and WPPh head of communications Kari Lundelin and to DJ Clark and the photojournalists at Reuters in London who helped us with the pilot of the questionnaire.
Building on research proposing reciprocal journalism as a concept underlying participatory practices and norms in journalism, this study examines how reciprocity might meaningfully be measured in a journalistic context. Using a survey of... more
In Greek mythology, the God of Transitions, Janus, is usually represented as having two faces: one looking at the future and the other at the past, illustrating a change from one condition to the other (cf. Bennett, 2013). Like Janus, now... more
As journalists continue integrating social media into their professional work, they wrestle with ways to best represent themselves, their organizations, and their profession. Several recent studies have examined this trend in terms of... more
As user-generated content (UGC) and citizen-driven forms of journalism have risen to prominence alongside professional media production, they have presented a challenge to traditional journalistic values and processes. This study examines... more
As journalists continue integrating social media into their professional work, they wrestle with ways to best represent themselves, their organizations, and their profession. Several recent studies have examined this trend in terms of... more
After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, al-Nida’ (The Call) newspaper was established as a propaganda tool to justify the annexation and communicate with Kuwaiti citizens. This study conducts an archival analysis of 104 issues to examine how... more
This evidence-based report aims to familiarise the reader with a wide array of AI in journalism use cases, provide grounding on the legal and ethical issues that journalists and audiences identify regarding this technology within... more
This study explores the discursive construction of negative identity through the monstrous antagonist, the yrr-a collective intelligence of deep-sea organismsin Frank Schätzing's novel The Swarm and the intricate implications stemming... more
Second-level agenda-setting suggests that news media influence how we think. As a case study examining the nature and effects of mainstream news media's coverage of the 2015 Apple/FBI dispute about data privacy versus national security,... more
The Web has been publicly available for more than 20 years, and US newspapers' experiment with this particular platform has been going on for nearly as long. Motivated initially by high hopes for the potential of the Internet, newspaper... more
This article reports on a preliminary scan of six English-language newspapers in Southeast Asia, with a side comparison to a leading Australian newspaper, regarding their coverage of environmental sustainability issues over a two month... more
Abstract: This paper aims to provide guidance on crucial assessment issues, such as ways of assessing knowledge and aptitudes/practice, innovative tools for conceiving and incorporating computing and information technology in teaching,... more
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication must be reproduced, photocopied, recorded or otherwise stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without prior... more
This study explores the editorial practices of Decât o Revistă (DoR), a publication that established narrative journalism in Romania and promoted a distinctive journalistic approach for 13 years, differing from mainstream media. Using... more
Travel journalism has been profoundly affected by developments in social media technology and the rise of user generated content. Yet, in comparison with news and political reporting, it has received limited academic attention. Online... more
The monograph by Rens Vliegenthart tackles the intriguing relationship between mass media coverage, political elite discourse, public opinion, and real-world facts regarding immigration and integration in the Netherlands. Covering the... more
The study aims to assess the interplay between ethnic identity politics and editorial independence of the six purposively selected ethnic-based Ethiopian media through the context of conflict reporting. In so doing, a total of 188... more
This paper analyses to whom Spanish journalists feel responsible. To achieve this objective, we sent out a survey to Spanish journalists to ascertain their opinion on this question. The journalists' point of view was then compared with... more
A dominant monitorial reporting method means that journalism shines a spotlight on officials’ activities, plans, and statements.While this reporting method has brought official wrongdoing to light, monitorial reporting has also participated... more
American journalists regularly humanize marginalized communities in an attempt to bridge social distance. Journalists’ techniques for doing so may constrain representations to the level of individual turmoil and resilience without... more
Despite the sustained growth in journalism as a choice of degree path for young people, our understanding of students' aspirations and motivations remains relatively underdeveloped. At the same time, journalism careers appear increasingly... more
The #MeToo movement, which engulfed much of India's news and entertainment industry in October 2018, was projected by many as a watershed moment for Indian journalism. Driven largely through social media activism, it created significant... more
