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      Comparative ReligionJoseph CampbellArchaeoastronomyAncient Greek Religion
This paper examines Jung’s rebirth archetype in two popular fairy tales, focusing on how it is described, how it specifically functions within the narratives, and on underlying mythopoeic imagery from which the narratives are constructed.... more
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      Mythology And FolklorePsychologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
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      PsychoanalysisMythologyFilm StudiesPhotography
This chapter explores the narrative structure underlying J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter heptalogy, suggesting that it follows the model of the monomyth or hero's journey not only as a basic pattern for the whole story line, but also for each... more
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      Monomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph CampbellHarry PotterContemporary Literature
Faith in the Journey: Personal Mythology as Pathway to the Sacred By Richard S. Stromer This dissertation explores the idea of personal mythology as an approach for engaging in the search for a more personal relationship to the sacred.... more
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      MythologyJoseph CampbellCarl G. JungDepth Psychology
This paper provides a brief introductory interpretation of some key archetypal motifs in the Celtic mythology of Tristan and Isolde. The interpretation is based on elements taken from numerous interpreters of the myth, from Thomas of... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreComparative LiteratureMythologyCeltic Studies
The 1939 family classic film, The Wizard of Oz, based on the beloved children’s tale by L. Frank Baum, represents a modern example of mythologist Joseph Campbell’s model of the hero quest myth. This two-part study begins with a... more
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      Creative WritingMythology And FolkloreMythologyFilm Studies
‘Who am I?’ is the central question of the hero’s journey. This thesis takes the hero’s journey as motif and metaphor for the exploration of subjectivity, and explores the manner in which woman’s journey as hero has been marginalised. For... more
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      MythologyWomen's HistoryTranspersonal PsychologyIntegral Theory
Caballeros del Zodíaco, Mito del Héroe, Joseph Campbell

Tesis de Lic. en comunicación social
Marzo del 2015
Córdoba, Argentina
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      Joseph CampbellAnimeMitos
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      Joseph CampbellMitologiaMITOLOGÍA COMPARADAReligião
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      Joseph CampbellPentateuchal TheoryExodusMoses
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      Structuralism (Literary Criticism)William Butler YeatsLiteratureLiterary Criticism
A segunda década do terceiro milênio chega ao fim e, com ela, um cenário político conservador. No Brasil, o poder da bancada BBB (Bala, Boi e Bíblia) no Congresso e a popularidade do presidenciável Jair Bolsonaro atestam isso. Esse... more
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      ChristianityPsychologyMythologyReligion and Politics
Joseph Campbell is the mythographer of the last century who has congenially opened the mythological universe to both scholars and to a wide range of people searching for pathways to enlighten their lives. His elixir of life was to help... more
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      CreativityMonomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph Campbell
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      Critical TheoryBuddhismHinduismCultural Studies
This paper examines archetypal, initiatory symbolism in interconnected Biblical narratives, the Old Testament story of Jonah and the Fish (or Whale) and the apocryphal story known as the Harrowing of Hell, a metaphorical relationship... more
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      RitualMonomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph CampbellLiterary Theory
Discussion about some essential theoretical and consequently also practical mythological components.
(Originally posted on:
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsAncient Egyptian ReligionSumerian Religion
In this paper, I undertake a comparative study between Ibn al-'Arabi's metaphysics and Joseph Campbell's "Power of Myth", exploring the similarities between each author's vision of imagination and its importance.
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      Mythology And FolkloreJoseph CampbellContemporary SufismVisual Arts
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      MythologyPsychology of ReligionJungian psychologyMonomyth/Hero's Journey
The tools of business are dynamic - capital, people, markets and ideas - all are living entities in a constant state of flux. To take these tools - to work with them and reorganize them in new and different ways to produce a positive... more
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      Joseph CampbellChange ManagementArchetypal PsychologyCorporate culture
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      AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyJ. R. R. TolkienJoseph Campbell
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      ReligionJoseph CampbellMitologyMITOLOGÍA COMPARADA
Westerns build tension through stand-offs and duels, while Battleship Potemkin creates tension through the escalating conflict between the sailors and their oppressors, leading to moments of intense drama and emotional impact. While... more
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      ScreenwritingAestheticsEthicsGreek Literature
Since the beginning of the Digital Game Studies in the 1980’s, the relationship between interactive and narrative elements of hybrid digital games has been an important issue. Are digital games texts, stories, simulations or games? What... more
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      HybridityVideo GamesMonomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph Campbell
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      MythologyWilliam Butler YeatsLiteratureLiterary Criticism
The translation of The Writer's Journey, by Christopher Vogler, and the practically simultaneous publication of Story, by Robert McKee, revived the debate about books on film and TV scripts, in which guides, descriptive studies and... more
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      ScreenwritingNarratologyJoseph CampbellArchetypes
A través de siete apartados se analiza la cronología de Star Wars, el contexto histórico-social que la determina y cómo se evidencia en la saga. También por qué se puede considerar Star Wars como un mito moderno y cómo refleja el viaje... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreCultural History
The problem of reading, in language teaching, is a big challenge. Today's globalized world scenario requires individuals to refine their habilities and knowledge for a greater experience of the possibilities offered by society. This... more
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      Joseph CampbellAutopoiesisIntertextualityUmwelt
Epic films of the new millennium feature antiheroes: broken heroes for broken times. Their cinematic narratives are likewise broken, their tidy, classicizing story patterns fragmented and fractured for post-modern audiences.
