Jewish and Holocaust studies

56 papers
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Jewish and Holocaust studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the history, culture, and experiences of Jewish people, particularly focusing on the Holocaust's impact, including its historical, social, psychological, and ethical dimensions. It encompasses the study of antisemitism, Jewish identity, and the memory and representation of the Holocaust in various contexts.
Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung BETL Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum lovaniensium BibInt Biblical Interpretation BJS Brown Judaic Studies BTB Biblical Theology Bulletin BZAW Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die... more
The Israel Science Foundation sponsored research project Contending with Crises: The Jews in XIV th Century Europe at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem under the direction of Prof. Elisheva Baumgarten is offering short term (1-2 months)... more
Riflessione sull'importanza dei "Giusti delle nazioni del mondo"
E' il testo dell'intervento tenuto il 24 gennaio 2024 nella sala stampa di palazzo Montecitorio, in occasione della manifestazione dall'identico titolo promossa dal circolo culturale Economy Dem.
Israeli culture in the 1940s and 1950s was dominated by ideological considerations. Zionist films, as other aspects of Eretz-Israel and Israeli culture, distinctively propagated Zionist ideas. As a consequence of their sociopolitical... more
Opracowanie dotyczy sprawy karnej, rozpoznanej przez Wojskowy Sąd Specjalny przy Komendzie Głównej AK, przeciw pchor. Tadeuszowi Szatkowskiemu "Gromowi", żołnierzowi AK z placówki odbioru zrzutów pod Końskimi, oskarżonemu o... more
Most doctors’ testimonies, male and female, date from the earliest period, and it is some of these that I will discuss first and to which I will devote a major part of my analysis. However, my study will actually encompass the broader... more
It is not surprising that Yiddish, the language of medieval Ashkenazic Jewry, is rare in the Arabic-speaking world of the Genizah. Only a few leaves and a single-and highly significant-codex in Yiddish have been found in the Collection.... more
A Yiddish song, similar to Chad Gadya, said by some at the end of the Passover seder.
Discussion of the "Moshelech and Shlomelech" motif in Yiddish poems, tied to the story of the Polish town Radzin (Hebrew)
משה'לך שלמה'לך: נקמת הילד שגדל
A discussion of the different versions of the story of Kafka and the traveling doll in stories written for children and adults. In Hebrew.
אלה מסעות הבובה: מברלין להוליווד, מטרזינשטט לאושוויץ, מסיפור מתקתק לחלום בלהות
Die Geschichtswissenschaft hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten im Sinne eines Digital Turns der systematischen Bearbeitung von digitalisierten Zeitungen zugewendet. Dabei hat die Betrachtung der Berichterstattung außerhalb Deutschlands... more
“A trailblazing introduction to a budding field of digital Holocaust memory, combining insights from media studies, production studies, and reception studies. This volume aptly focuses on new technologies of commemoration, educational... more
Escaping revolutionary upheavals in Germany, Joseph Bloch arrived at the Port of Mobile in 1848 at the age of 22. Bloch experienced some of the truly formative conflicts of the age in Germany and in America. In his individual life, he... more
Remembrance in the Living Room is a Jewish-Israeli social initiative providing an intimate format for commemoration on the eve of Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance day, in the privacy of people's homes. This initiative, which was... more
To begin with, the individual and collective wartime experiences of Poles have been falsely universalized. Since the 1940s, those who found themselves in Poland during the war have been portrayed in the same terms, without drawing a... more
Israeli culture in the 1940s and 1950s was dominated by ideological considerations. Zionist films, as other aspects of Eretz-Israel and Israeli culture, distinctively propagated Zionist ideas. As a consequence of their sociopolitical... more
In English: The Great Extermination of Jews during the Second World War, known as the Holocaust or the Shoah, was of course a crime against the Jews, but committed not only by the Germans and their allies - from France and the... more
Remembrance in the Living Room is a Jewish-Israeli social initiative providing an intimate format for commemoration on the eve of Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance day, in the privacy of people's homes. This initiative, which was... more
Start of the campaign for the rescue of Jews by the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky in August 1942 is studied in the article. The author begins with an analysis of the August campaign in 1942 as a massive Holocaust of Lviv's Jewish... more
American Jewish Political Thought – At Home and Abroad. Digital Annual Conference of the Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture - Simon Dubnow, in cooperation with The Goldstein-Goren Center for American Jewish History at New... more
W świetle przeanalizowanych dokumentów Autor stawia tezę, że procesy z dekretu sierpniowego (31 VIII 1944 r., tzw. sierpniówka) noszą wyraźne piętno czasów w jakich powstały. W przypadku sądzenia żołnierzy Armii Krajowej na różnych... more
The review of the exhibition “WILHELM SASNAL. SUCH A LANDSCAPE" organized at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews from 17 June 2021 to 10 January 2021.
