Jurassic Ammonites
Recent papers in Jurassic Ammonites
The age of the Suowa Formation, the latest Jurassic marine deposit in the Qiangtang Block, is important not only because of its great hydrocarbon potential, but also because it defines the termination of the Jurassic ocean in the area.... more
Bei Herford-Diebrock wird seit 1975 in unterschiedlichen Tongruben durch die Firma Stork Tongruben GmbH Ton abgebaut. Hierfür werden bevorzugt Tonsteine des Sinemuriums genutzt, die über einige Jahre hinweg u. a. eine Invertebratenfauna... more
This paper deals with the paleonthological study on the Idoceratinae species (for Presimoceras, Trenerites and Lessiniceras genera) found in the Kimmeridgian deposits from Ghilcoş and Ciofronca (Hăghimaş Mts). The number of the identified... more
Heteromorphs are ammonoids forming a conch with detached whorls (open coiling) or non‐planispiral coiling. Such aberrant forms appeared convergently four times within this extinct group of cephalopods. Since Wiedmann's seminal paper in... more
During the Pliensbachian–Toarcian interval of the Early Jurassic, there is a well-known second order marine extinction that is observable at the species and genus levels. Ammonite diversity data from successions throughout Europe and... more
The paper describes the species of Sutneria ZITTEL genus recently discovered in Ghilcoş Massif (the Hăşmaş Mountainsthe Eastern Carpathians) in Upper Jurassic deposits ("Acanthicum Beds") and the authors reviews specimens previously... more
This paper deals with the taxonomic study of the Idoceratinae species (for Idoceras and Nebrodites genera) found in the Kimmeridgian deposits from Ghilcoú and Ciofronca (the Hăghimaú Mts). The number of species identified here reached 11... more
The present study is concerning the systematic descriptions of the Middle Ju-rassic (Callovian) ammonite fauna from the Damghan Area (eastern Alborz) and contains a rather rich ammonite fauna. The described ammonites come from the Middle... more
The jaw apparatus of the genus Kachpurites (Ammonoidea, Craspeditidae), consisting of a pair of aptychi and a beak-shaped upper jaw is described and figured for the first time. A new aptychus species Praestriaptychus fulgens sp. nov. is... more
Ammonoid sutures are geometric patterns formed by the intersection of the septa and the shell wall, and have long been a diagnostic tool for ammonite researchers for such applications as species identification, taxonomic relationships,... more
Ammonoid sutures are geometric patterns formed by the intersection of the septa and the shell wall, and have long been a diagnostic tool for ammonite researchers for such applications as species identification, taxonomic relationships,... more