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This bibliographic essay explores the works of scholars who have used ḥadīth collections in their research on early Muslim-Jewish interactions. One of the main issues of this field has been the question of Jewish influence on ḥadīths,... more
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      Hadith StudiesJewish-Muslim RelationsEarly Islamic HistoryIslam and Judaism
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      Jewish HistorySecond Temple JudaismMidrashRabbinic Literature
The present article is the first comprehensive study on the literary corpus which illustrates the distinctions and oppositions between Christianity and Judaism since the gradual separation of the two religions. This corpus was... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureGreek LiteratureJewish StudiesMedieval Literature
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      TalmudJewish HistorySecond Temple JudaismRabbinic Literature
GEBErovich, sTuarT s. MillEr, jonaThan l. rEEd, EllEn rEEdEr, kirsTEn rosE-BEan, aryEh E. shiMron, GrEGory dalE sMiTh, alan Todd, naaMa vilozny, and ThE EdiTors
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      Second Temple JudaismRoman Palestine (Archaeology)Jewish Ritual Purity LawSecond Temple Judaism (Religion)
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      Early Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Early ChristianityJewish - Christian RelationsJudaism in Late Antiquity
This is a research project completed for the course "Origins of Rabbinic Law" (prof. S. J.D. Cohen), Harvard University, Spring 2007. It has not been updated or edited since then, and may contain errors. But hopefully it can serve as a... more
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      Late AntiquityMishnahJudaism in Late AntiquityJewish Marriage Contracts
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      Queer StudiesLate AntiquityRabbinicsRabbinic Literature
Trimitunte (Chipre), santo y taumaturgo 2 . Es autor de dos homilías (Sobre el anciano Simeón en Lucas 2: 22 y Sobre la fiesta de mesopentecostés). Se supone que es el mismo Leoncio mencionado en el concilio laterano de 649. La fecha de... more
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      IconographyIconoclasmByzantine StudiesJewish - Christian Relations
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      Late Antique JudaismJudaism in Late AntiquityHistory of Judaism In Antiquity
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Jewish HistoryLate AntiquityHistory of the Jews
Hi! I've removed my archived work from and stored it on the non-profit Humanities Commons. Come find this work, and me, there:
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      Early ChristianityEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityAmbrosiaster
Please use the link in this file to download the article.
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      PiyyutRabbinic Judaismancient SynagoguesJudaism in Late Antiquity
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesJudaism in Late Antiquity