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This paper presents a system, specially designed for the grape spraying through a robotic system. Agricultural Robotics is the logical proliferation of automation technology into bio systems such as agriculture, forestry, green house,... more
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Picture music—a new art form—is coming into its own. George Antheil, Modern Music (1937) encouraged within the academic community, the study of film music has become a burgeoning multidisciplinary if not trans-disciplinary endeavor. Today... more
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ABSTRAK Penyakit menular hadir dengan membawa berbagai persoalan bagi kehidupan makhluk hidup di dunia. Istilah foodborned disease kemudian hadir sebagai suatu hal baru dalam media penularan penyakit. Foodborned disease merupakan suatu... more
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امروزه در دنياي کسب و کار، هوش عاطفي به عنوان ابزاري براي سنجش موفقيت سازمان و کارکنان معرفي مي شود. بر اين اساس بازدهي سرمايه حاصل از به کارگيري اين ابزار سنجش به منظور بهره برداري مناسب، مورد بررسي قرار مي گيرد. ﺑﺮ اﯾﻦ اﺳﺎس ﻓﺮض ﻣﯽﺷﻮد ﮐﻪ... more
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      JournalPhD dissertationMohammadTarbiat Modarres University
Penulis ingin katakan ketika berbicara Good governance maka sering di gunakan sebagai standar sistem good local governance di katakan baik dalam menjalankan sistem disentaralisasi dan sebagai parameter yang lain untuk mengamati praktek... more
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      JournalTourist BehaviourTourist
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As business and public entities keep on expanding, there also the need for accounting practices to keep to date as to meet the organizational objectives. Whatever decision is to be taken by management such decision depend on how well... more
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      AccountingJournalIncome StatementLedger
Di era modern, negara sebagai suatu organisasi kekuasaan keberadaannya dipahami sebagai hasil bentukan masyarakat melalui proses perjanjian sosial antara warga masyarakat. Keberadaan negara menjadi kebutuhan bersama untuk melindungi dan... more
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We, the undersigned writers and all who will join us, support Occupy Wall Street and the Occupy Movement around the world.
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      OccupationFeminism and Social JusticeJournalBlog
IJCMR- Volume 2; issue 5 (November- December2015)
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      Medical SciencesMedical EducationJournal
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Pergesaran konsepsi Nachwachtersstaat (Negara penjaga malam) ke konsep welfare state membawa pergeseran pada peranan dan aktivitas pemrintah.Pada konsepsi Nachwachtersstaat berlaku prinsip staatsonthounding, yaitu pembatasan... more
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IJAET is honored to announce the publication of the volume 7 issue 3 for July 2014. Papers published in IJAET provides a glimpse into a few of the many high quality research activities conducted by the young & dynamic researchers around... more
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      JournalInternational Journal Article
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 Lingkungan yang baik dan sehat sebagai bagian HAM; Lingkungan yang baik dan sehat sebagai bagian HAM;  Pendidikan LH, akses informasi, partisipasi dan keadilan; Pendidikan LH, akses informasi, partisipasi dan keadilan;  Pendidikan... more
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Definitions of ‘holism’ in applied language studies need to remain broad enough to allow for true epistemological diversity and reject prematurely coherent impermeable systems that do not reflect the present state of knowledge in our... more
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      Human Behavioral EcologyTeaching English as a Second LanguageScholarship of Teaching and LearningTeacher Education
Kinerja proyek merupakan gambaran pencapaian suatu proyek, untuk mewujudan tujuan keinginan owner. Tujuan proyek konstruksi harus sesuai mutu, waktu dan biaya. Dengan metode Performance Prism dapat mengukur kinerja proyek sesuai kebutuhan... more
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      JournalPerformance Prism
—Acoustic guitar is one of the best known and most commonly used musical instruments. It emits sound waves because the guitar player makes the strings oscillate. In order to function properly, i.e. emit the sound of the appropriate... more
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In order to teach English effectively and successfully, an English teacher should design English lesson plans. English teaching-learning process will be effective if all components of English lesson plans have internal relevance. Besides,... more
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Marriage is the foundation of all social relations which further constitutes family. The present study focuses on the perceptions of university students regarding their marriages and selection of marriage partner. Using simple random... more
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      DemographyEducationHumanitiesSocial Sciences
Abstrak. Aktivitas belajar merupakan interaksi yang terjadi antara peserta didik dengan kegiatan yang ada di lingkungan dan turut melibatkan peserta didik lain, seorang praktisi, suatu sumber daya, sebuah alat, dan layanan dengan tujuan... more
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Thesis is a scientific work made by every student on the basis of conducting a research to complete a bachelor's degree program (S1) guided by the guidance of a lecturer who has the capability of the field of study/final project. There... more
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      PHP ProgrammingJournalWeb Based LearningThesis
