Judezmo (Ladino
Recent papers in Judezmo (Ladino
A historical overview in Judezmo of the use of Romanization for writing Judezmo (Ladino, Judeo-Spanish) followed by a description of the Romanization rules advocated today by the La Autoridad Nasionala del Ladino i Su Kultura and the... more
lijepe književnosti kod bosanskih Sefarda", V. Maksimović (priredio), Izabrana djela Kalmija Baruha, Sarajevo 1972, pp. 323-326 מופיע פאפו לאורה של הרומנסירו .2 בתרא, גרסה גרסאות. בשתי בעיזבון גרסה רומנסות; עשר... more
A historical examination of Judezmo as used in Syria, and its contemporary echoes among the Jews from Syria today.
לשון לדינו שפתם של יהודי ספרד שנגרשו מן ארץ זו על ידי עמים אחרים
הלשון התפתחה במשך דורות ונודעה ליהודים בכל ארצות שהם גרו או הגרו לשם
הלדינו הוא תרבותם של יהודי ספרד יוון בולגריה מקדוניה טורקיה ואפילו אמריקה
הלשון התפתחה במשך דורות ונודעה ליהודים בכל ארצות שהם גרו או הגרו לשם
הלדינו הוא תרבותם של יהודי ספרד יוון בולגריה מקדוניה טורקיה ואפילו אמריקה
As characteristic of Jewish languages in general, Judezmo (Ladino/Judeo-Spanish), the traditional language of the Sephardim of the former Ottoman Empire, was perceived by its speakers and their neighbors as the Jewish language.
The present chapter outlines the historical development of lexicography in Judezmo, the traditional language of the Sephardic Jews of the former Ottoman Empire and its successor states, and Ḥaketía, the language of the Sephardim of... more
From the 19th–20th-century beginnings of modern linguistics, scholars reported on various results of interactions between diverse language speakers; but it was only with Uriel Weinreich's Languages in Contact (1953) that a solid... more
From the 19th–20th-century beginnings of modern linguistics, scholars reported on various results of interactions between diverse language speakers; but it was only with Uriel Weinreich’s Languages in Contact (1953) that a solid... more
A historical overview of the structural development of Judezmo (or Ladino or Judeo-Spanish), with sample texts.
A survey of the literal Ladino or Judezmo or Judeo-Spanish sacred-text translation tradition as primarily characterized by oral transmission from teachers to their pupils in the Jewish religious schools of the Ottoman Empire.
Among the numerous Jewish books published in Belgrade between 1837 and 1905, there are approximately sixty Ladino works written by Sephardi authors scattered throughout the Ottoman Empire and the Mediterranean. Except for some novels,... more
The Judezmo writer Alexandre Benghiat was widely appreciated for his popular, light and often humorous literary style. His writings were mostly praised by fellow Judezmo writers and published in numerous Judezmo journals inside and... more
Analyzes the lively discussion of Sephardic customs which plays so central a role on the Ladinokomunita social network.
Historical, regional and stylistic analysis of the native Judezmo (Judeo-Spanish, Ladino) terminology for the Judezmo proverb, saying and proverbial expression.
This paper attempts to extrapolate from the responsa literature of the Ottoman Sephardic rabbis of the seventeenth century the main features of the Judezmo which Nathan of Gaza would have heard and used in Eres Israel in particular and... more
La revista de los Shadarim
La protagonista di Tela di cipolla parte dal Messico per un viaggio nella terra d’origine dei suoi genitori, bulgari sefarditi, alla ricerca delle proprie radici familiari e linguistiche. Seguendo le tracce del giudeospagnolo, la lingua... more
A review of traces of the Iberian Judeo-Arabic Bible translation tradition evident in Ladino Bible translations and glossaries from the Ottoman Empire and Italy.
A discussion of language-based nationalism and Jewish languages.
Meldando i avlando sovre el judezmo: La figura académica de Michael Studemund-Halévy con motivo de su homenaje * Meldando i avlando sovre el judezmo: The academic figure of Michael Studemund-Halévy on the occasion of his Tribute.
This study analyzes lexical accommodation in Judeo-Spanish (JS) to model Peninsular and Latin American (PLA) Spanish varieties. Data were obtained through sociolinguistic interviews, including an oral translation task, conducted in... more
Hebrew-language historical overview of the Latin/Roman letter writing systems used for Judezmo/Ladino/Judeo-Spanish, with a description of the system advocated by the Autoridad Nasionala de Ladino and the Akademia del Ladino en Israel.... more
Sociolinguistic Implications for Judea-Spanish as a Cyber-vernacular
Shalom a todos! Konosed vos rogo a los estudiantes ke partichiparon en el sigundo kurso del ladino/djudezmo ke ambezó el Prof. David Bunis mezo la University de Washington a Seattle mientres el enverano de 2020. Entre las universitas... more
This study analyzes the modal functions of the adverb ya in three contact varieties of Spanish: Basque Spanish in the Basque Autonomous Community, Andean Spanish in contact with Quechua in Ecua-dor, and Judeo-Spanish in Turkey and the... more
Por primera vez, se publican los 7 capítulos completos en una nueva edición, corregida y aumentada, gracias a la editorial argentina Agua Viva Ediciones. Junto con una segunda parte, escrita completamente en ladino. Allí, donde cada... more
En esta comunicación se propone la implementación del marco teórico y metodológico de la sociolingüística histórica en los estudios sobre el judeoespañol. Este marco, hasta ahora utilizado más en el estudio de las formas históricas del... more
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