Job Satisfaction
Recent papers in Job Satisfaction
Racism is part of the foundation of U.S. society and institutions, yet few studies in community psychology or organizational studies have examined how racism affects organizations. This paper proposes a conceptual framework of... more
The purpose of this research is to test the influence of work and personal balance, servant leadership, the reward of employee engagement with job satisfaction variables as mediators. The type of research used is explanatory research with... more
A review of the literature on franchising has revealed a significant lack of academic research on employee training in franchise systems. Further, most research in this area tended to focus on training for franchises as part of the... more
Aim. To examine the relationship between nurse staffing and nurse-rated quality of nursing care and job outcomes.Background. Nurse staffing has been reported to influence patient and nurse outcomes.Design. A cross-sectional study with... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices and workers' overall job satisfaction and their satisfaction with pay. Design/methodology/approach The paper... more
The main purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship of transformational leadership style and job satisfaction of secondary school teachers of district Haripur. The major objective of this study was to examine the styles of... more
Background: The United Kingdom (UK), alongside other industrialised countries, is experiencing a shortage of nurses partly due to low retention rates. Job satisfaction has been highlighted as a contributing factor to intent to leave and... more
Recently introduced and conceptualized ethical leadership was examined in one sector of hospitality industry in this study. Scholars believe that by becoming role models in terms of conducting ethical codes of conducts in behaviors and... more
This report will undertake a logical examination and assessment of the "Big 5" personality tests and their value to beginners, who are unlikely to have a background in psychometrics and advanced statistics.
Teaching in the 21st century poses many challenges for teachers, and thus, they need to take on more roles in their schools to meet the expectations of students, parents and the school community. In this regard, this study examined the... more
The purpose of the study is determine whether communication climate and job satisfaction are independent from one another as perceived by the faculty members of Cavite State University - Naic . Specifically, it seeks answers to the... more
Employee engagement is a vast construct that touches almost all parts of human resource management facets we know hitherto. If every part of human resources is not addressed in appropriate manner, employees fail to fully engage themselves... more
This paper proposes a definition and a descriptive model of destructive leadership behaviour. Destructive leadership behaviour is defined as the systematic and repeated behaviour by a leader, supervisor or manager that violates the... more
Performance Appraisal Systems one of the important component of human resource management. This component also plays a very important role in the job satisfaction of employee. It is a system which is used to evaluate the performance of an... more
Background. Emotional competencies of individuals are evaluated as a form of capital today. Emotional capital has gained prominence in literature in the last decades. In this regard, qualitative and quantitative studies on emotional... more
This research investigates the relationship between organizational structure and organizational culture and entrepreneurial executive in Birjand city -Iran is discussed. Measuring instruments were 3 questionnaires. The results showed... more
Como bien puedes saber, Internet es un administrador de contenido masivo en el que puedes encontrar millones de artículos en blogs, archivos descargables, música y fotos.
Purpose: The tourism sector is a very potential sector for Bangladesh in terms of growth and employment. Analyzing the literature, it can be observed that most of the researchers studied the tourist market and the degree of satisfaction... more
The purpose of this descriptive-correlational study is to determine the relationship between demographic characteristics of clergy and their overall level of job satisfaction. The demographic factors investigated are gender, age,... more
The purpose of this study was to assess 171 employees' job satisfaction and job commitment using two questionnaires, one to evaluate job satisfaction and one to examine commitment of the respondents to their respective jobs. The Job... more
The concept of "employee flexibility," and its implementation, have taken a central place in industrial sociology and human resources management during the last several decades. The two types of flexibility most often adopted in... more
Background. The aim of this study was to explore difficulties at work from anaesthetists' own perspective and to examine how anaesthetists handle and cope with situations that are perceived as difficult and potentially stressful. Methods.... more
moderuting ejjierts of scliool orgoni~rrtioiicrl clitrructeristirs (d i o o l dimtrte. s c h o o l Iieciltl?, trnc1,joh .scitisjiiction) on outcomes ($(I readier hedth hehcn>ior chrriige progrmn. T/iirt!'-hi'o prihlic schools ere... more
The importance of job satisfaction as an antecedent to employees’ productivity and firm outcomes cannot be overrated in the world of business, especially in the service industry. This paper adds to the understanding of job satisfaction... more
Novice oncology nurses seem particularly vulnerable, reporting "feeling unprepared to cope with their patients' complex psychological, social, and spiritual care needs" (Medland et al., 2004, p. 50). These stressors are in addition to... more
Latino immigrants are the largest source of immigrant workers in the United States. In this study, 11 first-generation Latino immigrants (8 men, 3 women) living in the Midwest were interviewed about their work experiences. Interview data... more
We examined possible explanations for the underrepresentation of women among university faculty, in two different national contexts. In the Netherlands, a sample of doctoral students (N = 132) revealed no gender differences in work... more
Recent laws in the United States incent healthcare practices to adopt electronic health records (EHRs). While there is extensive research related to EHRs generally, there is a dearth of EHR research specific to collaborative care... more
Organizations in this day and age should always be prepared for the changes to meet the demands of the times. To be able to compete competitively with other organizations, organizations are required to have adaptive nature and sensitive... more
This research is intended to prove and analyze the effect of transformational leadership, religiosity, job satisfaction, and organizational culture variables on the employees ’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and performance in... more
Journal of Nursing Management 17, 120-134 Nurses' job satisfaction in their early career: is it the same for all branches of nursing? Aim To develop an early career job satisfaction instrument that is valid and reliable across the four UK... more
This phenomenological study focuses on the experience of career satisfaction among registered nurses. Potential participants were asked, "Do you love your work as a nurse?" A random sample of eight nurses who answered yes to this question... more
Based on a sample of factory workers, this field study examined correlates of employee lateness. The framework provided by Steers and Rhodes (1984) was used to identify variables related to voluntary and involuntary lateness. Both... more
An effective health workforce is essential for achieving health-related new Sustainable Development Goals. Odisha, one of the states in India with low health indicators, faces challenges in recruiting and retaining health staff in the... more
This summary report presents an integration of findings on teachers' perceptions of their working conditions, based on'survey and interview data from special educators in six large urban school districts. Emphasis is on perceptions of... more
Implementation of the marketing concept in service firms is accomplished through individual service employees and their interactions with customers. Although prior research has established a link between service-worker customer... more
We describe the construction of a Job in General (JIG) scale, a global scale to accompany the facet scales of the Job Descriptive Index. We applied both traditional and item response theory procedures for item analysis to data from three... more
This study examined the mediating role of task complexity in the relationship between core self-evaluations (CSE) and satisfaction. In Study 1, eighty three undergraduate business students worked on a strategic decision-making simulation.... more
Cross-cultural research is dominated by the use of values despite their mixed empirical support and their limited theoretical scope. This article expands the dominant paradigm in crosscultural research by developing a theory of cultural... more
The present study investigated processes by which job stress and satisfaction unfold over time by examining the relations between daily stressful events, mood, and these variables. Using a Web-based daily survey of stressor events,... more
This report is dedicated to courage and knowledge, the two qualities most needed to succeed in any human challenge, especially a job search.
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