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The paper aims to investigate the lecture given by Günther Anders of John Heartfield’s peculiar art of expressionistic montage, in 1938, focusing the connections between aesthetics and politics. The role of the photomontage is, following... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureAestheticsVisual Studies
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      RevolutionsPresentismDadaismArt and Politics
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      SurrealismPhotomontageJohn HeartfieldSurrealist Photography
Sabine T. Kriebel's Revolutionary Beauty is the most thorough study to date of the Communist photomontage artist John Heartfield's work for the Arbeiter-Illustrierte-Zeitung (AIZ) in the late 1920s and 1930s. Kriebel analyses Heartfield's... more
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      Critical TheoryGerman StudiesArt HistoryMarxism
An art historian and an expert on internet culture discuss media, technology, and political collage.
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      Political TheoryPolitical ScienceDadaInternet memes
The essays on Aesthetics of philosopher Günther Anders are still almost unknown; for his part, painter George Grosz' production from the 1930s and during his American exile has been mainly despised by art historians. Both Anders and Grosz... more
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      German StudiesAestheticsApocalypticismModern Art
In this essay, I explore the way in which the Dadaists used photomontage to critique the politics of the Weimar Republic, focusing on John Heartfield and George Grosz's photomontage on the cover of 'Everyone His Own Football', and Hannah... more
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      Art HistoryGerman HistoryDadaArt Criticism
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      Bertolt BrechtAdolf HitlerJohn HeartfieldGeorge Grosz
L’IMMAGINE POLITICA DI JOHN HEARTFIELD , BARBARA KRUGER E BANKSY Ambra Sombo Anno 2015\2016 Dagli albori dei tempi l’artista è una... more
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      STORIA DELL'ARTEBanksyJohn HeartfieldBarbara Kruger
Review of a biography of the German film director Leni Riefenstahl.
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      Fascism and ModernismSiegfried KracauerSusan SontagBook Reviews
The article examines John Heartfield's stay in Czechoslovakia between 1933 and 1938. Circumstances of his flight from Germany are discussed on the basis of archival materials, the reception of his photomontages for Arbeiter-Illustrierte... more
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      20th century Avant-GardeJohn HeartfieldPhotomontage / Montage
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      Media StudiesDada20th century Avant-GardeDadaism
Why Reality? 'In an era where shock experiences have become the norm of city life, Benjamin refers to montage as the strategy that fit the mission of the medium best, in this vein, he prefers constructed reality over the plain realism... more
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      Walter BenjaminGeorg LukacsBertolt BrechtDocumentary Photography
"Rosanna Gangemi dedica una profonda analisi alla pratica del fotomontaggio di John Heartfield, fondata sull’idea che il principio della composizione classica, basata sul pezzo isolato, restituisce l'immagine univoca di un mondo perfetto,... more
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtCollageGunther Anders
Alle dure condizioni di vita materiali e morali dei cittadini della Germania Est si contrapponeva un mondo idealizzato, quello divulgato dalla propaganda di regime, nel quale il paese, seguendo i dogmi (spacciati per infallibili)... more
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      Visual propagandaPropagandaPropaganda & Indoctrination StudiesHistory Of Propaganda
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      SurrealismPhotomontageJohn HeartfieldSurrealist Photography
As Germany began its slide into hyperinflation following the First World War, it did not escape the notice of some that while generals and politicians banqueted, citizens, including the war-injured, were starving. Hannah Höch was one such... more
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      Empathy (Psychology)FoodDadaMontage
“Simulanten des Irrsinns auf dem Vortragspult”: Dada, War and Psychiatry – ‘Active Dynamics of Trauma’. This paper relates stage performances of dada artists to war neurosis and shell shock as sociocultural phenomena. The leitmotif of... more
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      History of PsychiatryWar neurosisHistory Of Madness And PsychiatryDada Theatre/Performance
Nell'epoca degli sradicamenti, delle migrazioni, degli esili, delle fughe anche il pensiero sembra sotto scacco. Xenos, la cui stratificazione semantica rimanda alle forme plurali in cui l'alterità si manifesta -alla condizione di ospite,... more
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      MontageGuenther AndersGunther AndersJohn Heartfield
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      John HeartfieldMetamorphosis
Kimi sanat anlayislari, ideolojik akimlarin bir uzantisi olarak ortaya cikmaktadir. Kimi ideolojik yaklasimlar ise sanat akimlarindan etkilenmektedir. Sosyalist gercekcilik, sosyalizmin bir ideoloji olarak etkin olmaya basladigi donemde,... more
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      John HeartfieldFotoğrafGöstergebilimTasarım
Apart from Eduard Fuchs, there has been little Marxist scholarship on caricature and satire. This is a glaring omission, especially in light of the work of John Heartfield, whose photomontages were viewed across the political spectrum as... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)MarxismPhotomontagePolitical Satire
The core focus of this study is to analyze, from a different viewpoint, how effective photography is as an instrument for the formation of image and the transformation of meaning. Based on the idea that within his visual transmissions,... more
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      SemioticsVisual SemioticsIntertextualityPhotomontage
Le « Poméranien robuste et non sentimental » George Grosz (1893-1959), peintre et dessinateur, et Günther Anders (1902-1992), le philosophe de la catastrophe et auteur, font connaissance tout en « se reconnaissant » à l’instant. Avec un... more
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      Cultural HistoryOntologyAestheticsArt History
Kimi sanat anlayışları, ideolojik akımların bir uzantısı olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Kimi ideolojik yaklaşımlar ise sanat akımlarından etkilenmektedir. Sosyalist gerçekçilik, sosyalizmin bir ideoloji olarak etkin olmaya başladığı dönemde,... more
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      John HeartfieldFotoğrafGöstergebilimTasarım
The title of this essay, which was written for a book about the Peace Press published by The Center for the Study of Political Graphics in Los Angeles, comes from an awkward discovery by Josh MacPhee and the late Dara Greenwald in 2008.... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical ArtSocial History of ArtActivist Art
The Chatter of the Visible examines the paradoxical narrative features of the montage aesthetics of artists associated with Dada, Constructivism, and the New Objectivity. While montage strategies have commonly been associated with the... more
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      Visual StudiesMedia StudiesPhotographyMimesis
A discussion about the relevance of Freud's concept of dream-work to the making of images by artsts.
