Jurassic Stratigraphy
Recent papers in Jurassic Stratigraphy
Strata of Jurassic age occur extensively across onshore Australia, but they are predominantly of non-marine origin. Marine Jurassic strata have only limited onshore exposure in northwestern and central-western Australia, with thick marine... more
Les causses du Quercy sont des plateaux calcaires qui présentent des morphologies karstiques caractéristiques : dolines (cloups), grottes (crozes), gouffres (igues), réseaux de vallées sèches sillonnant la surface du plateau et buttes... more
The outcrop belt of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation in the northeastern Uinta Basin and southeastern flank of the Uinta Mountains is particularly rich in dinosaurian and non-dinosaurian faunas, as well as in fossil plants. The... more
Belemnites (order Belemnitida), a very successful group of Mesozoic cephalopods, provide an important clue for understanding Mesozoic marine ecosystems and the origin of modern cephalopods. Following current hypotheses, belemnites... more
In part 1 of this work we discussed the possibilities for the selection of a GSSP for the Berriasian Stage of the Cretaceous System, based on prevailing practical methods for correlation in that J/K interval, traditional usage and the... more
Today in the course of active updating and development (on the basis of the GSSP and GSSA concept) International Chronostratigraphic Chart in general and, the Mesozoic in a particular, among the most relevant and sharp stratigraphy... more
Current chemostratigraphical studies of the Jurassic System primarily involve the use of one sedimentary component (marine organic carbon), one divalent transition metal substituted in carbonate (manganese), and two isotopic tracers:... more
A single rostrum of Cylindroteuthis (Cylindroteuthis) cf. theofilaktovi Nikitin recovered from the Late Bathonian-Early Callovian Kaizara Formation of the Tetori Group in Shimoyama, Kuzuryu area, Central Japan, is described for the first... more
A new locality in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation near Douglas, Wyoming, has yielded remains of a disarticulated sauropod skeleton (Supersaurus vivianae) and the remains of a semi-articulated small theropod. The sauropod is assigned... more
The recent discovery of Triassic tetrapod fossils in the Picket Wire Canyonlands of southeastern Colorado necessitates large-scale modification of the currently accepted stratigraphy of the area. The bone-bearing strata lie... more
ABSTRACT Paleosols in the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) from the Western Interior and Colorado Plateau regions occur in fluvial/overbank and marginal-lacustrine depositional facies associated with aggradational settings, and at... more
Course name: Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of Spain - an Introduction Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus, Faculty: Science and Engineering Semester: Spring 2005. Course description: This course gives an introduction into the... more
The age of the basal sediments at Jara (Kachchh, Western India) has been a matter of debate due to the absence of time diagnostic fossils (notably of ammonites and nannofossils). Previous nannofossil records from these basal beds indicate... more
Several stratigraphic studies have proved that Early Toarcian carbonate platforms and basins suffered a sharp sedimentary and palaeoecologic evolution worlwide reflecting the onset of dramatic environmental perturbations in the... more
Carbonate mud that accumulated in the deep parts of a late Kimmeridgian carbonate ramp (Iberian Basin, NE Spain) was partly derived by resedimentation from shallow water production areas. High-frequency sea- level changes, probably driven... more
A coastal exposure at Wine Haven, Robin Hood’s Bay (North Yorkshire, UK) fulfils the criteria for definition as the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Pliensbachian Stage (Lower Jurassic). This marine sequence... more
Ichthyosaurs rapidly diversified and colonised a wide range of ecological niches during the Early and Middle Triassic period, but experienced a major decline in diversity near the end of the Triassic. Timing and causes of this demise and... more
The shallow marine sedimentary sequence of the Jaisalmer Basin exhibits one of the important and well-developed Tithonian Sedimentary outcrops for western India. The ichnology and ichnofabric of the lower part of Bhadasar Formation (i.e.,... more
The Lower Jurassic Whitmore Point Member is a widespread lacustrine unit at the top of the Moenave Formation that can be traced across southwestern Utah and northeastern Arizona. The shoreline to the northeast of the outcrop belt trends... more
"A biostratigraphic and systematic study based on belemnites collected along with ammonites was performed on four sections in the Subalpine Basin (SE France): Lac du Castillon and La Baume (Castellane area), Galabrun and Grand Lara (Gap... more
Current chemostratigraphical studies of the Jurassic System primarily involve the use of one sedimentary component (marine organic carbon), one divalent transition metal substituted in carbonate (manganese), and two isotopic tracers:... more
G e o l o g i c a A c t a , V o l . 8 , N º 3 , S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 0 , 3 2 5 -3 4 0 D O I : 1 0 . 1 3 4 4 / 1 0 5 . 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 3 6
Publication/DVD design and layout by Sharon Hamre DVD replication: CDI Media, Salt Lake City, UT
Detailed sedimentological, sequence stratigraphical and cyclostratigraphical analyses have been made from four lower Tithonian–lower Valanginian sections of the Vaca Muerta Formation, exposed in the southern Mendoza area of the Neuquén... more
The Lower Jurassic Whitmore Point Member is a widespread lacustrine unit at the top of the Moenave Formation that can be traced across southwestern Utah and northeastern Arizona. The shoreline to the northeast of the outcrop belt trends... more
Cari amici e colleghi, venerdì 4 ottobre 2013 si terrà una giornata dedicata alla memoria del Prof. Giovanni Pallini a 10 anni dalla scomparsa, presso l'Aula Magna (ex-rettorato) dell'Università "G. d'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara, via dei... more
Belemnites are the extinct coleoid cephalopods, which flourished worldwide in the Jurasso−Cretaceous oceans (Doyle et al., 1994). The distribution of belemnite genera and families ... A LATE MIDDLE JURASSIC BOREAL BELEMNITE... more
The aim of this paper is to document the ammonite fauna of the upper part of the Late Tithonian collected at the key section of Le Chouet (Drome, SE France). Emphasis is laid on new and poorly known Ataxioceratidae, Himalayitidae and... more
Current chemostratigraphical studies of the Jurassic System primarily involve the use of one sedimentary component (marine organic carbon), one divalent transition metal substituted in carbonate (manganese), and two isotopic tracers:... more
Qualitative and quantitative studies on calcareous nannofossils have been carried out on the Middle–Upper Bathonian succession of Gnaszyn (Kraków-Silesia Homocline, Czêstochowa region). The nannofossil assemblages are moderately or... more
Our tentative proposal is that several biological markers have potential to help define any putative boundary in the traditional basal Berriasian interval. That is, between the base of the Berriasella jacobi Subzone and the base of the... more