there is little information available about Iranian artists. On the one hand, this kind of information has not been recorded in... more
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      Qajar PersiaQajar ArtLithographyPersian Art
En la Edad Media latina comienza a difundirse por Occidente la fábula oriental. Una cultura familiarizada con el fabulismo esópico, como era la europea, se presentaba como campo apropiado para recibir historias de animales parlantes que... more
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Bookreview of Wheeler Thackston's translation of Nasrollah Monshi's Book of Kalila and Dimna
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      Persian LiteraturePersian CultureKalila wa DimnaGhaznavid Empire
The fact establishing the union of human community is surely culture. Culture is a primary fact that effecting almost all stages of people's life from speaking to clothing, from eating habits to "correct" "wrong" perception as well. The... more
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      PhilosophyArtTantraLanguages Education
Quisiera abrir esta comunicación con dos planteamientos ajenos, muy distanciados temporalmente entre sí, pero muy reveladores ambos, acerca de las percepciones del Libro de buen amor mediante las cuales hemos aprendido a leerlo. El... more
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Das Forschungsfeld dieser Masterarbeit bewegt sich im Bereich der Studien zum Werk Kalīla wa-Dimna. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Verbreitungsgeschichte des einst auch in Europa populär gewesenen Fabelstoffes, welcher als Fürstenspiegel... more
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      Persian LiteratureArabic LiteratureAesopPersian/farsi Language and Literature
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Dass Kalīla wa-Dimna als Fürstenspiegel zu verstehen ist, geht allein aus den zum Werk verfassten Vorreden deutlich hervor. Die Hauptintention ist die Vermittlung von guten Ratschlägen zur Herrschafts-und Lebensführung durch den Einsatz... more
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      Persian LiteratureArabic LiteratureAesopPersian/farsi Language and Literature
Este artículo analiza la naturaleza e identidad del falcón oriol, mencionado en obras castellanas medievales de primer orden (Calila e Dimna, Libro del caballero Zifar,Elena y María) como soberano de todas las aves. Esta es la... more
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      FolkloreArtSymbologyMedieval Culture
El objetivo fundamental del artículo es llevar a cabo un estudio de la mujer en la Edad Media a través de dos parámetros de análisis: concepción medieval de la figura femenina -status de la mujer tanto en la vida familiar como... more
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      Women in the Middle AgesCuentística medievalLiteratura italiana medieval
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      ArtImprentaIncipitLengua Y Literatura