Job Shop

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A job shop is a manufacturing environment characterized by the production of small batches of customized products, where each job is distinct and requires different processing steps. This system emphasizes flexibility and adaptability in production, allowing for varied workflows and the use of specialized equipment to meet specific customer requirements.
This paper focuses on the study of job-shop problems with transportation, blocking and no-wait (BNWT JSSP). This problem is an extension of the job shop problem. We take into account transport operations of jobs between different machines... more
High level of Manufacturing Capability (MC) (effectiveness) plays significant role in providing competitive advantage to a firm. However, it is difficult for the firm to evaluate the level of MC, which is given by the consistency of... more
Paper analyzes manufacturing capability in job shop environments by evaluating the pattern of decisions using a case study approach. Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP), a multi criteria decision making (MCDM) method, has been employed... more
In this research the impact of job mix selection in each production shift in a job shop production environment is examined. This is a critical question within photolithography workstations in semiconductor manufacturing systems. For this... more
CITATION: Nyanga, L., et al. 2016. Agent based job scheduling for a vehicle engine reconditioning machine shop. In Competitive Manufacturing, International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA '16), 27-29 January 2016,... more
A mixed shop is a manufacturing infrastructure designed to process a mixture of a set of flowshop jobs and a set of open-shop jobs. Mixed shops are in general much more complex to schedule than flow-shops and open-shops, and have been... more
The performance of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) has a great impact on a manufacturing firm success and the analysis of FMS justifies the high investment cost behind it. As the competition in the global market is growing,... more
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This thesis investigate a complex real world job shop scheduling / rescheduling problem, in which the presence of uncertainties and the occurrence of disruptions are tackled to produce efficient and reliable solutions. New orders arrive... more
This paper investigates the problem of inserting new rush orders into a current schedule of a real world job shop floor. Effective rescheduling methods must achieve reasonable levels of performance, measured according to a certain cost... more
1. Abstract The present work studies the task programming problem in the garment industry and uses the Job Shop method to solve the problem. A representation is proposed for the numerical solution of the problem based on a heuristic... more
La metaheurística sistema hormiga consiste en la analogía entre el procedimiento que utilizan las hormigas reales para la búsqueda de alimentos, encontrando la ruta más corta, y los problemas de optimización combinatoria para encontrar la... more
This paper presents a differential time-domain comparator formed by two voltage controlled delay lines, one per input terminal, and a binary phase detector for comparison solving. The propagation delay through the respective lines can be... more
This paper presents an approach for solving a job shop problem with sequencedependent setup times where the objective is to minimize maximum lateness and makespan. This approach consists of using the "Shifting Bottleneck Procedure",... more
The job shop scheduling problem is considered, and an algorithm based on the global equilibrium search method is proposed for its solution. Computational experiments using well-known benchmark problems are presented. Several new upper... more
Nous présentons dans ce papier les conditions pour lesquelles un système artificiel constitué d'entités mécatroniques peut être lui-même qualifié de mécatronique. Nous montrons que c'est le cas lorsque l'intelligence conférée aux dites... more
Technological developments along with the emergence of Industry 4.0 allow for new approaches to solve industrial problems, such as the Job-shop Scheduling Problem (JSP). In this sense, embedding Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) into... more
A mixed shop is a manufacturing infrastructure designed to process a mixture of a set of flowshop jobs and a set of open-shop jobs. Mixed shops are in general much more complex to schedule than flow-shops and open-shops, and have been... more
The establishment and sustainability of the small-scale manufacturing sector is a great contributor to any nation's economic and technological development. A job shop is a typical small-scale manufacturing system that produces simple... more
In the real-world manufacturing system, various uncertain events can occur and disrupt the normal production activities. This paper addresses the multi-objective job shop scheduling problem with random machine breakdowns. As the key of... more
An intelligent decision‐support system was designed for assessing schedulability prior to assigning parts for scheduling. This was designed as part of a larger system for intelligent, real‐time control of a manufacturing system operation,... more
Previous studies suggest that despite their intuitive appeal, cellular manufacturing systems are only effective in a batch production environment under a limited set of conditions. However, these studies have not taken into account the... more
Past research has shown that the performance of manufacturing cells can be improved if family oriented scheduling heuristics are used or if jobs are split into smaller transfer batches for processing and material handling purposes. The... more
