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Book Review of The Modern Jewish Experience in World Cinema, edited by Lawrence Baron (Brandeis University Press, 2011)
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryJewish historiographyModern Jewish History
Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum was born in 1887 to his father Rabbi Hanania Yom-Tov Lipa Teitelbaum, chief rabbi of Sighet, the capital of Maramureş County, Hungary. The father was a Rebbe to his Hasidim, headed the local yeshiva, and was one of... more
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      Jewish StudiesIsrael StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryJewish History
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesJewish Thought
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      HistoryCultural StudiesJewish StudiesGenealogy
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryJewish - Christian RelationsDiaspora Studies
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEuropean StudiesJewish Studies
The article examines the interwar period in the life and work of two architects, Usher Chiter (1899–1967) and Elyukim Maltz (1898–1973), both graduates of the Odessa School of Architecture.During that time the architects were doing work... more
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      Art HistoryJewish StudiesVisual CultureUkrainian Studies
תיקון שבתי צבי / יונתן מאיר. ההרצאה מבקשת להציג תמונה מורכבת ביחס לשבתי צבי, מכתיבתו הקבלית של נתן העזתי על המשיח הנפוּל, דרך ניסיונות תיקון נשמתו בידי הבעש"ט, ועד לשילובו בנרטיב הלאומי בידי זלמן שז"ר וחוקרים שבאו אחריו. יהא זה ניסיון... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryJewish StudiesJewish Mysticism
EASR European Association for the Study of Religions
Panel I & II
Title: Historiographical wars of nineteenth century Europe
Jesus, and the parting of the ways
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      ReligionNineteenth Century StudiesEarly ChristianityStudy of Religions
During the construction of the new chapel, whose rst projects have been made in 1928 and furthermore elaborated in the years 1929–1930 by architects František Berger and Jan Kraus, the Jewish Community got the idea to build a columbarium... more
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      Jewish StudiesArchitectureJewish HistoryArchitectural History
The names of Saul’s descendants appear in a different form in the books of Chronicles (1 Chr 8:33-34; 9:39-40) as compared to those in the books of Samuel (2 Sam 2-4; 9; 19; 21). In Chronicles the name Eshbaal is used instead of... more
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      HistoriographyOnomasticsHebrew BibleJewish historiography
Yakov Leshchinsky’s 1928 essay, here translated from the Yiddish, provides the first cross-national analysis of the migration and class transformation of world Jewry in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It draws on diverse and... more
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      Economic HistorySociologyPolitical EconomyJewish Studies
for the full version of this study (open access, free of charge, html and pdf), see
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesJewish Thought
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMythology
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      Jewish StudiesHistory and MemoryHebrew BibleJewish History
for the full version of this paper (open access, free of charge and publicity, in html and pdf format), see
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesJewish Thought
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesJewish historiography
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)Eastern European and Russian Jewish History
This demonstrates the Mathematical Reasoning of the 9 Branches Candelabrum Menorah. Extract from the Book " God's Language " by Professor Thierry BROUWERS ( Book in Progress as of 8/30/2019. Published on 20/20/2020 ) "If I were... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish MysticismJewish HistoryJewish Thought
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesEthnic StudiesSelf and Identity
What the excavations at Sobibor they challenge a prehistorian?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
מדי פעם עוסקים אמצעי התקשורת בישראל בשאלה כיצד יכול הציבור החרדי בישראל לקיים את עצמו מבחינה כלכלית כאשר חלק ניכר מן הגברים ספון באולמות הישיבה ואילו למרבית הנשים החרדיות אין הכשרה מתאימה לשוק העבודה המודרני. השאלה מתחדדת עוד יותר כאשר... more
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      Jewish StudiesIsrael StudiesJewish HistoryJewish historiography
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      HistoryJewish StudiesHuman MemoryHistory and Memory
Profondément originale dans sa conception comme dans son écriture, cette enquête historique est une réflexion exemplaire sur les silences du passé. Lire la suite Exception en Europe, un État allié du Reich a refusé de déporter sa... more
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      Holocaust StudiesHistory of Central and Southeastern EuropeJewish historiographySoutheastern Europe
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      HistoryJewish StudiesHuman MemoryHistory and Memory
The Bulletin of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts. Journal of Eastern Studies / ed. E. Kotlyar. – Kharkiv: The Center for Eastern Studies of KSADA, 2010. – # 8 (Vol. 3: Jewish Art and the Ukrainian Context: Horizons of... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryJewish StudiesArchitecture
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      Jewish StudiesHistoriographyJewish historiographyModern Jewish Philosophy
