Recent papers in Jokes
The paper will discuss the following subtopics: Arthur Koestler's bisociation theory of humour and its reception; Victor Raskin's script-based theory of jokes (SSTH) in his "Semantic Mechanisms of Humor; the General Theory of Verbal Humor... more
Forthcoming beginning of 2016 with Routledge, the follow-up to my 1992 "The Language of Jokes".
В статье исследуется состояние изучения анекдота в зарубежной науке 2-й пол. ХХ – нач. XXI вв. В поле зрения находятся работы ученых из стран Западной Европы, Америки, а также постсоветского и постсоциалистического пространства.... more
Les recueils de « rencontres », « reparties » et « apophtegmes » du roi de France Henri IV compilés entre les années 1580 et 1660 témoignent de la réputation de rex facetus attachée au premier Bourbon. Cette communication entend replacer... more
Freudian (1905 Wien; Der Witz und seine Beziehung sun VnbewuJten. Deuticke) and Salience (Goldstein, Sub and Anthony, 1972; The Psycho/ogy of Humor. Academic Press, New York) theory make opposite predictions about the effects of attitudes... more
В статье определяется характер корреляции анекдота и смеховой культуры (завершенность и незавершенность, соединение разрушительного и созидательного потенциала и т. д.). Подчеркивается взаимозависимость анекдота и культуры (культура дает... more
The form of Nigeria's stand-up comedy today-the use of microphones and formal congregation of audiences especially-took off from practices in the West, but it does not follow that everything about the industry has a foreign origin. Before... more
Bangla jokes or Bengali funny jokes i.e. the prevalence of color-humor is not only today, jokes in bengali . If we look back to the past, we can see that this humor has been served differently in different countries. Behind this joke,... more
У роботі проаналізовано сучасний стан вивчення жанрових особливостей анекдоту і виявлено аспекти, які потребують додаткової розробки.
A brief critical essay contrasting conventional AIDS jokes with the queer style of humor developed by gay men with AIDS and their communities in the first decade of the epidemic. I analyze form, content, discursive relationships and... more
The full introduction to my new book downloadable here for free. If you'd like to get the full version, it's available in paperback and eBook formats on Amazon through these links:
How do philosophical accusations of talking nonsense relate to the layperson’s notions of meaning and meaningfulness? If one were to explain carefully what philosophical nonsense was supposed to be, would one be greeted with... more
作为明清笑话书的代表作之一,清代笑话书《笑林广记》号称大成之作。因为其内容五花八门、无所不包,并且它包含着不同作者,甚至不同时代的笑话,所以我们可视之为中国各个朝代的笑话集的顶点。在最近几年学术界对幽默研究表示了前所未有的关注的背景下,本文试图按照若干西方文论而对《笑林广记》进行新颖的分析、解读。基于这种比较研究,本文的意图是将这部笑话书放置到比较文学的视野下,在某种程度上可以说,本文拟让《笑林广记》进入到比较文学学界。... more
The present paper tries to discover the position of sense of humor in personality space. Several definitions of humor are discussed and a review of studies relating personality and humor is given. The authors' conceptualization of humor... more
Abstract and handout for my paper from the "Fleshing Out Words: Poetry on Objects" conference hosted by the University of Warwick (March 9, 2019).
This article explores the surprisingly decisive role that Kant's "incongruity theory" of laughter plays in his aesthetic and broader critical philosophy. First, laughter constitutes a highly specific form of aesthetic judgment in Kant.... more
A viccpártok eszmei előzményei, ideológiájuk és programjuk Mi köti össze a Cornelius nevű rinocéroszt, a sörivó sündisznót, a kétfarkú kutyát és a kilencágú macskát? Hogy mindegyik egy viccpárt nevében vagy lógójában szerepel. A... more
Memes are small units of culture, analogous to genes, which flow from person to person by copying or imitation. More than any previous medium, the internet has the technical capabilities for global meme diffusion. Yet, in order to spread... more
Can jokes win a hostile room, a hopeless argument, or even an election? You bet they can, according to Cicero, and he knew what he was talking about. One of Rome’s greatest politicians, speakers, and lawyers, Cicero was also reputedly one... more
"The article analyses the transformation of the genre of the political anecdote in post-Soviet Russia. Based on material from the pre-election PR project ‘Anecdotes from Zyuganov’ (2007), the author examines how the modern political... more
Das ,Migrantenkino‘ - in seinen Anfängen ein von Tragik gekennzeichnetes Genre - wird immer mehr von humorvollen Inszenierungen geprägt. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird der 2011 erschienene Film "Alamanya" und seine vielen gewitzten Auf- und... more
Русские анекдоты о психиатрах — целый ряд текстов комического характера, объединенных действующими лицами. Однако сходство не ограничивается одними только участниками ситуации, а проявляется и в самом устройстве анекдота — структуре и... more
You can visit my webpage at for more. Thank You So Much!
