Judicial independence
Recent papers in Judicial independence
In the LM ruling, the Court of Justice developed the Aranyosi and Căldăraru test and indicated it as the one to be applied for the assessment of judicial independence and fair trial guarantees in the context of executing European Arrest... more
In the Matter of: Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC; DLJ Mortgage Capital, Inc.; Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Acceptance Corp.; Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp.; and Asset Backed Securities Corporation... more
The Realists were ascending during the turbulent 1930s, when the Supreme Court was trying to hold Roosevelt and the New Deal Democrats to Lochner era concepts of the role of the state, property, and contracts. Thus, the Realists... more
This case about the retirement age of legal officials (judges, prosecutors, and notaries) in Hungary, on the one hand, specifies an important aspect of EU non-discrimination law on the grounds of age and, on the other hand, sheds light on... more
Zmiany prawa w zakresie organizacji sądownictwa, a tym samym sposobu sprawowania wymiaru sprawiedliwości, mają przełożenie na rzeczywistą realizację prawa do sprawiedliwego i jawnego rozpatrzenia sprawy w rozsądnym terminie przez... more
Αντικείμενο της παρούσας μελέτης είναι η παρουσίαση, η ανάλυση και η ανάδειξη των σπουδαιότερων σημείων της απόφασης του Δικαστηρίου της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (ΔΕΕ) επί της υπόθεσης Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses . Η υπόθεση αφορά... more
Pursuant to the same logic that prevailed when Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman reached out to Germany after the end of World War II, and in keeping with the promise made in the Preamble of the founding treaty, the EU reached out to Central... more
This article analyses how the politico-legal debate has affected institutional reforms of judicial accountability in Italy since the enactment of the Constitution of the Italian Republic in 1948. It discusses the interaction between... more
This paper sums up the conclusions of a research analyzing the French and the Italian “high councils of justice”. Based on a comparative perspective (both diachronic and synchronic), it correlates the composition and the activity of these... more
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There are three approaches to promoting judicial ethics: the code approach, the guidebook approach and the reflective approach. The code approach uses an enforceable code of judicial conduct. The guidebook approach involves explaining the... more
This article seeks to give a brief discussion on the entire judicial system in regards to the court structure of Bangladesh. The purpose of this discussion is to visualise mostly every court of the country. It has tried to outline the... more
The execution of criminal sentences is the result of the criminal investigation process and the result of all the previous efforts of law enforcement. The criminal justice system at this stage has institutions and actors that are... more
Abstract (D): Die institutionelle Ausgestaltung des Richteramts steht in der Schweiz in einem Spannungsverhältnis zur richterlichen Unabhängigkeit. Dies trifft auch auf das Bundesrichteramt zu: Bundesrichterinnen und Bundesrichter werden... more
In Indonesia, the Supreme Court justices recruitment have suffered from many influences, giving rise to what has been called political bargaining, associated with a member of Parliament, executive government, the supreme court itself,... more
Throughout U.S. history, the two major political parties have switched positions many times on a variety of issues, including whether the United States should intervene more or less in foreign affairs. Are these changes simply the product... more
Die EU ging bislang davon aus, dass ihre Mitgliedsstaaten die verfassungsrechtlichen Bedingungen respektieren würden, die ihnen den Beitritt zur Gemeinschaft ermöglichten. Ungarn und Polen stellen diese Grundannahme mit den Attacken auf... more
In 2018 the populist right-wing authoritarian Fidesz, after eight years of dismantling the rule of law and democracy, won the parliamentary election by two-thirds, in a greatly unfair election. The release from authoritarianism through... more
Sumário: Introdução; 1. Accountability e sua relação com Estado de Direito e separação dos poderes; 2. Independência judicial e accountability judicial: faces da mesma moeda; 3. Para além do processo jurisdicional accountable no Poder... more
