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The arbitration and settlement of claims in the Roman law have been the subject of multiple analyses. Recent years have witnessed a particular inter- est in the practical application of these institutions in Late Antiquity. At first... more
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      ArbitrationLate AntiquityArbitration & ADRJuristic Papyrology
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman LawGraeco-Roman Egypt
In the frame of the discussion on the legal nature of the contractual clause ‘καθάπερ ἐκ δίκης’ (the most important legal formula used in Egyptian legal papyri during the Ro- man period) and on its hypothetical practical function, this... more
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      PapyrologyRoman LawGreek PapyrologyDroit Romain
W.G. Claytor, N. Litinas, and E. Nabney, "Labor Contracts from the Harthotes Archive," BASP 53 (2016), 79-119. Edition of four labor contracts from the Harthotes archive from Theadelpheia, ranging in date from 20/19 BCE to 10 CE. They... more
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      Ancient HistoryPapyrologyGraeco-Roman EgyptLabor History and Studies
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      Roman LawJuristic Papyrology
A perspective on the nature of the Roman legal order in the provinces and the status of local laws and practices under Roman rule. These questions are explored through a series of case studies from Roman Egypt, including the well-known... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsRoman HistoryPapyrology
The present book deals with the testamentary practice as seen through papyri, tablets, doctrinal and literary sources, manuscript tradition, etc. mostly in the period after the constitutio Antoniniana. The aim of Wills in the Roman... more
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      Roman LawGraeco-Roman EgyptRoman EgyptHistory of Law
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      Roman LawJuristic PapyrologyTestamentary Succession
The present paper, inspired by the article of Peter van Minnen, is devoted to the somewhat curious use of the term falkidion in three Dioskorean texts. In two deeds of disinheritation, P.Cair.Masp. III 67353 & I 67097 v° D, the Aphrodite... more
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      Roman LawEgyptByzantine LawRoman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documents
La genesi del Digesto di Giustiniano coinvolge due aspetti, tecnico l'uno, l'altro culturale. Il profilo tecnico, ossia il metodo seguito dai compilatori per spogliare la letteratura giuridica e ricomporla in un'antologia, è il più... more
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      PhilologyHistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual History
The topic of listening to music, singing and instruments is one of those which many independent books and other, much more shorter works were written for. In this writing we focus on an important booklet which was written in the beginning... more
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      Critical TheoryIslamic LawMusicMusicology
The study addresses the legal rules that allowed in Rome and in some Eastern provinces of the Roman Empire, especially Egypt, women to serve as guardians or to assist the guardian of their prepubescent children. In Rome, mothers as... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEconomic HistoryClassical Archaeology
The article offers a commentary on two passages from the Gnomon of idios logos: § 41 (BGU V 1210, ll. 115–116), which pertains to a quarter of the inheritance left by an Egyptian who adopted a child picked up from a dump-hill, and § 107... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryPapyrologyLegal History
"The main point is that when one takes into account what we know about ancient Egyptian mathematics (based primarily on the Rhind Papyrus) and what we know about the system of measuring lengths in terms of "cubits," "palms," and "fingers"... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyReligionAncient Egyptian Religion
Throughout the course of Western history, children born out of wedlock enjoyed neither the social nor legal standing of marital children. Being born out of wedlock caused complications in the lives of not only commoners, but even the... more
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      Roman LawGraeco-Roman EgyptGreek PapyrologyChildren
This paper examines the Roman provincial law applied in papyrus BGU I 183. This is a double deed document which contains marriage agreement between full brother and sister, and property distribution made by their mother. The aim of the... more
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      Classical philologyGreek PapyrologyRoman EgyptAncient Greek Law
A paper on marriage-contracting formalities as introduced by Justinian with an illustration from the Archive of Dioskoros.
