My own experience of much recent so-called art criticism is that there is more descriptive writing going on than actual critique with the art work being examined. So does the art critic's words actually help the viewer (and the artist)... more
This paper focuses on the peculiar meanings of the word “aesthetic” or “esthetic” in Dewey and James, highlighting the continuity between Dewey’s interpretation of the “esthetic” and James’s uses of the term. More importantly, the paper... more
La prima parte di questo elaborato si propone di esaminare accuratamente il rapporto tra percezione sensibile e razionalità attraverso una riflessione critica sull'approccio scientista e il suo impatto sul pensiero filosofico moderno. A... more
Although a fair amount of secondary literature on George Santayana’s aesthetics has been produced, almost none of these works –to the best of our knowledge–is concerned with linking his production to the context of the formation of... more
This submission explores the concept of aesthetic justice pedagogy, and advocates on behalf of it. In contrast to aesthetic injustice, which denotes any harm done to a person's aesthetic capacities, aesthetic justice pedagogy aims at... more
Although the reception of John Dewey's Art as Experience has not been totally ignored by secondary literature, the few works that have dealt with the subject have been restricted to the English-speaking context, and more specifically to... more
This paper defends the idea that literary works can be vehicles of what has been called experiential knowledge; that is, literary works can offer knowledge of what it is like to have a particular kind of experience. After reviewing some... more
The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between the democratic experience and the legitimacy of an institutional context. In this exploration, John Dewey's concept of the aesthetic experience plays a key role. The main thesis... more
Dans l'urgence d'écrire la trace : pour une lecture énonciative et discursive de Notre vie dans les forêts de Marie Darrieussecq Frédérique Lamoureux Le présent vivant est toujours déjà une trace. Cette trace est impensable à partir de la... more
This paper aims to reconsider the “artificial” nature of AI not as a result of the simulation of the human organism, but as the result of a disconnection from experience. Experience, in this context, is defined as the ways in which an... more
One vital constant in pedagogical narratives is the link between children’s play and education. Study of their relationship from a philosophical perspective is marked by paradoxes and tensions that have often raised the implementation of... more
By “meaning,” aestheticians are concerned with how art is interpreted. The contemporary art form, “live painting,” is predominantly understood in terms of neo-idealist conceptions of meaning. However, meaning in art entails context.... more
One topic frequently explored in the philosophy of humor is the relationship of comedy and laughter with other facets of human existence-including theological insight and religious experience. The aim of this essay is to employ the mature... more
The aesthetic theory developed by John Dewey and presented in his 1934 book, "Art as Experience", is considerably influenced by modern art and artists. This influence, however, has so far received little attention from interpreters. The... more
The article aims to show that Peirce, after realizing the appropriation that James and others made of Pragmatism, taking it far from an ideal of justice and keeping it in the service of a “nauseating utility”, whose principle was that... more
Pedagog akademicki zajmujący się "sztuką dźwięków", żyjący na przełomie XX i XXI wieku określanego mianem epoki postmodernizmu, musi postawić sobie pytanie o wartość "nowości" w muzyce. Otaczająca nas rzeczywistość w sposób szczególny... more
Der Aufsatz beabsichtigt die Skizzierung einer möglichen Produktionsästhetik ausgehend von Adornos Lektüre der Ästhetik Croces. Durch eine Analyse von Adornos Interpretation in der Ästhetischen Theorie (1970) lässt sich Croces Ästhetik... more
Dans "L’Art en partage citoyen", éd. S. Forero Mendoza, M. Hohlfeldt et P. Peyraga, Binges : éditions Orbis Tertius, 2023, p. 49-68.