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      AristotleJoseph CampbellHeroesAlexander the Great
Realizou-se, no último mês de Setembro, o lançamento do livro: “Maçonaria e Simbologia: Uma Análise do Preconceito Através da História e da Simbologia”, ocorrido na Biblioteca Municipal de Sumaré/São Paulo. O livro consiste no trabalho de... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryJoseph Campbell
Avertebrata merupakan golongan hewan yang termasuk ke dalam kelompok yang tidak mempunyai tulang belakang atau penyokong tubuh. Salah satu golongan avertebrata yang akan dibahas dimakalah ini adalah Filum Coelenterata. Istilah... more
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    • Joseph Campbell
Resumo O estudo da temática dos símbolos e das tradições filo-sófico-iniciáticas trouxe à luz este artigo. Baseando-nos na escas-sez de estudos na área, principalmente pela pouca quantidade de artigos científicos que tratem de tal... more
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      ReligionHistoryJungian psychologyJoseph Campbell
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      Mythology And FolkloreMonomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph CampbellAncient Greek Religion
The book I wrote on Joseph Campbell's reception of C.G. Jung. Based on my PhD thesis at university of Edinburgh, Religious Studies department, and on archival research done at Joseph Campbell library in Santa Barbara. First chapter... more
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      Jungian psychologyJoseph CampbellJungian psychology (Religion)Jung
The hero archetype has two sides. On the one hand it provides the impetus for personal emancipation, contributing to the success of Western culture. On the other hand it has given rise to present-day hubris and expansionism. The article... more
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      MythologyTerrorismApocalypticismJungian psychology
Peer Reviewed Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand (PopCAANZ), Sydney, 29 June – 1 July, 2016, pp. 79-87. ISBN: 978-0-473-38284-1. © 2016 This paper surveys select aspects of... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMythologyPopular Culture
Posté par revueprojections ⋅ juin 20, 2012 ⋅ 2 Commentaires Classé dans Christopher Vogler Il existe aujourd'hui peu d'écrivains qui n'ont pas entendu parler de La force d'inspiration des mythes pour l'écriture cinématographique et... more
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      Monomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph CampbellVladimir ProppChristopher Vogler
The most puzzling thing about having supporters and critics is that they might never get to the core of your ideas, but they will definitely represent them and misrepresent them always better than you can.
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      PhilosophyTransgender StudiesIdentity politicsJoseph Campbell
This essay aims to explore and explain the phenomenon of the Hero’s Journey and the various archetypes known in folklore, and show the ways in which the novel by Eve Forward, Villains by Necessity, conforms to this subject, although her... more
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      Monomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph CampbellAlbert CamusHeroes and heroines in literature
What remains of the mythological hero's legacy in the superhero? In this work I analyze the relationship between the modern superhero and the ancient mythological hero. The work is divided into three main parts: in the first one I use the... more
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      Comics StudiesJoseph CampbellHeroesComics and Graphic Novels
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      James JoyceJoseph CampbellSamuel BeckettArchetypes
This thesis explores the disorientation that can follow the loss of religious faith, the lingering effects of religious complexes or religious trauma, and a possible path for fulfilling the religious instinct through fostering personal... more
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      MythologyNarrative TherapyPsychology of ReligionJoseph Campbell
School: Istanbul Dogus University Department: English Language and Literature Graduation Project Advisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Gillian M. E. Alban Completion Date: June 2010 ABSTRACT Harry Potter and the adventure he sets off on... more
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      Monomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph CampbellFantasy LiteratureHarry Potter
Abstract: This paper is concerned with mythology and ideology in media coverage of the financial crisis. I argue that the Mail Online’s ‘critical’ discourse of bankers is a mythological construction of the trickster, which causes... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMythology And FolkloreCultural StudiesMythology
This paper considers the relevance of The Power of Myth to the secular study of religion. First, I identify the scholars from whom Campbell borrows concepts. I organize these scholars into three groups – the qualitative religious... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionJoseph CampbellCulture
The aim of the thesis is to provide an overview of three contemporary action films: Dredd 3D, John Wick, and Mad Max: Fury Road, through a so-called "bio-structuralist" approach - combining archetypal criticism, literary Darwinism, and... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyFilm StudiesCognitive NarratologyNarratology
In 1997 Dr Roger Sworder, presented an examination of Homer’s Smith God in Mathematical Cosmologies of Newton, Homer and Plato (Studies in Western Traditions Occasional Papers No.5, Bendigo: Dept of Arts La Trobe University). The current... more
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      Greek LiteratureHomerPlatoJoseph Campbell
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      SemioticsJoseph CampbellTibetan BuddhismCarl G. Jung
ÖZET Bu çalışma, Manas Destanı’nı Joseph Campbell’in Kahramanın Sonsuz Yolculuğu adlı kitabında üzerinde durulan “yola çıkış- erginlenme- geri dönüş” şeklinde özetlenen aşama arketipi bağlamında yeniden anlamlandırma denemesidir. Manas... more
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      Joseph CampbellArketipsel SembolizmKahramanın Sonsuz YolculuğuMonomit
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      Creative WritingComparative ReligionCultural StudiesComparative Literature