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      Iranian HistoryIranian LiteratureKalila wa DimnaIndo-Iranian
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      Human-Animal StudiesKalila wa DimnaJews in Medieval and Early Modern EuropeMedieval Iconography
ʿAbd Allāh b. al‑Muqaffaʿ (d. c. 756) is one of the fathers of literary Arabic prose in the eyes of both Arab and Occidental academic traditions. His work, along with others chancellery secretaries, without a doubt laid the foundations of... more
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      Arabic LiteratureOrality-Literacy StudiesLitterature ArabeFable
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      Kalila wa DimnaSendebarOriental TalesCalila E Dimna
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      Print CulturePersian LiteratureArabic LiteratureNear Eastern Studies
Perhaps more than any other region in the Middle Ages, Iberia demonstrates the fluidity of the pre-modern world. Its position at a cross-roads between East and West and the confluence of cultures and religions that inhabited the Peninsula... more
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      Medieval Iberian LiteratureTranslationMedieval IberiaKalila wa Dimna
In comparison with earlier, medieval translations of Kalila wa-Dimna, such as the well-known Calila e Dimna (1251) or the Exemplario contra los engaños y peligros del mundo (1483), the version composed by Vicente Bratutti from a... more
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      LanguagesTranslation StudiesEarly Modern Spanish literatureTranslation
Resumen: Este artículo analiza la naturaleza e identidad del falcón oriol, mencionado en obras castellanas medievales de primer orden (Calila e Dimna, Libro del cavallero Zifar, Elena y María) como soberano de todas las aves. Esta es la... more
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      FolkloreSymbologyMedieval CultureAnimals in Literature
J'explique brièvement, à travers l'exemple du Panchatantra, comment sont organisés les oeuvres à récit-cadre, et les implications de cette technique. NB : ce texte est complémentaire de « L'intrigue et l'entrelac : roman médiéval et... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureNarratologyNarrative TheoryKalila wa Dimna
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Hebrew LiteratureJewish-Muslim RelationsJewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle Ages
De entrada pudiera parecer sorprendente que el primer ejemplo de ficción en prosa castellana del cual tenemos noticia, el Calila e Dimna, sea una traducción/adaptación de una obra clásica de la literatura sánscrita: el Pañcatantra. Sin... more
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      Spanish LiteratureMedieval StudiesSanskrit language and literatureCross-Cultural Studies