Pissing putti, virtually always male, merrily populate the imagery of early modern visual culture, from illuminated manuscripts to tableware, frescoed walls to working fountains. Their very ubiquity and charm has perhaps inured us to the... more
К сожалению, бóльшая часть исследований, посвященных отечественному политическому анекдоту, базируется исключительно на советском материале. Иногда постсоветские политические анекдоты бегло рассматриваются в такого рода работах в качестве... more
В статье выделяются и анализируются основные функции, присущие современному анекдоту.
[this is a draft of an article published in Anuario de Estudios Cervantinos, (2012), 8: 137-150] Leido desde una perspectiva narratológica, el cuentecillo cervantino del Quijote de 1615 sobre el licenciado que decía ser Neptuno resulta... more
This is the Introduction to "the world's oldest joke book." The jokes themselves appear separately, below.
ספרות ההומור העשירה של היישוב היהודי בארץ-ישראל במחצית הראשונה של המאה העשרים כמעט לא נחקרה עד כה, למרות ערכה ההיסטורי והספרותי כאחד. ספרות זו התבססה גם על עיתונות היתולית ענפה, שכללה חוברות רבות, ואלה שמורות היום בארכיון המכון לחקר... more
Understanding jokes involves the challenge of incongruity-detection and resolution. Foreign language understanding involves significant processing difficulties, such as interpreting words within their sentence context. An implication is... more
The focus of this work is on the formal construction of jokes within the popular form of entertainment, the televised workplace situation comedy. The narrative universe of a sitcom is a product of industry, and so it is created to have a... more
This study analyses the concept and phenomenon of touch. It begins by demonstrating that touch is problematic for a "Science of Touch" and for human beings as well. In this context, the notion of embodiment is re-thought in order to open... more
Jokes and funny stories concerning outstanding witticisms and hilariously foolish utterances, for the most part expressed in elegant Latin, were held in high regard by humanists across Europe from the second half of the fifteenth century... more
Everybody thinks they have a good sense of humor, but many never bother trying to improve it. A sense of humor is something that can be learned and developed over time. This classic book teaches me how to make people laugh, when I want!
Ajae frequently appears in popular media today. So-called ajae gaegeu, jokes (" gags ") made by male panelists in their mid-30s to mid-40s on television comedy programs and general entertainment programs, have been met with vociferous... more
This article makes use of theories of humor and play to analyze a corpus of jokes private equity investors tell about the work that they do. Private equity investors, at the time of a field project I conducted from spring 2012 through... more
讀書是極其私人的活動,但讀左派書籍卻極易變成公共行為,以化作鐵與血的吶喊。遠在南方的馬來亞,左派作家深具煽動力的文學語言,一再讓南洋青年傾倒。這當然也引起馬來亞緊急狀態下的反共反赤,政學兩界的警惕。將四九年後染紅左傾的筆桿子,一概掃蕩為壞社會風俗,亂人心的根源。隨即受當地警備部門針對的抽查出版品,中共左派書籍查禁自是首當其衝。本文寫作所選定的時段,緊急狀態及其後的效應是書史研究的絕佳背景,尤其遭遇世變之時,所展現的槃根錯節與豐富細節,正是最好的範本。懲治機構試圖抄檢一切被認為... more
Dad jokes, I argue, are a manifestation of a much older fatherly impulse to tease one's children. On the surface, dad jokes are puns that are characterized by only violating a pragmatic norm and nothing else, which makes them lame and... more
2015. Reseña de "Mis chistes, mi filosofía" (Anagrama, 2015), de Slavoj Žižek.