Amidst burgeoning literature on citizen journalism, we still know relatively little about how and why genuinely marginalised groups seek to use this form of reporting to challenge their exclusion. In this article, we aim to address this... more
The COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant social distancing measures offer a compelling context through which to understand the changing relationship between journalism and place. Through an ethnography of news making at a major Indonesian... more
Whilst live blogs have become an established part of the news media ecology, corresponding research is still in its infancy, especially that which examines the crucial question of sourcing practices. In this article we address some of the... more
This study examines independent news startups with self-reported revenue earnings in high-, middle-, and low-income categories and compares them in the areas of news content creation. The findings, based on a content analysis of 704... more
Entrepreneurial, independent digital media sites arose in response to disruption in the journalism industry brought on by emerging technologies. This study explores this trend in Latin America from the perspective of audiences. Based on... more
In the study reported in this article, the diverse news media repertoires in Portugal are investigated using a Q-methodological approach. We analyse the participants’ perceptions of the experienced values of the cross-media news landscape... more
In this study, I examine the perilous conditions facing Filipino journalists covering the Mindanao region, focusing on differences in threats and dangers faced by those who are local to the region and those parachuting in from Manila.... more
This study examines the potential of constructive journalism ideas and their implementation in Croatia, a country with a different social, cultural and historical background than that of Denmark or other Western European countries where... more
Framing of a Brazilian Crisis: Dilma Rousseff’s Impeachment in National and International Editorials
The study analyzes the editorial position of the Brazilian and foreign press in the coverage of Dilma Rousseff's impeachment trial. By a framing analysis, we aim to understand how the national quality newspapers such as Folha de S. Paulo,... more
The spectrum of peace journalism Kurzfassung: Eine der größten Hürden, denen sich der Friedensjournalismus gegenübersieht, ist die Vagheit seiner Definition. Der vorliegende Aufsatz schlägt daher ein Verständnis des Friedensjournalismus... more
European societies are becoming increasingly multicultural and ethnically diverse as a result of immigration. This change, however, is not properly reflected in the European mass media, neither in the portrayal nor in the representation... more
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, newsrooms mediated information as quickly as possible for their information-starved audience. In Estonia, Covid-19 initially impacted two large islands, which led to their isolation from the mainland... more
This paper uses a single question form*the negative interrogative*as a window into the increasing aggressiveness of American journalists and hence the increasingly adversarial relationship between press and state in the United States. The... more
This article outlines an argument for the value of slowness in journalism. It makes an initial argument that our experiences of modernity are not singular experiences of speed and geographical dislocation but increasingly complex... more
This paper examines how social media are influencing the core journalistic value of verification. Through the discipline of verification, the journalist establishes jurisdiction over the ability to objectively parse reality to claim a... more
This study investigates how journalists covering international humanitarian crises make decisions regarding what types of information to include in stories. Specifically, the inclusion / exclusion of solutions-oriented information is... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
No relationship between voting patterns and median hourly pay change since the early 2000s Earnings were subject to a precrisis slowdown across much of the distribution, followed by a six year squeeze that was relatively evenly felt... more
Data journalism is an emerging form of journalism, entailing the discovery of stories in data with the assistance of data algorithms. The burgeoning literature has largely interpreted the work of data journalism through the lens of... more
Data journalism is an emerging form of journalism, entailing the discovery of stories in data with the assistance of data algorithms. The burgeoning literature has largely interpreted the work of data journalism through the lens of... more
No relationship between voting patterns and median hourly pay change since the early 2000s Earnings were subject to a precrisis slowdown across much of the distribution, followed by a six year squeeze that was relatively evenly felt... more
Peace journalism (PJ) is a framework intended to improve conflict coverage by challenging traditional news values. Our study aimed to compare the use of PJ in the local and foreign coverage of two key violent events in Kenyan history-the... more