Poco prima della giornata della memoria è uscito un libro di una autrice canadese, secondo la quale la spia che avrebbe venduto i Frank ai nazisti, sarebbe Arnold van den Bergh, uno dei leader degli ebrei di Amsterdam e membro del Jewish... more
Dear Colleagues, The impact of the past on present identities, a dominant subject in 21st-century global art, has become an especially prominent feature of the art created in Israel. It is articulated in a plethora of artworks that... more
Die Rede von der Singularität des Holocaust schaffe »Opferkonkurrenz« und »Aufmerksamkeitskonflikte«: Michael Rothberg fordert in seinem Buch »Multidirektionale Erinnerung« ein neues Gedenken ein. Ein Vorbild findet er in den Debatten der... more
The power of the expert has long derived from the assumption that they bring objective, informed, and incisive analysis to the topics at hand. What those outside of academia may not understand, however, is that the standard of academic... more
Remembrance in the Living Room is a Jewish-Israeli social initiative providing an intimate format for commemoration on the eve of Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance day, in the privacy of people’s homes. This initiative, which was... more
The Cellar (Hamartef, Natan Gross, 1963) is a groundbreaking film—the only Israeli fictional film created by Holocaust survivors regarding the Holocaust and its aftermath from the perspective of a Holocaust survivor protagonist. Yet it... more
Israeli culture in the 1940s and 1950s was dominated by ideological considerations. Zionist films, as other aspects of Eretz-Israel and Israeli culture, distinctively propagated Zionist ideas. As a consequence of their sociopolitical... more
Front matter of Vol 31 Jewish culture places a great deal of emphasis on texts and their means of transmission. At various points in Jewish history, the primary mode of transmission has changed in response to political, geographical,... more
This review supports the idea that there is a modest distancing from Israel going on among non-Orthodox American Jews. But it raises the question of whether this distancing will continue, and whether this will prove harmful to both Israel... more
On November 30th and December 8th, 1941, German occupants and Latvian collaborators killed approximately 25000 Jewish men, women, and children in the forest of Rumbula in the southeast of Riga. It was the biggest mass shooting of Jews on... more
INTRODUCTION In the past U.S. administration, both, media and politicians, assigned the same Nazi lexicon of "concentration camps" to the immigration crisis of the US-Mexico border. This hyperbole created a revisionist polemic of the... more
Efforts to commemorate the victims of the 1903 Chişinǎu (Kishinev) pogrom and the Holocaust in Bessarabia and Transnistria have achieved varying degrees of success in the Republic of Moldova. Gaining public recognition for these... more
L'ultimo libro di Federico Steinhaus (Una giornata della memoria 364 giornate dell'indifferenza, Raetia, Bolzano 2019) è il punto di arrivo, per ora, di un impegno di lungo periodo dell'autore nella lotta contro l'antisemitismo in tutte... more
Article version of paper delivered at the 5th International Symposium on the History of the Jews in the Netherlands: "The Netherlands and Jewish Migration", 20-22 November 1988