תוכן העניינים פתח דבר מבוא: הערה על מבטים פרק ראשון: שבחי רודקינסון רודקינסון כמו"ל חסידי: טשרנוביץ ולבוב • בין חסידות להשכלה: ז'יטומיר וּורשה • "בצוארו כפתור... more
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      Literary JournalismAmerican LiteratureJewish American LiteratureJewish American Literature
ASI Eksklusif atau lebih tepat disebut pemberian ASI secara eksklusif. Kenyataan di lapangan menunjukkan produksi dan ejeksi ASI yang sedikit menjadi kendala dalam pemberian ASI. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi ketidaklancaran produksi... more
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International Journal of Advance Research - Journal of Civil Engineering (IJOARCE) is an open access international journal that provides rapid publication (within a month) of articles in all areas of Civil Engineering. Papers reporting... more
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      Civil EngineeringJournalCivil and Environmental EngineeringIjoar
Крещение Руси и эсхатологические концепции православия: от равноапостольного князя Владимира до наших дней E-journal « Language and Text » 2015, vol. 2, no. 4, Dergacheva I.V. "Christianization of Rus' and the eschatological... more
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Tesis de la maestría en Ciencias de la comunicación 墨西哥报纸如何报道中国--《劳动报(la jornada)》个案分析(2007全年) Nombre del autor: Jossalberto Briceño Sáenz Número de pasaporte: 06110054608 Número de matrícula: 052013082 Nombre de la Universidad: FUDAN... more
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      Literary JournalismAsian StudiesJournalismChinese Studies
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For the 2006-07 season, an American team with support from the American Institute for Yemeni Studies (AIYS), the Samuel H. Kress Foundation and the Social Fund for Development (SFD) worked for a fourth season in collaboration with the... more
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      AnthropologyEthnobotanyOpen AccessIndonesia
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Digital media offer new ways of generating and distributing images of the production, preparation and consumption of food and eating. On the one hand, there are many of food-related blogs, vlogs, discussion forums, mobile apps, social... more
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      Cultural StudiesSociology of CultureVisual StudiesInternet Studies
Skalanews -PT BNI Syariah yang sudah memiliki jaringan di wilayah Indonesia Timur memastikan akan mengikuti program layanan Bank Tanpa Kantor (branchless banking), namun masih merumuskan detail rencana program itu sebelum diajukan ke... more
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The International Journal of Advance Research (IJOAR) is an open access peer-reviewed international forum for scientists and engineers involved in research to publish high quality and refereed papers. Papers reporting original research or... more
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      Computer ScienceJournalIjoar
The possibilities of using the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) for journal mapping have not been sufficiently recognized because of the absence of a Journal Citations Report (JCR) for this database. A quasi-JCR for the A&HCI... more
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J’ai mis beaucoup, beaucoup de temps à me décider à tenir ce journal… Par pudeur, sans doute ; par peur du ridicule, sûrement (on verra plus loin pourquoi). C’est, en tout état de cause, sans état d’âme que je livre ici d’emblée aux... more
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ANABASIS Studia Classica et Orientalia 2 (2011) REVIEWED BY Prof. Jacek Rzepka (Warsaw University) EDITOR Marek Jan Olbrycht email: [email protected] EDITORIAL BOARD Daryoush Akbarzadeh (Iran, National Museum, Tehran) Agustí... more
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      HerodotusArmeniaAlexander PopeParthia
Empat komplikasi penyebab langsung kematian ibu di dunia yang tertinggi adalah karena partus lama sebanyak 1270 kasus kejadian (24,5%), perdarahan 601 kasus (11,6%), infeksi 485 kasus (9,3%) dan kejang 166 kasus (3,2%). Tujuan penelitian... more
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      SinologyUrban PlanningEnergy PolicyNationalism
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      Teacher EducationAction ResearchCritical PedagogyTeacher Research
Mentoring is an effective method of helping inexperienced individuals develop and progress in their profession. Extension staff have many opportunities to mentor volunteers and other community partners. The keys to establishing a... more
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      Operations ResearchJournalExtensionSystem
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
Following the EYE to find the WHY is a behavioural model of Dramatherapy. It is also Forum Theatre for small groups. It is also an illustration of how an idea is formed over time. It is also a personal history document and a legacy......... more
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      Personality PsychologySelf and IdentityPersonalityMental Health
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International Journal of Advance Research - Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJOARHS) is an open access international journal that provides rapid publication (within a month) of articles in all areas of Humanities and Social... more
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      Art HistoryEighteenth Century HistoryPortraitureJournal
The study performs preparation of the precursor thin films with MgO doped ZnO nanocrystalline ceramics by electrospinning technique and their characterizations by small and wide angle X-ray scattering methods. The prepared films on Si and... more
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      Synthesis of nanoparticlesNanomaterials CharacterizationScienceGlass