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A rereading of the story “گربهٔ زاهد” ("Gorbeye Zahed", English: The Ascetic Cat) from “کلیله و دمنه” (Kalīleh o Demneh) chapter “باب البوم و الغراب” (Owl and Crow) written and translated by “نصرالله منشی” (Nasr Allah Munshi) into middle... more
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      StorytellingPrayerAnthropomorphismKalila wa Dimna
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesPrint CultureTranslation Studies
J'explique brièvement, à travers l'exemple du Panchatantra, comment sont organisés les oeuvres à récit-cadre, et les implications de cette technique. NB : ce texte est complémentaire de « L'intrigue et l'entrelac : roman médiéval et... more
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      Sanskrit language and literatureNarratologyNarrative TheoryKalila wa Dimna
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      Kalila wa DimnaHistory of Books, Printing, and Publishing
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      Medieval LiteraturePersian LiteratureIslamic MysticismMevlana Jalaluddin Rumi
2022 / I-XXXVI, 395 pages l ISBN 978-90-04-52178-0 (Print) l ISBN 978-90-04-52178-0 (ePDF)

by Nefeli Papoutsakis and Hakan Özkan –

Festschrift Thomas Bauer
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryMamluk StudiesArabic Rhetoric
Perhaps more than any other region in the Middle Ages, Iberia demonstrates the fluidity of the pre-modern world. Its position at a cross-roads between East and West and the confluence of cultures and religions that inhabited the Peninsula... more
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      Medieval Iberian LiteratureTranslationMedieval IberiaKalila wa Dimna
ʿAbd Allāh b. al‑Muqaffaʿ (d. c. 756) is one of the fathers of literary Arabic prose in the eyes of both Arab and Occidental academic traditions. His work, along with others chancellery secretaries, without a doubt laid the foundations of... more
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      Arabic LiteratureOrality-Literacy StudiesLitterature ArabeFable
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      Medieval LiteraturePersian LiteratureArabic LiteratureAbbasid Literature
The article analyses some of the approaches that have been established for years on the controversial origin of the collection and the value of its prologues. The need for new editions of both the Arabic text by Ibn al-Muqaffa‘ and the... more
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      Kalila wa DimnaMirrors for princesIbn Al-Muqaffa'Calila E Dimna
This paper considers rewritings and translations of a key-episode within the cycle of fables known as the Kalila-Dimna in several innovative ways. First, by considering the ways in which this episode has been rewritten throughout the... more
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      Medieval LiteraturePersian LiteratureArabic LiteratureTranslation
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Hebrew LiteratureJewish-Muslim RelationsJewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle Ages
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      Kalila wa DimnaCalila E Dimna
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      Print CulturePersian LiteratureArabic LiteratureNear Eastern Studies
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      LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsFictionKalila wa Dimna
This paper examines the translation by ‘Abdullah Ibn al-Muqaffa‘ (720–757 AD) of the Pahlavi version of Kalila wa Dimna in the early Abbasid period (750–1258 AD). Ibn al-Muqaffa‘ contributed to the translation movement supported by... more
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      Translation StudiesArabicAbbasid HistoryKalila wa Dimna
In comparison with earlier, medieval translations of Kalila wa-Dimna, such as the well-known Calila e Dimna (1251) or the Exemplario contra los engaños y peligros del mundo (1483), the version composed by Vicente Bratutti from a... more
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      LanguagesTranslation StudiesEarly Modern Spanish literatureTranslation
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian CultureIndo-Persian
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      Canon LawEpistemologyMedieval HistoryByzantine Literature
This paper sets out to identify sciences prevalent among the Iranian Nizārīs through the fall of Alamūt in 1256 CE/654 AH. This is done through critical examination of two categories of documents: 1) the unpublished manuscript of Dustūr... more
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      Persian LiteratureIslamic Astronomy and AstrologyGraeco-Arabic translation movementKalila wa Dimna
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      Animal StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Kalila wa Dimna
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Medieval LiteraturePersian LiteratureKalila wa DimnaRewriting
García, M. y C. Sánchez (2019). “Nuevo catálogo de los motivos en el cuento breve hispanohebreo y sefardí: el caso de los exempla en la versión hebrea de Kalila y Dimna de R. Yoel”. I Simposio Internacional “Periferias sin Centro y... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesStorytellingJewish Literature
Here is offered a detailed discussion of the supposed influence of Arabic and Hebrew maqamat and other works on the Spanish narrative poem by Juan Ruiz, Archpriest of Hita, entitled Libro de buen amor ( = Book of good love). A critical... more
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      MulticulturalismMedieval Latin LiteratureLiterary TheoryArabic Sociolinguistics
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      Composition and RhetoricPersian LiteratureCorruptionMorality
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      Iranian HistoryIranian LiteratureKalila wa DimnaIndo-Iranian
La naturaleza está en constante cambio, hay transformaciones y movimientos violentos que nos parecen completamente azarosos e incluso anárquicos ya que rompen con lo que podríamos considerar una armonía de lo cotidiano, un estado de... more
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      Kalila wa DimnaCalila y Dimna
This paper examines techniques to express of authorship/ownership and rewriting in two pre-modern Persian rewritings of Kalila wa Dimna.