In this research the impact of job mix selection in each production shift in a job shop production environment is examined. This is a critical question within photolithography workstations in semiconductor manufacturing systems. For this... more
Practical Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) such as design of integrated circuits or scheduling generally entail large search spaces with hundreds or even thousands of variables, each with hundreds or thousands of possible values.... more
Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is a discrete combinatorial problem and hence search algorithms belong to the main constraint satisfaction techniques. There exist local search techniques exploring complete but inconsistent... more
Determining the optimal sequence of jobs in job shop scheduling for small and medium enterprises, affect the machine productivity, earliness and tardiness costs of delivery. The deterministic variant of the problem is well-known to be... more
A mixed shop is a manufacturing infrastructure designed to process a mixture of a set of flowshop jobs and a set of open-shop jobs. Mixed shops are in general much more complex to schedule than flow-shops and open-shops, and have been... more
We consider a job-shop scheduling problem with release dates and due dates, with the objective of minimizing the total weighted tardiness. A genetic algorithm is combined with an iterated local search that uses a neighborhood based on a... more
Globalization has demanded innovative manufacturing and continuous improvement in order to stay competitive. This need has compelled the manufacturing world to devise strategies for producing cost-efficient parts without compromising... more
A linguistic-based meta-heuristic modeling and solution approach for solving the¯exible job shop scheduling problem (FJSSP) is presented in this study. FJSSP is an extension of the classical jobshop scheduling problem. The problem... more
The job-shop is a classical problem in manufacturing, arising daily in factories and workshops. From an AI perspective, the job-shop is a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), and many specific techniques have been developed to solve it... more
Lean manufacturing techniques are widely used in all mass production, assembly and other manufacturing industries; it can be also applied to job shop production / batch production. There are various methodologies adopted for optimizing... more
In this paper we apply the tabu search (TS) technique to a complex machine scheduling problem. The problem can be considered as a generalization of the job-shop problem with both simple and parallel machines, job batches. setup times and... more
Many heuristics and intelligent methods have been proposed and applied in order to solve the Job Shop Scheduling Problems (JSSP). Several researches have so far been interested in solving the production planning in JSSP and few of them... more
Maintenance is a strategic function in a company. It aims to ensure the proper functioning of an equipment. It no longer has the sole objective to repair a system but also to anticipate and prevent its failures. Recently, new failure... more
O controlo do fluxo de materiais num job-shop envolve várias decisões tais como a aceitação ou rejeição de uma ordem, a definição da data de entrega, a determinação da data de lançamento de um trabalho para o shop floor e a decisão acerca... more
O controlo do fluxo de materiais num job-shop envolve várias decisões tais como a aceitação ou rejeição de uma ordem, a definição da data de entrega, a determinação da data de lançamento de um trabalho para o shop floor e a decisão acerca... more
In the shipbuilding industry, since production processes are so complicated that the data collection for decision making cannot be fully automated, most of production planning and controls are based on the information provided only by... more
In this paper, we focus on exact methods to solve the preemptive Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem with makespan and total completion time minimisation objective functions. Mathematical and constraint programming models enable the... more
The topic of this paper is the cyclic job shop problem which aims at minimizing the cycle time under precedence and resource constraints. Based on graph theory, we propose a new branch and bound enumeration procedure to solve this... more
In this paper, we focus on exact methods to solve the preemptive Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem with makespan and total completion time minimisation objective functions. Mathematical and constraint programming models enable the... more
Dynamic job shop scheduling (DJSS) problems are combinatorial optimisation problems that have been extensively studied in the literature due to their difficulty and their applicability to real-world manufacturing systems, e.g., car... more
Abstract— Reactive repair of a disrupted schedule is a better alternative to total rescheduling, as the latter is a time consuming process and also results in shop floor nervousness. The schedule repair heuristics reported in the... more
The HSE technique is used for evaluating the health, safety and enviromental risks. This is a systematic method which is utilized for protection of capital, manpower and environmental towards the risks of unpredictable events in... more
The development of "green" machine tools will require novel approaches for design, production and operation for energy savings and reduced environmental impact. We describe here work on three projects: i. influence of process parameters... more
In this paper we discuss the problem of defining the manufacturing route taken by parts in terms of their technological features. We look closely at the use of the new computer aided process planning (CAPP) systems, and at the need to... more