K means algorithm
Recent papers in K means algorithm
Image segmentation is a process by which an image is partitioned into regions with similar features. Many approaches have been proposed for color images segmentation, but Fuzzy C-Means has been widely used, because it has a good... more
This survey covers some very recent applications of data miningtechniques in the field of agriculture. This is an emerging researchfield that is experiencing a constant development. In this paper, we firstpresent two applications in this... more
The idea of evidence accumulation for the combination of multiple clusterings was recently proposed . Taking the K-means as the basic algorithm for the decomposition of data into a large number, k, of compact clusters, evidence on pattern... more
Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/src/inicio/ArtPdfRed.jsp?iCve=43019328016 ... Redalyc Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and ... A harmony search algorithm for... more
Short term electricity load forecasting is nowadays, of paramount importance in order to estimate next day electricity load resulting in energy save and environment protection. Electricity demand is influenced (among other things) by the... more
Our ability to demonstrate statistical patterns of invasion by non-native species will determine the success of future management projects. We investigated the suitability of self-organizing maps (SOM, neural network) for patterning... more
We describe the use of a binary hierarchical clustering (BHC) framework for clustering of gene expression data. The BHC algorithm involves two major steps. Firstly, the K-means algorithm is used to split the data into two classes.... more
False alarm Self Organising Map (SOM) K-means clustering Alarm correlation a b s t r a c t Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) play a vital role in the overall security infrastructure.
Most of the earlier work on clustering has mainly been focused on numerical data whose inherent geometric properties can be exploited to naturally define distance functions between data points. Recently, the problem of clustering... more
We discuss types of clustering problems where error information associated with the data to be clustered is readily available and where error-based clustering is likely to be superior to clustering methods that ignore error. We focus on... more
Kernel k-means is an extension of the standard kmeans clustering algorithm that identifies nonlinearly separable clusters. In order to overcome the cluster initialization problem associated with this method, in this work we propose the... more
A multi-channel wireless EEG (electroencephalogram) acquisition and recording system is developed in this work. The system includes an EEG sensing and transmission unit and a digital processing circuit. The former is composed of... more
Energy efficiency is the most critical challenge in wireless sensor network. The transmission energy is the most consuming task in sensor nodes, specifically in large distances. Clustered routing techniques are efficient approaches used... more
Customer churn is a significant issue that is regularly related with the existence cycle of the business. At the point when the business is in a development period of its life cycle, deals are expanding exponentially and the quantity of... more
Clustering is a division of data into groups of similar objects. K-means has been used in many clustering work because of the ease of the algorithm. Our main effort is to parallelize the k-means clustering algorithm. The parallel version... more
In this paper we discuss the solution of the clustering problem usually solved by the K-means algorithm. The problem is known to have local minimum solutions which are usually what the K-means algorithm obtains. The simulated annealing... more
Презентация к лекции "Теория и практика кластерного анализа методом К-средних" на социологическом факультете Киевского национального университета. 2017 год.
K-means is an effective clustering technique used to separate similar data into groups based on initial centroids of clusters. In this paper, Normalization based K-means clustering algorithm(N-K means) is proposed. Proposed N-K means... more
The fast evolution of digital video has brought many new multimedia applications and, as a consequence, has increased the amount of research into new technologies that aim at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of video... more
Data mining in educational field is a major application of data mining, it use machine learning to learn from data by studying algorithms and their constructions. In Data mining, clustering is the task of grouping a set of objects in such... more
The huge amount of healthcare data, coupled with the need for data analysis tools has made data mining interesting research areas. Data mining tools and techniques help to discover and understand hidden patterns in a dataset which may not... more
This paper develops a modularization scheme based on the functional model of a system. The modularization approach makes use of the function-behavior-state (FBS) model of the system to derive the entity relations. The design structure... more
The K-means algorithm is a commonly used technique in cluster analysis. In this paper, several questions about the algorithm are addressed. The clustering problem is first cast as a nonconvex mathematical program. Then, a rigorous proof... more
Crime data analysts can assist law enforcement officers in accelerating the crime prediction process with the rising advent of computerized systems. This survey paper, therefore, presents a description of the tools and strategies used in... more
With the increase of volume, velocity, and variety of big data, the traditional collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm, which recommends the items based on the ratings from those like-minded users, becomes more and more... more
Telecommunications companies collect and store enormous amounts of data, including call detail data, network data, and customer data. Nowadays, most telecom companies with poor clustering have a difficult time delivering the exact product... more
In archaeological applications involving the spatial clustering of two-dimensional spatial data k-means cluster analysis has proved to be a popular method for over 40 years. There are alternatives to k-means analysis which can be thought... more
Health is a valuable thing for humans because anyone can experience health problems, as well as in humans are very susceptible to various diseases but the cause we do not realize. The K-means algorithm is not affected by the order of the... more
Data Mining is a process of extracting useful information from a large dataset and Clustering is one of important technique in data mining process, whose main purpose is to group data of similar types into clusters and finding a structure... more
viii ix x The IADIS European Conference on Data Mining 2009 received 63 submissions from more than 19 countries. Each submission has been anonymously reviewed by an average of five independent reviewers, to ensure that accepted... more
The k-means clustering algorithm is the oldest and most known method in cluster analysis. It has been widely studied with various extensions and applied in a variety of substantive areas. Since internet, social network, and big data grow... more
The focus of this study is to evaluate the impact of linguistic preprocessing and similarity functions for clustering Arabic Twitter tweets. The experiments apply an optimized version of the standard K-Means algorithm to assign tweets... more
In eye authentication process, the pupil detection is most crucial step to recognize the eye. In eye, iris and sclera are used as the previous inputs using to recognize the eye with different mechanisms like segmentation combining with... more
One of the most promising approaches for clustering is based on methods of mathematical programming. In this paper we propose new optimization methods based on DC (Difference of Convex functions) programming for hierarchical clustering. A... more
In our information societies, we increasingly delegate tasks and decisions to automated systems, devices and agents that mediate human relationships, by taking decisions and acting on the basis of algorithms. Their increased intelligence,... more
Image retrieval is still an active research topic in the computer vision field. There are existing several techniques to retrieve visual data from large databases. Bag-of-Visual Word (BoVW) is a visual feature descriptor that can be used... more
To enhance the quality of education system, student performance analysis plays an important role for decision support. Evaluation of student's performance is an important aspect in every institution. The student's knowledge about the... more
Tugas Akhir merupakan tahap akhir yang harus dilakukan oleh setiap mahasiswa yang akan menyelesaikan masa studinya di kampus. Setiap tahun banyak mahasiswa yang mengajukan judul tugas akhir mereka. . Akan tetapi tidak sedikit dari... more
The k-means algorithm is a partitional clustering method. Over 60 years old, it has been successfully used for a variety of problems. The popularity of k-means is in large part a consequence of its simplicity and efficiency. In this paper... more
In this paper an attempt has been made to review the research studies on application of data mining techniques in the field of agriculture. Some of the techniques, such asID3 algorithms, the k-means, the k nearest neighbour, artificial... more
Clustering techniques have received attention in many fields of study such as engineering, medicine, biology and data mining. The aim of clustering is to collect data points. The K-means algorithm is one of the most common techniques used... more