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      Art TheoryDream workSigmund FreudAllegory
La journée d’études doctorale « Fragmentations » porte sur la transcription, dans les arts, d’une expérience renouvelée du réel. À partir du XIXe siècle, au moment où se développent les « machines à voir » telles que le kaléidoscope ou... more
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      German StudiesArt HistoryLiteratureSurrealism
In this article, the practice of photomontage is presented as a revolutionary agent capable of reconfiguring real events and creating new narratives based on political interests. To this end, two different approaches to the role of... more
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      PhotographyPhotomontageDadaismJohn Heartfield
From a semiotic point of view, photography is still considered a different kind of sign. Then, how can imagetext works be studied, formed by photography and word? This article argues that fictional texts expose the semiotic nature of... more
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      SemioticsComparative LiteratureIntermedialityPhotography Theory
Rédaction et abonnements : Giovanni LISTA [email protected] 40, bld du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris (France) PRIX DE VENTE EN LIBRAIRIE : 25 euros 250 pages. Illustrations en couleur, format 24 x 17 cm Disponible dans les librairies de... more
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      Visual StudiesCaricature (Visual Studies)Art HistoryGerman Expressionism
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      PhotographyMontageDadaism & SurrealismJohn Heartfield
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      PhotographyAffect (Cultural Theory)MagazinesJohn Heartfield
Ich bedanke mich fur die Einladung und freue mich, im Zusammenhang dieser materialreichen Ausstellung uber die Berliner Dada-Zeit von Heartfield und Grosz zu sprechen, im speziellen uber ihre Beitrage zur "Ersten Internationalen... more
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      PoliticsMass mediaDadaismMedia Research
Is montage, as practiced by John Heartfield, still relevant today? Contribution to online symposium in connection with exhibition, "John Heartfield: Photography Plus Dynamite," Akademie der Künste, Berlin, summer 2020. More texts,... more
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Le phototexte engagé – Une culture visuelle du militantisme au XXe siècle, dir. C. Foucher Zarmanian, M. Nachtergael, presses du Réel, Dijon, 2021
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      German StudiesAestheticsAesthetics and EthicsMontage
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      DadaMontageMax ErnstJohn Heartfield
John Heartfield’s photomontages for the A.-I.-Z. (Arbeiter Illustrierte Zeitung), 245 works published between 1930 and 1938, address us as reasonable, humane readers of the newspaper and committed Communists, reliably opposed to a broad... more
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      PhotomontageJohn Heartfield
« Les mauvais craignent ta griffe / les bons se réjouissent de ta grâce / c’est ce que j’aimais entendre de mon verset. » . Ces ainsi que Bertolt Brecht, accompagnant son recueil de cent poèmes, chanta les louanges de l’auteur de sa... more
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      DadaPolitical ArtDada Theatre/PerformanceMontage
Mein Vortrag ist dazu gezielt, die Verbindungen zwischen Aesthetik und Politik in G. Anders Lekture von John Heartfield’ künstliches Werk zu betrachten. Anders’Bemerkungen über Photomontage rufen mehrere Themen im Plan: die Rolle des... more
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      AestheticsPolitical PhilosophyWord and Image StudiesPolitical Science
The German artist John Heartfield (1891-1968), was a prominent twentieth century political artist and one of the pioneers of modern photomontage, or photoshopping, as it is better known today. This study analyzes “Metamorphosis”... more
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      SemioticsVisual StudiesVisual CultureVisual Semiotics
Apart from Eduard Fuchs, there has been little Marxist scholarship on caricature and satire. This is a glaring omission, especially in light of the work of John Heartfield, whose photomontages were viewed across the political spectrum as... more
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      Cultural StudiesCaricature (Visual Studies)MarxismPhotomontage
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      DadaPhotomontageArt and PoliticsJohn Heartfield
Au cours de l’année 1935 Marianne publie une série d’articles d’André Beucler consacrée à La vie d’Adolf Hitler. Deux ans plus tard, paraîtra une version enrichie qui prend forme de livre et qui s’intitule L’Ascension d’Hitler. Du village... more
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      French LiteratureAnti-SemitismPhotomontageNazism
...Ernst Friedrichs 1924 veröffentlichter Bildband „Krieg dem Kriege“ und sein Anti-Kriegs-Museum verhalfen einer zunehmend pazifistisch geprägten Sicht zu größerer Aufmerksamkeit. Otto Dix widmete 1924 dem Krieg einen Grafikzyklus mit... more
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      Art HistoryJohn HeartfieldGeorge GroszOtto Dix
Dossier Témoignage et intermédialité
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      German StudiesCaricature (Visual Studies)Twentieth Century StudiesPainting
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      Media StudiesDadaDadaismDadaism & Surrealism
The text discusses inclusion and social engagement in art, which are central to my practice. My projects operate at the interface between dialogical education and participatory as well as collective art making. By referring to Kester's... more
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      Art TheoryCommemoration and MemoryFalse MemorySocial Inclusion