In the 1920s, both as a radical artist and as editor of the avant-garde journal De Stijl, Theo van Doesburg watched, with increasing excitement, artistic and architectural developments by Russian artists in the west, and social and... more
It is now a truism that life, for most in the Western world, has become too hurried, too fragmented, and too full of stimuli. Awash in a surfeit of information, entertainment, and distraction, we struggle to define our current situation —... more
Where do we find ourselves, in 2022? As we all know, we are increasingly enmeshed in a growing network of information-oriented tools, systems, and techniques. Smart phones, transportation apps, learning thermostats, location trackers, on... more
Judith Green's recent book continues the line of inquiry initiated a decade ago in her work on Deep Democracy: Community, Diversity, and Transformation; moreover, the book is self-identified as the first in a trilogy of books that will be... more
This paper will address some design concerns relating to philosopher Étienne Souriau's work Les différents modes d'existence (2009). This has important bearings upon design because, first, this philosophical attitude thinks of designing... more
Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska Metafora w doświadczeniu dzieła muzycznego. Wokół koncepcji Rogera Scrutona "M e ta fo ry nie da się u su n ą ć z opisu m u zyki, p o n ie w a ż określa ona p rze d m io t in te n cjo n a ln y d o ś w ia d czen... more
This article argues that Ralph Ellison in Three Days Before the Shooting... radicalizes John Dewey's pragmatic philosophy. To that end, the character arc of the black jazzman LeeWillie Minifees, who sets his expensive Cadillac aflame in... more
Dear readers, Attached is the syllabus for This is Environmental Ethics. I published this new book last year, and am preparing to teach it as a course. I have deep-going moral commitments about not generating royalties from may own... more
At the turn of the twenty-first century, when the call for democracy in China once again becomes intense, it is crucial to pause and to think over what democracy means and in what ways the significances of democracy resonates with Chinese... more
Overall abstract: In discussing the worldwide influence of Dewey's ideas Thomas Popkewitz (2005) has introduced "[t]wo intellectual tools" (p. 9), the notions of 'the indigenous foreigner' and of 'travelling... more
Nas últimas duas décadas a estética do cotidiano tornou-se um importante tema de debate entre fi lósofos de tradição anglófona. Essa teoria contempla a possibilidade de que o cotidiano seja fonte de experiências estéticas, além de... more
Artículos El secreto del encuentro: La poesía de Paul Celan entre hermenéutica y deconstrucción Andrej Božič 7-34 Las ruinas: Una poética del tiempo Gustavo Cataldo Sanguinetti 35-69 El cognitivismo estético de John Dewey Laura Elizia... more
As a way to capture a broadly acceptable high-level characterization of design, we focus on the guiding values or ideals of the discipline. We first reason from the notion of engineering interfaces for usability and utility up to the... more
El presente artículo desarrolla la hipótesis de que existiría en la teoría estética de John Dewey una especie de "cognitivismo suave". Para alcanzar este objetivo, la investigación se ha dividido en cuatro fases. En la primera de ellas,... more
Welcome, one and all, to volume 32, issue 2 of Education & Culture. I originally began assembling this issue without a specific theme in mind. Nonetheless, as you can see from the title of my remarks, one soon began to emerge. More than a... more
Philosophers approach the issue of an artwork's authenticity in a diverse range of ways. The distinction between original and copied artwork can be examined along the axes of aesthetics, ontology, and culture. It seems conceivable to... more
Autonomy operates as a key term in debates about the rights of families to choose distinct approaches to education. Yet, what autonomy means is often complicated by the actual circumstances and contexts of schools, families, and children.... more
My work aims to focus on the intersections between aesthetics, intergenerational values, and climate change while exploring some core questions. How do aesthetic values interact with the construction of social and intergenerational... more
This case study discusses the controversy that arose between Randolph Bourne and John Dewey over the 1918 American edition of F. Matthias Alexander’s book ―Man’s Supreme Inheritance.‖ Not only is the history surrounding the 1918 American... more
El presente ensayo aborda el problema de la comunicación tal cual es desplegado por el guion cinematográfico Homo-Humus y por el largometraje Mburucuyá, cuadros de la naturaleza de Jorge Acha. Ambas obras se enfocan en una parte del viaje... more
This essay interrogates the aesthetic ground of Ponzio and Petrilli's 2003 concept "semioethics" as activated by what they call a "logic of otherness". I take my lead from Charles S. Peirce's assertion that "Ethics, or the science of... more
Essa terceira edição do Seminário, realizado em setembro de 2017, foi dedicada à relação entre as diferentes artes e os processos coletivos, tais como, no caso brasileiro, as manifestações de julho de 2013, a ocupação das escolas pelos... more
In some ways, the inaugural thought of the Western tradition is Aristotle's, repeated with regard to almost every subject matter he investigated. We could call this thought teleology, technology, or means-ends rationality. Here is the... more