"Secularism, the Christian Ambivalence Towards the Jews and the Notion of Exile," in: Ari Joskowicz and Ethan B. Katz (eds.), Secularism in Question: Jews and Judaism in Modern Times, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015)... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionCultural StudiesHebrew Literature
A considerable number of first-generation Holocaust researchers were Polish Jews: Philip Friedman, Isaiah Trunk, Józef Kermisz, Nachman Blumental, Rachel Auerbach, Michał Borwicz, Joseph Wulf, Szymon Datner, Artur Eisenbach, Tatjana... more
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      Jewish StudiesPolish HistoryYiddishEastern European and Russian Jewish History
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      GenealogyCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesCultural Heritage Conservation
בעיני החסידים, ובמידה רבה גם בעיניו של כלל הציבור היהודי, הצדיק החסידי הוא איש מופת בעל סגולות על־טבעיות, ורבים, גם בקרב מי שאינם חסידים מובהקים, נעזרו בברכותיו בשעת צרה. בזמנים שהייתה הקהילה כולה שרויה במשבר, למשל בעת מלחמה, גזֵרות,... more
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      Jewish StudiesIsrael StudiesJewish MysticismJewish History
Mystical Songs of Bratslav Hasidim
שיר ידידות לר' יחיאל מנדל ממדוודיוקה והתפתחות השיח הרדיקלי בחסידות ברסלב
(בסוף הקובץ צילום של עמוד מכתב היד)
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryIntellectual History
Eli Bitan's article on the Satmar Rebbe which includes a short interview with me.
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      Jewish StudiesIsrael StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryHistory of the Jews
Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld discusses that although we can never fully quantify dominant group privilege, by discarding the bifurcated polar perspective and, instead, chart privilege along a continuum taking into account context and identity... more
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      MulticulturalismSelf and IdentityJewish StudiesCritical Race Studies
Women are conspicuously absent from the Jewish mystical tradition. Even if historically some Jewish women may have experienced mystical revelations and led richly productive spiritual lives, the tradition does not preserve any record of... more
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      Gender StudiesJewish StudiesJewish MysticismGender and Sexuality
Recent years have seen the flourishing of research on Lithuanian Kabbalists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, to the point that some scholars speak of a defined and delineated stream of Kabbalah, a school unto itself dubbed... more
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      ReligionHistoryModern HistoryIntellectual History
שבחים חסידיים עלומים בטריפולי /  יונתן מאיר
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryCultural StudiesEastern European Studies
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionNew Religious MovementsMythology And Folklore
News from the Center of Jewish Studies at Harvard University
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      HistoryJewish LawJewish StudiesJewish History
In Living under the Evil Pope, Martina Mampieri presents the Hebrew Chronicle of Pope Paul IV, written in the second half of the sixteenth century by the Italian Jewish moneylender Benjamin Neḥemiah ben Elnathan (alias Guglielmo di... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesJewish StudiesEarly Modern History
"The article itself is available by subscription at : . For the open-access endnotes that tell how archaeology confirms each of the 50 persons in the... more
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      Jewish StudiesArchaeology of Ancient IsraelHebrew BibleBiblical Studies
Full Article:... more
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryJewish Studies
The history of the Coimbra's Jewish community . Middle Ages.
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPortuguese History
A mariner, a knight, the governor of the Isle of Guernsey, and a nobleman with influence at the English and the Portuguese courts – Edward Brampton, the son of a Jewish blacksmith, defied the so-called strict hierarchy of late medieval... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryJewish StudiesMedieval History
גרשם שלום -- תולדות התנועה השבתאית // History of the Sabbatian Movement was the first attempt by one of the giants of scholarship on Jewish mysticism, Gershom Scholem (1897-1982), to present a comprehensive picture of Sabbatianism as a... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual History
Throughout the nineteenth century, Maskilic journals increased their publication of anti-Hasidic satires. From the eighteen-sixties onward, this literature came primarily as a response to the revival in the publishing of Hasidic... more
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      ReligionEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
The strong connection between Arnaldo Momigliano’s historical work and his Jewish cultural upbringing is today widely accepted, and not simply as regards his intellectual biography. The fact that the editors of the present volume have... more
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      Intellectual HistoryJewish StudiesJewish historiographyArnaldo Momigliano
Holocaust research has expanded enormously in recent decades and consists by now of a series of subdomains. Nevertheless, the central domain was and remains the domain of “the core period”: the years of the Nazi regime, 1933–1945, and... more
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      Contemporary HistoryHistoriographyHolocaust StudiesNational Socialism