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      Persian LiteratureAuthorshipOwnershipKalila wa Dimna
در اين مقاله بر اساس شواهدي از كليله و دمنه، مرزبان نامه، روضه العقول، هزار و يكشب و ... به بررسي شيوۀ خاصي از گسترش پيرنگ در قصۀ فارسي به¬ويژه داستانهاي جانوران پرداخته‌ايم. پيرنگ در اين گونه قصه‌ها، علي‌رغم شيوه مرسوم در ذهنيت داستاني... more
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      NarratologyNarrative TheoryArabian NightsKalila wa Dimna
International Conference organized in the framework of the ERC project "Philosophy on the Border of Civilizations. Towards a Critical Edition of the Metaphysics of Avicenna".
Scuola Normale Superiore – Pisa; Scuola Alti Studi – Lucca
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyPersian LiteratureAristotle
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      Human-Animal StudiesKalila wa DimnaJews in Medieval and Early Modern EuropeMedieval Iconography
Resumen: Este artículo analiza la naturaleza e identidad del falcón oriol, mencionado en obras castellanas medievales de primer orden (Calila e Dimna, Libro del cavallero Zifar, Elena y María) como soberano de todas las aves. Esta es la... more
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      FolkloreSymbologyMedieval CultureAnimals in Literature
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      Persian LiteratureOrientalismKalila wa DimnaSir William Jones
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      Gender StudiesArt HistoryMedieval HistoryGender History
De entrada pudiera parecer sorprendente que el primer ejemplo de ficción en prosa castellana del cual tenemos noticia, el Calila e Dimna, sea una traducción/adaptación de una obra clásica de la literatura sánscrita: el Pañcatantra. Sin... more
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      Spanish LiteratureMedieval StudiesSanskrit language and literatureCross-Cultural Studies
Sir William Jones and the Anvar-e Sohayli. Containing a fortuitous but nevertheless essential note on the Orient Pearls.
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      Persian LiteratureOrientalismKalila wa DimnaSir William Jones
Los grabados de los incunables del Exemplario contra los engaños y peligros del mundo, en “Et era muy acuçioso en allegar el saber”. Studia philologica in honorem Juan Paredes, eds. Eva Muñoz Rayas y Enrique J. Nogueras Valdivieso,... more
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      Medieval StudiesIncunabulaPrinting HistoryExempla
Throughout the nineteenth century, the birth of what one may call philologia orientalis and the discovery of the linguistic similarities between Sanskrit and European languages radically transformed the perception of the East, much... more
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      Abrahamic ReligionsBuddhist StudiesJewish - Christian RelationsJewish-Muslim Relations
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      Persian LiteratureAnimals in LiteraturePersian/farsi Language and LiteratureKalila wa Dimna
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      Kalila wa DimnaCalila E Dimna
A ‘think piece’ offering a practical methodology for the study of cultures in a transnational and translingual framework; using the teaching of Kalila wa-Dimna as a case study for ethical curriculum design. NB: this is a pre-publication... more
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      EthicsKalila wa DimnaModern Foreign Languages Teaching and Learning
In the early medieval period, like in any other period of human history, ideas travelled wherever people travelled. The early Middle Ages are here defined as the seventh, eighth, and ninth centuries, and since there were very few places... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasMedieval HistoryHistory of Mathematics
La presente comunicación aborda el estudio de la versión hebrea de Kalila wa Dimna de Jacob ben Eleazar de Toledo. Lejos de una traducción literal a partir del original árabe, la obra de ben Eleazar nos ofrece una reelaboración del mismo,... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Hebrew LiteratureBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Kalila wa Dimna
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      RhetoricMedieval LiteraturePersian LiteratureArabic Literature
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      Gender StudiesGame TheoryPersian LiteratureWomen and Gender Issues in Islam
ʿAbd Allāh b. al‑Muqaffaʿ (d. c. 756) is one of the fathers of literary Arabic prose in the eyes of both Arab and Occidental academic traditions. His work, along with others chancellery secretaries, without a doubt laid the foundations of... more
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      Arabic LiteratureOrality-Literacy StudiesLitterature ArabeFable
VI Jornadas Temáticas de Cultura Hebrea y Judía. Instituto Darom (Granada, 21-24 de mayo de 2019)
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Hebrew LiteratureBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Kalila wa Dimna
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Hebrew LiteratureBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Kalila wa Dimna
Abstract This essay challenges the received idea that Ibn al-Muqaffa‘, the 8th-century Arabic translator of the Kalīla-Dimna fables, added the Trial of Dimna, the sequel to the first story of the Lion and the Bull, in order to let... more
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      ForensicsRhetoricPersian LiteratureArabic Literature