Journalism Practice

1,375 papers
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Journalism practice refers to the professional methods and ethical standards employed by journalists in the gathering, reporting, and dissemination of news and information. It encompasses the techniques, tools, and frameworks that guide journalists in producing accurate, fair, and timely content for various media platforms.
This article is a contribution to the debate on audience participation in online media with a twofold aim: (1) making conceptual sense of the phenomenon of participatory journalism in the framework of journalism research, and (2)... more
This study seeks to understand how community newspaper editors negotiate the professional complexities posed by citizen journalism*a phenomenon that, even in the abstract, would appear to undermine their gatekeeping control over content.... more
Magazines increasingly seek to drive up traffic by developing busy online communities with high levels of user generated content, without the resources for active management of every comment. If successful, a highly interactive site can... more
The purpose of this study is to understand how journalists engage with and use statistics to articulate science news in particular Arab countries with emphasis on the cases of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The study assesses the current... more
This special issue addresses a topic of journalism studies that has previously been somewhat neglected but which has gained increasing scholarly attention since the mid-2000s: the coverage and evaluation of art and culture, or what we... more
This study explores how an engaged journalism process supported by participatory design practices can impact attitudes and perceptions of audience engagement in local journalism. Using MuckRock's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)... more
by Todd Graham and 
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This article analyzes the nature of debate on “below the line” comment fields at the United Kingdom’s Guardian, and how, if at all, such debates are impacting journalism practice. The article combines a content analysis of 3,792 comments... more
This article introduces a theoretical typology of four rival yet converging ideal types of cultural critics in contemporary media culture and in cultural journalism, more specifically, encapsulated by the term the heterogeneous cultural... more
Between 2012 and 2016, UNESCO registered 530 deaths of journalists. They also published a statistic showing that television journalists were the most killed, followed by print media, radio and online journalists. Hinted in this statistics... more
Adopting a systems framework from the sociology of occupations, this study proposes a model to explain the vulnerabilities of journalism in the face of challenges from blogging, and the conditions under which journalists are likely to... more
Recently, true crime podcasting has exploded. These podcasts organizations mobilize resources, compete with other organizations, gain legitimacy, and focus on sustaining foundings and preventing mortalities. This study uses a mixed... more
Digital environments play a central role in the news making process. Seeking new ways to interact with people previously seen as audience is a big challenge for media and journalists today, especially in local contexts, where journalists... more
This study analyzes the interpretive repertoires used by public relations (PR) advisors of Dutch politicians to describe their relations with talk show journalists. A qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews revealed that the... more
Speed and quality used to be considered the twin pillars of ''good'' journalism. Now there is a third pillar: sociability. It is no longer enough to be ''first with the news'', nor is it sufficient to be comprehensive and trustworthy. It... more
Local news organizations are adapting their newsroom routines to better respond to a digital readership. These models feature different levels of online integration, but all aim to restructure newsroom responsibilities to ensure editorial... more
This paper examines the impact of the digital transformation on broadcast practices from a producer/studio participant perspective with a focus on sports journalism online. More specifically, the study targets changes in sports talk and... more
Faced with growing competition and dwindling readership, especially among young people, some metropolitan newspapers have switched from a broadsheet to a smaller, easier to handle format. This strategy has been successful at least in the... more
The omnipresence and ubiquitous nature of online news on social media has challenged the traditional news production process of most news organizations worldwide. However, most research on this topic has dealt with the impact of social... more
This article contends that not only journalism but also journalism studies can benefit from a stronger commitment to the public. While the bodies of literature on "popular journalism", "public journalism" and "citizen/participatory... more
For a long time, Dutch parliamentary journalists have shown an interest in migrating to the "other side" and becoming political PR professionals or spokespersons. The Dutch term used by journalists for colleagues who make this switch is... more
As the media landscape continues to change, reporters are now being charged with the task of covering more with less. One result is that reporters without any specialty training are covering comple...
The low readability of news has often been attributed to production and format features, such as deadline pressures and news story organizational features. This study, however, puts the blame elsewhere. News stories written by nine... more
This study used the 2017 Las Vegas and 2016 Orlando mass shootings as case studies to explore alleged double standards in reporting of events featuring Muslim and non-Muslim mass perpetrators of violence. The study used framing theory and... more
Does media ownership affect the editorial page? Scholars such as Tim Groseclose, Jeffrey Milyo, and Tim Groeling have offered recent empirical tests for media bias in political news coverage. This article focuses on the editorial content... more
Journalism is undergoing a strong restructuring of its labour market due to the consequences of the economic crisis and the technological innovations. Discussions on the search for new formulas for job creation are centred on the... more
Research documenting the media under-representation of people of color indicates that unless journalists re-imagine the way they report on communities of color, those growing segments may be left without a stake in the ‘‘public... more
Modeled on the "New Beats: A study of Australian Journalism Redundancies" project (2014-17), the purpose of this study was to gather data to examine how forced career change among U.S. newspaper journalists has affected their employment,... more
Newsrooms are in a makeover process, reflecting the complex changes taking place in the market, along with a shift towards the digital domain within the media value creation chains. Our comparative study monitors convergence and... more
This paper makes a preliminary exploration of new opportunities for journalists and media to establish relevance and audiences through engagement with science issues. It looks at developments in the “democratisation” of science and, in... more
The mass media are expected to play a key role in providing relevant and accurate information during a crisis. While numerous studies have explored how well the media perform in providing information during crises, less attention has been... more
Letters-to-the-editor provide a significant forum for public debate, enabling the exchange of information, ideas and opinions between different groups of people. Since journalistic work is central to the processes of citizenship, this... more
Speed has always been a central part of journalism, and for good reason: people want to be informed about events and threats as soon as possible. Immediacy is seen as one of the key values in journalism's culture. Over the past decade... more
This paper examines a news genre that is designed for the enactment of interpretive journalism: the live studio correspondent commentary on Swedish news. We trace how the role of expert commentator/interpreter of events has evolved during... more
This article presents the results of a study examining the selfperceived roles of journalists covering the #MeToo movement in Denmark and Sweden. Drawing on qualitative interviews with journalists, editors and activists (N = 20) and... more
This article explores the degree to which journalists in Finland experience different types of external interference and how they perceive the implications of interference. For this study, external interference is defined as all active... more
In 2013, with the introduction of the Transparency Law in Spain, a number of Spanish newsrooms started working with data journalism methods. In Sweden, which has one of the oldest Freedom of Information acts in the world, newsrooms... more
This paper examines journalists' changing sourcing practices in the context of an emerging media ecology initiated by processes of globalisation, digitalization, commercialism and concentration. Social media platforms such as Facebook,... more
In this study, I examine the perilous conditions facing Filipino journalists covering the Mindanao region, focusing on differences in threats and dangers faced by those who are local to the region and those parachuting in from Manila.... more