Why do authoritarian rulers establish special courts? One view is that they do so to insulate the judiciary from politically oriented cases and allow it continued, albeit limited, independence. In this article I present a contrary case... more
本文透過歷史資料分析二戰前中國於訓政時期推行「黨治」,在「黨化司法」政策下,反對司法獨立,要求司法必須「黨義化」、「黨人化」的各類措施。即便1947年行憲,憲法明文標舉「司法獨立」,黨化的相關措施仍然持續運行。... more
Kjo pjesë është shkëputur nga "Komentari elektronik i ligjit për statusin e gjyqtarëve dhe prokurorëve" të realizuar nga Euuralius në vitin 2017. Kjo pjesë e komentarit është ripunuar duke u përditësuar dhe duke pasur parasysh... more
On 27 November 2020, the Supreme Court rendered its long-awaited judgment on the arbitrator’s apparent bias and disclosure in the case of Halliburton Company v Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd . The judgment provided important guidance on the... more
Higher penalties may apply, and higher damages may be awarded, for offences and infringements involving the conversion of material into digital or electronic form. Unless otherwise indicated, the views expressed in this thesis are those... more
Although long considered alien to the civil law tradition, the publication of separate dissenting or concurring opinions is now permitted by the majority of European constitutional courts, the only exceptions being the Austrian, Belgian,... more
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe... more
By tracing the historical development of the relation between the Chinese Communist Party and China’s courts, this article finds that in order to subjugate the state as a whole to its superior power, the Party has confined judicial power... more
Les concepts d'indépendance de la justice. Une analyse historique et comparée (Angleterre, Allemagne et France), Luxembourg, Université du Luxembourg, soutenue le 8 sept. 2015 (non publié) La volonté de travailler sur ce sujet est partie... more
The first of three parts in this study elaborates on international human rights law and drawing on the most essential international instruments and jurisprudence, the criteria constituting judicial independence are distilled as a... more
In the interests of maintaining the independence of the English judiciary, it is prudent to consider whether the system of judicial recruitment is safeguarded now, when it has previously been so heavily influenced and reliant upon members... more
I. Introduction Through the centuries the people of common law jurisdictions have debated what is the best way to secure the independence of judges. This debate, which still goes on, ultimately led to the United States adoption of a... more
Independent judiciary is the sin qua non-of a democratic government for ensuring rule of law. Since the beginning of the British colonial rule, the question of separation of judiciary from the executive has been a continuing debate. Even... more
L’Union européenne fait, à l’heure actuelle, face à une crise majeure et sans précédent dûe au délitement de ses valeurs fondatrices dans certains Etats membres. Cette crise se traduit, notamment, par une mise à mal de l’indépendance de... more
This groundbreaking book challenges the dominant view of ideology held by both political scientists and political commentators. Rather than viewing ideological constructs like liberalism and conservatism as static concepts with fixed and... more
La lunga storia dell’assetto istituzionale della magistratura, di cui l’ordinamento giudiziario Grandi del 1941 fu l’epilogo, lasciò un’eredità difficile al nuovo Stato democratico nella transizione dal fascismo alla democrazia. La... more
In India, the Constitution is regarded as Supreme law of the land. No one is above the Constitution. It provides for three organs of the Government, viz., the Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary, each to function independently so... more
The rule of law backsliding in Hungary and Poland revealed the EU’s significant vulnerabilities in the face of the need to uphold the values that the whole system of EU integration presumes are in place. The lessons are revealing:... more
The story of the first president of Taipei court and judicial independence under the Japanese colonial rules.
Shkrim i botuar në gazetën "Panorama" të datës 12.05.2022.
Shkruar mbi bazën e fjalës së mbajtur në konferencën me temë "Drejtësi në kohë sfidash" të organizuar nga Këshilli i Lartë i Drejtësisë me datë 09.05.2022.
Shkruar mbi bazën e fjalës së mbajtur në konferencën me temë "Drejtësi në kohë sfidash" të organizuar nga Këshilli i Lartë i Drejtësisë me datë 09.05.2022.