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      Roman LawRoman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documentsJuristic Papyrology
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryPapyrologyHellenistic History
Description and dating of both papyri. Commented re-edition of P. 16977. It preserves a fragment from Greek teaching of Roman Law in the fifth century AD, a part of an Index Lecture about the Diocletian law codes. There is dealt with the... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesRoman LawLate AntiquityJuristic Papyrology
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      Legal HistoryGraeco-Roman EgyptIllegitimate childrenJuristic Papyrology
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      Legal HistoryRoman LawLaw of ObligationsGraeco-Roman Egypt
This paper has been growing in layers. It started with a study of a deed of slave-sale preserved in the inexhaustible archives of Dioscoros. Naturally, I had to pay attention the meaning of the clauses the contract stipulated and so I... more
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      Roman LawByzantine EgyptJuristic Papyrology
Dieser Beitrag ist eine erweiterte Fassung des Vortrages, den die Autorin im Panel „The History of Writing Practices and Scribal Culture“ auf dem vom Comité Internationale des Sciences Historiques (CISH) veranstalte¬ten 22.... more
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      PapyrologyDiplomatics (Medieval)Latin PalaeographyGreek Palaeography
The present article deals with the presence of fatherless individuals – χρηματίζοντες μητρός – in the Oxyrhynchite corn dole archive (P. Oxy. XL). It examines how and why these individuals were admitted to the corn dole distribution in... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryLegal HistoryGraeco-Roman Egypt
Program for international conference in Vienna, emanating from my work on courts in Roman Egypt
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawGraeco-Roman EgyptShorthand, stenography, and other speed-writing or coding systems
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    • Juristic Papyrology
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      Roman LawGreek LawGreek PapyrologyRoman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documents
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      Roman LawGraeco-Roman EgyptJuristic Papyrology
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      Legal HistoryLaw of ObligationsGraeco-Roman EgyptJuristic Papyrology
The article is a re-edition of a papyrus published in the fourth volume of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri as a descriptum. It is a second-century will made for a female testator in Oxyrhynchos. One of the dispositions preserved in this text draws... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryLegal HistoryRoman Law
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      Roman HistoryLegal HistoryRoman LawGreek Papyrology
NOTAE. NoT A writtEn word but graphic symbols NOTAE: An evidence-based reconstruction of another written world in pragmatic literacy from Late Antiquity to early medieval Europe. ERC-2017-ADG Project N° 786572. Principal Investigator:... more
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      LiteracyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPapyrologyLatin Paleography
Syllabus des conférences données à l'hiver 2022 à l'Ecole pratique des hautes études
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      Late AntiquityPatristics and Late AntiquityJuristic Papyrology
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      Roman LawByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityJuristic Papyrology
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      Roman LawLate AntiquityJuristic Papyrology
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      Roman LawGender and SexualityGraeco-Roman EgyptHistory of Law
Scritti in onore di Maria Zabłocka
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      PapyrologyRoman LawGreek PapyrologyHistory of Law
Journal of Juristic Papyrology 44 (2014), 93-115. Publication and discussion of two late Ptolemaic loans with peculiar omissions. Both have a large blank space where the body contract would normally be written and lack the acknowledgment... more
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      Ancient HistoryPapyrologyGraeco-Roman EgyptPtolemaic Egyptian History
The study of the demographic characteristics of the first Mediterranean global network, the Roman Empire, is not an easy task. There are a lot of aspects to consider and an almost equal number of factors affecting them. In addition, the... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
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      Roman LawJuristic PapyrologyTestamentary Succession
Edition of the most ancient petition written in Coptic. This study leads to a sociolinguistic study of the relationship between Greek and Coptic in the 6th-7th century judicial life.
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      SociolinguisticsGreek PapyrologyCoptic PapyrologyHistorical Studies
While focusing on the issues such as spirituality, faith, prayer, and discipline, the late antique literary discourse pays little attention to the engagement of monks in the mundane realities of daily life. The symbolic sig- nificance of... more
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      Roman LawLate AntiquityByzantine monasticismLegal Practice
La funzione dell'oriodeiktes nell'Egitto romano
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      Roman LawDiritto romanoJuristic PapyrologyPapirologia giuridica
The main problem discussed in this paper is illegitimacy in Roman Egypt. In the first part of the text I discuss ways of presenting persons born out of wedlock in papyri, especially documents relating to Roman census in Egypt. The... more
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      Graeco-Roman EgyptIllegitimate childrenJuristic Papyrology
Records and archives in Roman Egypt as a key perspective on the development of the Roman imperial state
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      Roman HistoryPapyrologyRoman LawArchives
Volume realizzato con l'intervento della Scuola di Giurisprudenza dell'Università di Camerino e del «Consorzio interuniversitario Gérard Boulvert per lo studio della civiltà giuridica europea e per la storia dei suoi ordinamenti»... more
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      Roman LawJuristic Papyrology
Re-edition of PSI I 55. A Greek papyrus fragment from Roman Law teaching on Justinian's Digest (D. 2, 14, de pactis) will be identified as part of a paraphrasis, a combination of two lectures (before March 536 CE), an Index lecture,... more
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      Roman LawLate AntiquityByzantine LawHistory of Roman Law
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      Graeco-Roman EgyptJuristic Papyrology
Edition of P.Tebt. II 517 from Tebtunis, II CE. The text recorded belongs to a type of wills known as donatio mortis causa, a division (μεριτεία) or cession (συγχώρημα) of property after the donor’s death (μετὰ τὴν τελευτήν). It is the... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryPapyrologyGraeco-Roman Egypt
The paper aims to examine the names applied to illegitimate children in Roman Egypt between the first and third centuries, that is to provide descriptions of those children who appear in the papyri and to determine their chronology and... more
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      Graeco-Roman EgyptIllegitimate childrenJuristic Papyrology